
樓主: Chaotic Unknown

回覆: 東方回夢音~Recollection Of Dreams~

意, 意志力~~~~~~~~~撐啊嚕QoQ!!!!!!
[SIZE=2]OPERATION Imperishable Night Manga Prolouge Activate!! [IMG]http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs10/i/2006/139/1/e/Phenix_Rebirth_by_Chaotic_Unknown.jpg[/IMG] 謎樣對話繼續...... 雷斯特: 這雙束縛妳自由的羽翼....將由我來折斷!! 翱翔於天空, 不一定需要翅膀.....在妳我心的天空裡...... 蜜菲蒂兒: 雷....斯特..... 也有毀滅的幻想.......破壞是美麗的........ [/SIZE]

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回覆: 東方回夢音~Recollection Of Dreams~

嗚嚕........Q0Q 越來越少時間畫畫了.........嗚~~~不過一定要堅持下去, 畢竟這是第一次畫漫畫.......要有始有終!!!!!~~>0<

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回覆: 東方回夢音~Recollection Of Dreams~

再加一張~~~~~~~~~!!!!!! 這話終於快結束嚕~~也請有看滴大大们陪小的到最後吧~~終於終於要畫紫了T0T~~~~

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回覆: 東方回夢音~Recollection Of Dreams~


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回覆: 東方回夢音~Recollection Of Dreams~


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回覆: 東方回夢音~Recollection Of Dreams~


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回覆: 東方回夢音~Recollection Of Dreams~

Yukari & Yuyuko Continued~~*0*!!!!!!

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回覆: 東方回夢音~Recollection Of Dreams~

Muscle Rabbit X 2 VS Marisa & Alice Begin~~~~*0*!!!!!!

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回覆: 東方回夢音~Recollection Of Dreams~

Anti-Muscle Formation Battle Begin~!!!!Next will be GUNs VS SWORDs--Reisen VS Youmu~~*0*!!!!

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