

Dear Steam user (account name: alisamoe2408),

This is an automated message generated by Steam account administration.

Steam has detected that your copy of Half-Life 2 Retail Standard has already been registered to another Steam user. Your product's CD-Key (the number printed on the CD case which you were asked to type in after installing the game) matches one already in our database.

The CD-Key you entered is: .......................(隱藏處置= =")

You will not be able to play Half-Life 2 Retail Standard unless you provide an unclaimed CD-Key. To provide an unclaimed CD-Key, you will need a copy of Half-Life 2 Retail Standard which has not already been registered on Steam. Double-click on the name of the game in Steam's "Games" window and then follow the given instructions.

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The Steam Support TeamTo contact us, email


This notification has been sent to the e-mail address you provided when you created your Steam account.
For information on Valve's privacy policy, please visit http://www.valvesoftware.com/privacy.htm

ID:邪惡麵包 有空記得買麵包嘿~小心變邪惡喔~"~ 歡迎大家找我聊天^Q^
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Steam用戶(帳戶名: alisamoe2408)先生


蒸氣查出了那個2Retail Standard已經被另外的Steam登記了的你的拷貝的Half-人生用戶。 貴社的產品的被被請求了CD鑰匙(你安裝遊戲之後類型穿(戴)的CD情況印刷了的數)已經適合我們的數據庫的1個。

你放入了的CD鑰匙是以下的大街。 .......................(隱藏處置==”)

不提供不被要求的CD鑰匙,你不能做Half-人生2Retail Standard表演技藝吧。 為了提供不被要求的CD鑰匙,你把被Steam已經沒登記的Half-人生2Retail Standard的拷貝作為必要吧。 請由於Steam的「遊戲」的窗重要的事雙擊,並且,其次,請遵從被給予的指示。

新的幫助或者產品支持、 http://www.steampowered.請訪問c
om 。


Steam Support TeamTo與我們聯繫,郵件 support@steampowered.
是com 。
[IMG]http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f111/yuffieismylike/YjY.jpg[/IMG] Yuffie...第一次見到就萌上囉

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[QUOTE='麵包']Dear Steam user (account name: alisamoe2408),

This is an automated message generated by Steam account administration.

Steam has detected that your copy of Half-Life 2 Retail Standard has already been registered to another Steam user. Your product's CD-Key (the number printed on the CD case which...『刪除過多引言』[/QUOTE]

親愛的Steam用戶( 賬戶名︰alisamoe2408), 這是因為Steam賬管理被產生的一條自動化的消息。 Steam已經發現半衰期2個零售標準的你的副本已經被記錄給另一個Steam用戶了。 你的產品的CD 關鍵( 數目在CD 箱上打印,在安裝比賽之后,你被要求鍵入)已經在我們的數據庫裡的比賽一。 你進入的CD 關鍵是︰............................................................................................( ( 隱藏處置= =") 你將不能半衰期演奏2零售標準除非你提供無人認領CD 鑰匙。 為了提供一把無人認領的CD 鑰匙,你將需要沒已經被在Steam上記錄的2個零售標準。 在Steam的"比賽"窗口中雙擊比賽的名字然後遵循規定的指令。


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