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回覆: GUNZ的問題
項目: 總說明
裝備欄有12 個槽孔。 您能改變字符的出現或提高作戰或防禦力量由交換項目在槽孔。
例如, 您無法穿上長褲代替套頭衫或一杆槍為套頭衫。
但是, 一些項目可能登上入多個槽孔。
一些項目的性別制約(特別是防禦項目) 將設法判斷字符性別在登上項目之前。
換句話說, 有一些項目完全被設計為女性或男性。
在那些項目的情況下完全被選定一個性別, 沒有方式做那些在相反性別被裝備以他們。
GunZ 的人的字符可能運載項目一樣重像100 。
特技效果在槍和魔術共存的這個世界裡, 一些項目有特別能力以秘密奧秘或神祝福。
HP: 它可能改進您的最大HP(血量 點數) 某種程度上。
AP: 它可能改進您的AP(防禦 點數) 某種程度上。
MAX 載重量: 它可能改進您能運載的最高重量。
FR: 它允許您有一些免疫反對火。
CR: 它允許您有一些免疫反對寒冷。
PR: 它允許您有一些免疫反對毒物。
LR: 它允許您有一些免疫反對電。
Items : General Information
A character has 12 slots. You can change the appearance of a character or enhance combat or defense power by exchanging items in the slots. The detailed features of the items that you should pay attention to are as follows:
Exclusive Slot All the items have different slots that fit them. For example, you cannot put on trousers instead of the jumper or a gun for a jumper. So make sure to confirm the slot to use before selecting an item. However, some items can be mounted into multiple slots.
Gender Restriction Some items (especially defense items) will try to judge the gender of the character before mounting an item. In other words, there are some items exclusively designed for female or male. In case of those items designated exclusively for one gender, there is no way to make those in the opposite gender be equipped with them.
Level Restriction Some items may restrict the level of the users that can use them in order to prevent characters of too low levels from using them. So make sure to check whether you are qualified to use the item before acquiring one.
Weight All the items have certain weight values. The human character of the GunZ can carry items as heavy as up to 100. You are not allowed to possess items above this weight limit and make sure to distribute the weight evenly as most of the excellent quality weapons and defense devices are quite heavy in line with their performance.
Special Effect In this world where the guns and magic coexist, some items have special capabilities with the secret mystery or the blessing of gods.
HP: It can improve your maximum HP(Health Point) to a certain degree.
AP: It can improve your AP(Armor Point) to a certain degree.
MAX WT.: It can improve the maximum weight that you can carry.
FR: It allows you to have some immunity against fire.
CR: It allows you to have some immunity against cold.
PR: It allows you to have some immunity against poison.
LR: It allows you to have some immunity against electricity.
Also there are some items what can restrict your special movement.
(組隊模式你死亡後可以看到隊友或他人的 HP和AP ←你看到都是100 是因為這是以100%來計算)

像是我發現GunZ還有裝武器很棒的方法...乾脆來分享給大家好了= = |