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【個人詩集】 Dragonssss

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I loved her unconditionally for so long,

We had so much in common like our favorite song.

With her I've spent 6 years of my life,

Having to deal with the pain and strife.

Losing her every year,

My love, my dear.

After so long being separated,

I'm starting to forget why we dated.

As time moves on, so will I,

And eventually our love will die.

Now is that time for our love to pass,

Though it makes my heart break like glass.

My whole life has been by her side,

But finally my love has died.

Please don't forget me or the love that we shared,

Our love was so strong that we once bared.

I still hope she can be my friend,

But when it comes to love, it's our end.

My love for her is now gone,

So you see, my friend, it's time to move on....
Hope is a thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings a tune without words And never stops at all. I've heard it in the chilliest land And on the strangest sea Yet, never, in extremity It ask a crumb of me.

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Running through the broken centuries,
do you see the color of your feet?
Did you see the mystery it somehow made,
the coronation of your mistress's seat.

How crude of a remark did it make,
to suddenly see the dead king stand.
In all of your colors of glory,
you too somehow, got the upper hand.

Along the way you forgot your baby sister,
and yet then, had forgotten your mother.
No need to mention the other team players,
you forgot to die in the arms of your lover.

A player's hand, you comprehended on that darkened night.
A dream it was, we were so young,and so we played with fire.
Lost in love, we were such fools,never comprehending the end,
and with all hate came jealousy and rage in all desire.

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Love is a story being told,
Mental minds being twisted.

Twisted hearts and souls,looking out of peep holes,
Being watched from afar,By a man with no vision.

A man without sight,
Walks alone with a soul,far beyond his own.
Needing someone to hold,

But there is no love,as he was once told,
What might the future of his heart behold?

A beautiful young love which is made of mold,Heart made cold.
Indefinite love is what one loathes.

But the story of love, has yet to be told.

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What happened to you,
Where did you go?
You were the greatest friend
That I ever did know.

You lead me through
The thick and the thin,
You said you would be there
Until the very end.

You left me here
Scared and alone,I cannot even
Find my way home.

Why did you leave
During my darkest hour?
You were my lighthouse,
The tallest tower.

I am so scared...
Please come back to me.
Help me through this,

Help me become free.
Free from loneliness,
Free from fear.

Let me know that
You want to be near.
Can it be true
That I am now alone.

It has to be a dream
I feel as if I have been thrown.
Cast from you
So far away.

I am so lost Will I be okay?
I need you now
More than ever,
I am hurting so badly
It seems like forever.

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I still remember our first days together.
How we thought nothing of doing
those things people do while falling in love.

Walking in the rain,
catching falling snow,
picking wild flowers.

How long ago was that...seems like forever.
Now we always take our umbrella
when it looks like rain

We stay inside during those snow storms.
Everything just seemed so "right" back then
Not a care to worry about
Not a worry to care about.

I have to say I kind of miss those days from long ago
I miss the spirit we had
The excitement of falling in love with you
More than anything else, I miss us...

The way we were.
Caught up in the everyday world
and all the business a household demands

All the time we spend away from each other
Even while together.
Perhaps it's time we thought about leaving the umbrella at home

Maybe we should start looking forward to the falling snow again.
Please take my hand once more
Let's walk in the rain
Let's make some angels in the snow
Let's fall in love all over again.....

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回覆: Dragonssss

It all started like tiny little whispers
They spoke softly to my heart
Taking away those loose seams
Part by part

Singing that song like a lullabye
That lulled me to sleep
It became a part of my subconscious
A part of me to keep

Daily growing within my heart
Hardly noticing it was there
Daily becoming stronger
Feeding it without a care

I felt it like a flutter in my heart
But I liked the feeling of that butterfly
Resting there so gently
I couldn't bear to set it free and say good-bye

Yet so confused now
The whisper is not clear
How can I ruin this pure love
That I hold so near?

Pulling myself closer
Running far away all the while
It's time to say what must be said
And let go of this denial

But will you understand?
I'm afraid to see
How the sweetest truth
Could destroy both you and me

Now fear whispers in my heart
Tainting my dreams
I learned far too young
Nothing is as seems

So many questions
Running through my mind
Yet I'm afraid of the answers
I so desperatly seek to find

So let the whispers flutter
To the depths of my soul
I'll uncover them when ready
When I've gained control

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The first year,
you could say,we met.
I found out who you were,what you liked,and who you liked.

You, on the other hand,
knew nothing about me,
and I don't think you even cared to know.

The second year of loving youwas much easier.
You knew my name,
you knew who I was.
That friendship is what I treasured;
problem was,You didn't know I liked you more than just a friend,
and I don't think you wanted to know.

The third year was like the first.
You ignored my every word,
you ignored me,
the person you once knew.
Somewhere, deep down,I know you miss what we had.
I think I was the only one to take you seriously when it was necessary.

I had something you loved.
Maybe not the look,or the status,but the truth.
I hope one day,you realize I will always be waiting for you,
for you to break through the stereotypes,
and see me again.

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回覆: Dragonssss

Hold onto your dream,
No matter how hard the situation may seem,
There is light at the end of the road,
Just a little more and you can lighten your heavy load.

Hold onto your dream,
no matter what's the cost,
If you give up now that dream will forever be lost.
Always remember you are somebody,
there is no one else quite like you.
With hope and faith and your trust in God,
he will see you through.

Hold on to your dream and never give up,
To give up is to admit defeat.
Saying to yourself, "that is it, I've had enough.
"Knowing the reality that your dream will never be complete.

Hold onto your dreams like the early morning dew
holds onto the beautiful flowers that bloomin the month of May.
Your dream will someday come true
and you will see happiness in a very special way,
Knowing that you never gave up
In your life-long dream.

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回覆: Dragonssss

I have no life but this,

To lead it here;

Nor any death,

but lest

Dispelled from there;

Nor tie to earths to come,

Nor action new,

Except through this extent,

The Realm of You....

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回覆: Dragonssss

I don't know whether you remember or not,

since the last time we are together in that class,

I never forgot the about second,

I still remember, I still remember what you wear, what you do...

It had been over about 1 and half year we haven't met each other,

but for me it seens more than 10 years we haven't met.

No meter what happened I will always,

always be a spirit to protect even though I die.

I can understand someone else might love you,

you might fall in love with someone else,

but it's ok to tell me,

it won't hurt my feeling,

I just want you to be happy,

whatever it takes make you happy will be my duty, forever........

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