
樓主: cashman543

回覆: 「AOE III」【世紀帝國3 正式版 】﹝HTTP下載﹞

Thank you very much.  

I had successfully download all file and played the game for a while.  However whenever I tried to reload a saved game, the game is hanging at the paused screen.  No can't continue no matter what button I press.  I had tried to reload or even re-installed yet without success.   

Any suggestion  .....???

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回覆: 「AOE III」【世紀帝國3 正式版 】﹝HTTP下載﹞


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回覆: 「AOE III」【世紀帝國3 正式版 】﹝HTTP下載﹞

[quote=alantse88]Thank you very much.

I had successfully download all file and played the game for a while. However whenever I tried to reload a saved game, the game is hanging at the paused screen. No can't continue no matter what button I press. I had tried to reload or even re-installed yet without success...[/quote]

hmm... cause I didn't even install this game in my compouter, ( I paly StarCraft only ) so i dun know how to solve ur problem, a new patch might help.. i will add the 1.03 patch to my first post. check back later.

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回覆: 「AOE III」【世紀帝國3 正式版 】﹝HTTP下載﹞


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回覆: 「AOE III」【世紀帝國3 正式版 】﹝HTTP下載﹞



Copy the rar compress file under the  it under the following folder.

        C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires III

Double to extract the files.  You will find 2 extra folders, i.e. "Data" and Fonts" will be extracted.  Re-start the game and u should see it is now running in Chinese.  

If you find the fonts is good enough.  Copy the attached bold type Chinese fonts to :-


You should now find much better.

Good Luck

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回覆: 「AOE III」【世紀帝國3 正式版 】﹝HTTP下載﹞


Copy the rar compress file under the it under the following folder.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires III

Double to extract the files. You will find 2 extra folders, i.e. "Da...[/quote]

lol.. thx for helping me out, but i dun think he can understnad what u r talking baout..

你把中文化解壓縮後的檔案,貼到 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires III 資料夾下,系統會詢問你是否要覆蓋,選是..即可

btw. does the new patch solve ur problem?

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回覆: 「AOE III」【世紀帝國3 正式版 】﹝HTTP下載﹞



還是連DISC 3都要下載??

不下載DISC 3會有甚麼後果?(DISC 2沒下載,安裝到一半跟我說要DISC 2 吐血吐死@.@ ,只好下載DISC 2了

沒有下載DISC 3會不會發生一樣的事情?

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回覆: 「AOE III」【世紀帝國3 正式版 】﹝HTTP下載﹞

當然是要下載= =不然我貼好看的?
貼來佔空間用的= =?

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回覆: 「AOE III」【世紀帝國3 正式版 】﹝HTTP下載﹞

[quote=cashman543]當然是要下載= =不然我貼好看的?
貼來佔空間用的= =?[/quote]


如果不下載DISC 3會怎樣?

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回覆: 「AOE III」【世紀帝國3 正式版 】﹝HTTP下載﹞



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