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【個人詩集】 Dragonssss

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It lies not in our power to love or hate,

For will in us is over ruled by fate.

When two are stripped, long ere the course begin,

We wish that one should love,

the other win;And one especially do we affect

Of two gold ingots, like in each respect:

The reason no man knows;

let it suffice

What we behold is censured by our eyes.

Where both deliberate,

the love is slight:

Who ever loved,

that loved not at first sight?
Hope is a thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings a tune without words And never stops at all. I've heard it in the chilliest land And on the strangest sea Yet, never, in extremity It ask a crumb of me.

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Now I feel lost,

I don't know why,

if I lost you,

I can't survive,

when every time I miss you,

it always will rain,

tell me why baby.

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I am sorry to follow your shadow,

but your shadow is my only direction,

if I don't follow you,

I am lost and lonely,

I wish I can follow you,

like the leaf blow by wind,

silently follow the wind.

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Now it's time,

time to die,

die is nothing for me,

but I can't die without you,

because I want to die after you,

it sounds like I am fear of die,

but I really can't die before you,

if I die before you,

then it will be no one to protect you,

to love you,

to save you from the end of your life,

I wish you can understand.

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For 醉情深藍


If forever really exist,

then let me love you,

In this forever every day.

If forever didn't exist,

then let the time stop,

at that moment when I first love you.

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This is not a poetry. I just want to let someone know, how I feel about her.

I don't know you have read all these poeptries or not, but all these are for you.

If you understand, then give me chance to love you, to discribe how I feel about you.

I really want to be with you every day,

but I can't,

I know I shouldn't chose to come to U.S ,

but this is my only way to have my future,

I promise this time when I come back I will call you.

That's all I want to say.................

A 16-year-old child's feeling.

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In the Day,

you just like a sun,

shinny in my world.

In the night,

you just like a moon,

show the direction for me,

if I without you,

I will just like a king without kingdom,

lost and lonely.

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I promise,

I promise I won't leave you,

maybe for you it's just a joke,

but for me it's my whole life's entreat.

I try to let you happy,

but you just think I am a funny guy,

I try to stable your feeling,

you just think I am a nice guy,

I know it's almost immposible for me to see you again,

but I really, really wish I can see you again.

I wish you are the last person I will see when I die,

I also wish you are the first person I see why I alive.

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In the night,

I think about your mouse, your voice, your hair

Slient and thirsty....

I acted like a vagrant.

Sea can't not nourish me,

dawn make me broke apart.

I search for your footsteps whole day,

wish for your return....

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I wish for your sweety smile,

you have the hand that like sun shine color,

I like your snow white nail,

I want to taste what you like to eat,

I want to own your proud smile,

I want to catch the shadow in front of you,

to make the time go back,

I wish I can stop the time moving,

stop the time moving away from your love.....

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