


Self-Hypnosis Recording自我催眠錄音
A Summary of Steps步驟摘要

19th Sep 2003
By Jonathan Chui
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
c  Copyright reserved

Preliminary advice (事前注意事項): Readers are strongly advised to obtain a thorough and up-to-date knowledge of hypnosis before practising it.  Initial use of hypnosis by beginners under proper supervision is also recommended.  Do consult a qualified hypnotist in case of doubt or necessity.

Caution (警告): Avoid driving or operating any dangerous machines or tools immediately after a session of hypnosis.  This Summary is designed for self use only.  Do not use it on anybody else.

Preparation (準備)

Retire to a comfortable location which is free from any major disturbance or sources of distraction.  Lie down on your back, arms parallel to your body, fingers loosely outstretched and palms downward.  Separate your feet by about 10 inches so that your thighs are not touching. Use a pillow if you wish.  If necessary remove clothing and shoes that bind you in any way.  The purpose is to get comfortable and relaxed.找一處不會被騷擾的地方,躺下雙臂與身體保持平衡,手指輕鬆張開,掌心向下。雙腿分開大約10英吋,如果有需要,可以墊上枕頭,鬆開或者 脫掉令你覺得束縳的衣物,務求使你的身體能完全鬆弛。

If you choose to sit up, make sure there will not be too much strain on any part of your body when you are in a very relaxed state.如果你要坐著進行,應選擇在身體完全鬆弛的狀態下仍不容易失去平衡的姿勢。

1.  Induction of trance (進入催眠狀態)

Sample script: Now fix your eyes on a spot on the ceiling and take three long, deep breaths.  Inhale (count to 8), hold the air in your lungs (count to 4), and exhale slowly (count to 8), relax all over.  Now the 2nd deep breath, in (count to 8), hold it (count to 4) and out (count to 8), and further relax all over.  The 3rd deep breath,  in (count to 8), hold it (count to 4), exhale slowly and send a wave of relaxation from your head all the way to the tips of your toes.
現在雙眼注視天花板上的一點,深呼吸三次:吸氣(從一數到八),閉氣(從一數到四),慢慢呼氣(從一數到八),全身放鬆;現在吸第二口氣(從一數到八), 閉氣(從一數到四),慢慢呼氣(從一數到八),全身再放鬆一些;現在吸第三口氣(從一數到八),閉氣(從一數到四),慢慢呼氣(從一數到八),讓一陣完全 鬆弛的感覺從頭擴散至腳趾尖;

2. Deepening (增加深度)

Sample script: Picture yourself taking an elevator from the 10/F rather slowly down to the 1st floor.  You can see the dial which shows the numbers of the floors as you pass them.  10.  You are going down slowly.  (pause)  9.  You are going deeper and deeper.   (pause)  8.  You become more and more relaxed.   (pause)  7. Every muscle of yours is feeling loose and limp.   (pause)  6.  You are going deeper and deeper into the comfort of relaxation ............
想像自己進入升降機,從十樓慢慢下降到一樓。你可以看到顯示樓層的燈逐一閃亮。十,你慢慢下降,(稍停),九,你愈降愈低,(稍停),你覺得愈來愈輕鬆, (稍停),七,你的所有肌肉和每一條神經線都感覺到鬆弛、無力,(稍停),六,你已經深深進入了舒適的鬆弛狀態......

3.  Suggestions (作出提示)

Sample script: Whenever you are under hypnosis, you awaken immediately in case of emergency, alert and completely normal in every way.  You automatically achieve the proper balance between the conscious and the subconscious, so that all your suggestions are readily accepted.  You go into hypnosis more and more quickly, easily and safely every time you practise it.  You stay completely free of hypnosis while driving a motor vehicle or operating dangerous machinery.......
每次你進入催眠狀態後,如果出現緊急情況,你馬上醒覺過來,而且在每一方面都保持醒覺和完全正常。你的意識與潛意識自動平衡過來,令你所有提示都順利進入 潛意識。每次練習,你進入催眠狀態的時間愈來愈快,而且愈來愈容易,愈來愈安全,當你駕駛和操作危險的機器的時候,你完全不會進入催眠狀態..…..

(Use the given suggestion principles, structure and administer your own suggestions as desired.  採用上面介紹的提示原則,編寫和說出自己的提示。)

5.  Awakening (離開催眠狀態)

Sample script: Now, enter the elevator and go back to the 1st floor.  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. You are wide awake at the count of 5.  One.  You are waking up now.  When you awaken, you feel full of pep and energy.  Two.  More and more awake!  Three.  You feel refreshed and perfect.  Four.  Energized and full of vigour.  Five.  Fully aware.  Eyes open.  Wide awake now.  Take a deep breath, stretch your body and feel good.



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