


想請版主代為PO一篇英文版的內容 發往韓國官方的電子郵件



還有把斷線處理BUG 慢如牛步 甚至不把BUG回報官方的事情都一起投訴最好


因為在網咖 居然有人在測試WOW的外掛 還連掛7個人 然後組隊闖關{真想罵人.我還跟他聊1個多小時.假裝對他的創作(外掛)有興趣}






Copyight⊕2002PLYFORUMlnc.ALL Reserved(這是韓國官方打的)

x2game: [email="rfonline@x2online.co.kr"]rfonline@x2online.co.kr[/email]
CCR: [email="swcho@ccr.co.kr"]swcho@ccr.co.kr[/email] <~這是收件人

Complaint about BOT problems in RF Online (寄件的標題打這個)


本人為一位熱愛貴公司RF遊戲之玩家,和作為貴公司之海外顧客,現欲投訴遊戲新幹線(台灣) 公司之無能處理外掛問題事宜。
從公開測試開始,很多玩家回應發現很多疑似自動練公(BOT) 角色,大量充斥於RF遊戲內各個區域。 它們的特性是有著一致性的打怪和移動模式。
雖然遊戲新幹線宣稱他們已盡力去清理外掛玩家,但是事實上使用外掛玩家之數量是非常高,甚至已到達失控的地步。 主因是現在流行一種新型的外掛,只需在一部電腦安裝了這種外掛程式後,便可把藥水延遲取消.技能延遲取消。 此種外掛我們正常玩家稱之為「RF特攻,並已知道該外掛程式由中國大陸人製造出來。
此種「RF特攻」嚴重影響遊戲伺服器之穩定和流暢,原因在於外掛程式會發放大量非法的資料包封,伺服器也可能隨時因此而故障維修。 正因為這特性,遊戲的公平性亦嚴重受損! 可是遊戲新幹線仍然忽視此問題之嚴重性,並依然默守成規地,使用過往分辨普通的「單獨型外掛角色」的方法。 結果當然是令「RF特攻」逍遙法外,並公然在遊戲世界內,四處繼續使用不當方式賺取遊戲的金錢,甚至妨礙正常玩家打怪。
很多正當玩家經BUG回報系統系統向遊戲新幹線投訴以上情況,查詢為甚麼GM對此種新型外掛束手無策,可惜也只感到失望和沮喪。 從遊戲新幹線無誠意的官方回覆,表示只會依照過往策略,亦即隱身觀察懷疑「某一」玩家,作為抓取任何外掛的標準。
這種不負責任的解釋,竟然由遊戲新幹線官腔口中說出。 對於一個遵守遊戲章規的正常玩家是公平嗎? 此等RF特攻猖獗的情況以從台灣OB(公開測試)開始到現在,從遊戲內身邊的朋友知道,很多玩家都因此外掛問題而放棄RF遊戲。 若問題沒有合理地改善,本人亦考慮退出遊戲。
這是一個很好的時機,證明貴公司和台灣子公司(遊戲新幹線) 消滅外掛之決心。 既然作為RF遊戲之母公司,我希望貴公司能向台灣子公司(遊戲新幹線) ,發出有力和清晰指示,著令他們立即跟進外掛猖獗的問題並盡快改善。


遊戲ID (請寫出遊戲內本尊的ID…表示你的確是他們顧客)
伺服器 X(寫出您所玩的伺服器.以及伺服器名稱)


Dear Sir, Madem,

RE: Complaint about BOT problems in RF Online

I have been playing RF Online for a long time, and I really love this game. However, being a player and as a customer, I have to complain about the BOT problem.

Starting from the Open Public Beta Test, many players have already seen the existence of BOTs., and they are everywhere in game. They all share the same smiliarity: repeating the same action.

Although Gameflier assured that they tried their best to clear out all the BOTs, however, the number of BOTs in the game is still very high, and it is nearly out of control. This is probably because of the release of a new BOT programme, which we called "the RF specialforce". Its function is to cancel out the Skill delay and the Potion-intake delay. It is known to be designed in China.

Such BOT programme complete destoryed the game balance and is not fair to all normal players. It also greatly reduces the stability of the game servers, as "RF Specialforce" will send out lots of patches which interrupt the servers' working, and sometimes may result in unexpectable server error and unscheduled server-repair, and this is highly annoying.

