
樓主: 嘿YO

回覆: ∞正義的∞有何解釋?


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回覆: ∞正義的∞有何解釋?

If you dont mind i ll type in english
INfinite justice means Athrun will finally show the no limited justice that he always had and he is going to show the world of it with this INFINIT JUSTICE
for Kira the freedom is called strike freedom because the freesom is striking back ppl can now hav freedom as strike freedom will release the ppl from their pain as in few episodes u can see ppl gettin torture by the Naturals therefore Futan is not doing what ever he like to make it sound gd because the word Knight gives a sense of justice however justice was already named straight with justice so they change the name into INfinit

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回覆: ∞正義的∞有何解釋?

= = |||

其實他們在取無限的正義之前至少有三種名稱 :

1 黑武者 ( 最早 ) > 2 無敵正義 ( 第一次換名稱 ) > 3 無限的正義 ( 日本小說翻譯成<<複製正義>> )

所以各位不要再吵了 ( 這算是古文吧 )

因為 < 小全 > 在很早就爲各位做解釋了 .

攻擊自由也是同理可證 .

無限自由 > 翔翼自由 > 攻擊自由( 日本小說翻譯成<<永恆自由>> )

以上 ..............................

沒了 = = +

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