No matter how badly "RF Specialforce" is doing to the game, Gameflier still using the same old method to identify BOTs, which is never going to work on "RF Specialforce". As a result, players keep using BOTs and hence interrupt other players' gaming.

A lot of players have reported to the GM about the BOT usersm and have inquried why there is such a huge amount of BOT players. However, the official replies are disappointing and depressing, as they only assured to ban BOT players using their old method, that is, supervising a suspecious player for a period of time, in order to determine whether he or she is using BOT or not, but never think of a way to eliminate running of BOTs in the game.

Is such a response fair for a paying gamer? Why would online-game players want to pay for a game where they cannot play it happily and BOT-free? Many players gave up RF Online and many of they hold the same reason: BOTs Rampage. If the BOTs rampage continues to be like this, and without any good solution, I think in the near future I will leave RF Online as well.

RF Online is, indubitably, a very good and successful MMORPG. I hope that x2game and CCR together with Gameflier, can set up a stragety against the BOTs. Set the target and solutions well and clear, and make sure the actions are taken. Please look into the matter and take the action!

Thanks for reading my complaint. Hope can hear from you ASAP.

MY Game ID: xxxxx(請寫出遊戲內本尊的ID…表示你的確是他們顧客)
Server: xxxxx(寫出您所玩的伺服器.以及伺服器名稱)

RF Online Player (HK/TW)

另外這是 斷線最新的公告實在唬爛:




斷線勒 GM只會說觀察.他們眼睛好像很好很白唷!!

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回覆: 我想發起投訴斷線代理RF 不管BOT的書信

支持支持= =
伺服:阿拉洋 種族:A族 id:我要用A族(不玩了=.=) --------------------

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回覆: 我想發起投訴斷線代理RF 不管BOT的書信


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回覆: 我想發起投訴斷線代理RF 不管BOT的書信

支持   推上去...........
BUT英文很差= = 考試都個位數
[center][size=4][color=red]伺服器:17S[/color][/size][/center] [center][size=4][color=yellow]B族 40等[/color][/size][/center] [center][size=4][color=darkorchid]公會:機甲雄獅[/color][/size][/center] [center][size=4][color=royalblue]ID: 康爽 AND 爽爽 [/color][/size][/center]

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回覆: 我想發起投訴斷線代理RF 不管BOT的書信


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- 守‧羽 ::

回覆: 我想發起投訴斷線代理RF 不管BOT的書信

本人為一位熱愛貴公司RF遊戲之玩家,和作為貴公司之海外顧客,現欲投訴遊戲新幹線(台灣) 公司之無能處理外掛問題事宜。
從公開測試開始,很多玩家回應發現很多疑似自動練公(BOT) 角色,大量充斥於RF遊戲內各個區域。 它們的特性是有著一致性的打怪和移動模式。
雖然遊戲新幹線宣稱他們已盡力去清理外掛玩家,但是事實上使用外掛玩家之數量是非常高,甚至已到達失控的地步。 主因是現在流行一種新型的外掛,只需在一部電腦安裝了這種外掛程式後,便可把藥水延遲取消.技能延遲取消。 此種外掛我們正常玩家稱之為「RF特攻,並已知道該外掛程式由中國大陸人製造出來。
此種「RF特攻」嚴重影響遊戲伺服器之穩定和流暢,原因在於外掛程式會發放大量非法的資料包封,伺服器也可能隨時因此而故障維修。 正因為這特性,遊戲的公平性亦嚴重受損! 可是遊戲新幹線仍然忽視此問題之嚴重性,並依然默守成規地,使用過往分辨普通的「單獨型外掛角色」的方法。 結果當然是令「RF特攻」逍遙法外,並公然在遊戲世界內,四處繼續使用不當方式賺取遊戲的金錢,甚至妨礙正常玩家打怪。
很多正當玩家經BUG回報系統系統向遊戲新幹線投訴以上情況,查詢為甚麼GM對此種新型外掛束手無策,可惜也只感到失望和沮喪。 從遊戲新幹線無誠意的官方回覆,表示只會依照過往策略,亦即隱身觀察懷疑「某一」玩家,作為抓取任何外掛的標準。
這種不負責任的解釋,竟然由遊戲新幹線官腔口中說出。 對於一個遵守遊戲章規的正常玩家是公平嗎? 此等RF特攻猖獗的情況以從台灣OB(公開測試)開始到現在,從遊戲內身邊的朋友知道,很多玩家都因此外掛問題而放棄RF遊戲。 若問題沒有合理地改善,本人亦考慮退出遊戲。
這是一個很好的時機,證明貴公司和台灣子公司(遊戲新幹線) 消滅外掛之決心。 既然作為RF遊戲之母公司,我希望貴公司能向台灣子公司(遊戲新幹線) ,發出有力和清晰指示,著令他們立即跟進外掛猖獗的問題並盡快改善。


遊戲ID (請寫出遊戲內本尊的ID…表示你的確是他們顧客)
伺服器 X


Dear Sir, Madem,

RE: Complaint about BOT problems in RF Online

I have been playing RF Online for a long time, and I really love this game. However, being a player and as a customer, I have to complain about the BOT problem.

Starting from the Open Public Beta Test, many players have already seen the existence of BOTs., and they are everywhere in game. They all share the same smiliarity: repeating the same action.

Although Gameflier assured that they tried their best to clear out all the BOTs, however, the number of BOTs in the game is still very high, and it is nearly out of control. This is probably because of the release of a new BOT programme, which we called "the RF specialforce". Its function is to cancel out the Skill delay and the Potion-intake delay. It is known to be designed in China.

Such BOT programme complete destoryed the game balance and is not fair to all normal players. It also greatly reduces the stability of the game servers, as "RF Specialforce" will send out lots of patches which interrupt the servers' working, and sometimes may result in unexpectable server error and unscheduled server-repair, and this is highly annoying.

No matter how badly "RF Specialforce" is doing to the game, Gameflier still using the same old method to identify BOTs, which is never going to work on "RF Specialforce". As a result, players keep using BOTs and hence interrupt other players' gaming.

A lot of players have reported to the GM about the BOT usersm and have inquried why there is such a huge amount of BOT players. However, the official replies are disappointing and depressing, as they only assured to ban BOT players using their old method, that is, supervising a suspecious player for a period of time, in order to determine whether he or she is using BOT or not, but never think of a way to eliminate running of BOTs in the game.

Is such a response fair for a paying gamer? Why would online-game players want to pay for a game where they cannot play it happily and BOT-free? Many players gave up RF Online and many of they hold the same reason: BOTs Rampage. If the BOTs rampage continues to be like this, and without any good solution, I think in the near future I will leave RF Online as well.

RF Online is, indubitably, a very good and successful MMORPG. I hope that x2game and CCR together with Gameflier, can set up a stragety against the BOTs. Set the target and solutions well and clear, and make sure the actions are taken. Please look into the matter and take the action!

Thanks for reading my complaint. Hope can hear from you ASAP.

MY Game ID: xxxxx
Server: xxxxx

RF Online Player (HK/TW)
:: 自分が分るくせに、やはりあなたを愛するよ ::

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回覆: 大家聯合一起投書到韓國官方投訴遊戲新幹線不當的管理






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- 守‧羽 ::

回覆: 大家聯合一起投書到韓國官方投訴遊戲新幹線不當的管理






文章中提到請韓國方面和台灣的斷線合作. 但我忘了韓國方面的公司是哪一間...
台灣的是 Gameflier 沒錯吧... 韓國方面忘了是哪一間... 我之前打了 NC Soft (這是錯的吧..).. 現在改了作 x2game 和 CCR.. 順帶把小貝的第一篇的都改了...

至於 email 地址方面...
x2game: [email="rfonline@x2online.co.kr"]rfonline@x2online.co.kr[/email]
CCR: [email="swcho@ccr.co.kr"]swcho@ccr.co.kr[/email]

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回覆: 大家聯合一起投書到韓國官方投訴遊戲新幹線不當的管理

[QUOTE=artifact]文章中提到請韓國方面和台灣的斷線合作. 但我忘了韓國方面的公司是哪一間...
台灣的是 Gameflier 沒錯吧... 韓國方面忘了是哪一間... 我之前打了 NC Soft (這是錯的吧..).. 現在改了作 x2game 和 CCR.. 順帶把小貝的第一篇的都改了...

至於 email 地址方面...
x2game: [email="rfonline@x2online.co.kr"]rfonline@x2online.co.kr[/email]
CCR: [email="swcho@ccr.co.kr"]swcho@ccr.co.kr[/email]  [/QUOTE]

奧您辛苦了 感恩 您幫好多大忙(我真慚愧.想寫信都不會寫.................



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回覆: 大家聯合一起投書到韓國官方投訴遊戲新幹線不當的管理


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