


- 守‧羽 ::

今天給我無意發現了新職業的技能表~ XD
所以 Po 上來先讓大家飽一飽眼福~ XD
還有 Ritualist (祭師) 的技能表~
但因技能眾多~ 所以打算分開來 Po >"<
累啊 XD ...
不過若發現其實已有人貼了我可能會... (趴掉)

Critical Strikes: (致命攻擊) - [刺客專用]
每升一級, 你便額外多 1% 的機會造成致命攻擊效果. 每一下成功的致命攻擊將回復 2 點 MP 值.

For Each rank of Critical Strikes you have, you gaine an additional 1% chance to critical hit. You gain 2 Energy whenever you score a critical hit this way.

Dagger Mastery: (首精通)
首精通提昇你仗用首時的攻擊力. 愈高級則首系的技能攻擊力和效果亦相對提昇.
Dagger Mastery increases the damage you do with daggers and your chance to inflict a critical hit when using a dagger. Many skills, especially dagger attack skills, become more effective with higher Dagger Mastery.

Deadly Arts: (致命術)
No inherant effect. Many Assassin skills, espeically those related to harming enemies, become more effective with Deadly Arts.
Shadow Arts: (影子術)
No inherent effect. Many assassin skills, especially those related to defense and moving as a shadow become more effective with higher Shadow Arts.

Critical Strikes (致命攻擊)
Black Lotus Strike (黑蓮之擊)
只能攻擊有降咒之敵人. 若擊中, 則黑蓮之擊額外造成 1~25 點傷害而你則獲得 5~17 點 MP 值
Must strike a Hexed foe. If it hits, Black Lotus Strike strikes for +1-25 damage and you gain 5-17 Energy.

Critical Defenses (致命防禦)
4 秒內, 你有 25~45% 的機會擋格對方攻擊. 每一次成功造成致命攻擊, 則致命防禦的時限延長 4 秒.
For 4 seconds, you have 25-45% chance to block. Critical Defenses refreshes every time you land a critical hit.

Critical Eye (致命之眼)
在 10~30 秒之內, 你在攻擊時的致命攻擊成功率提昇 1~6%. 每成功造成致命攻擊則 MP 值回復一點.
For 10-30 seconds, you have an additional 1-6% chance to land a critical hit when attacking. You gain 1 Energy whenever you score a critical hit.

Critical Strike (致命一擊)
只能使用於 Off-hand skills 技之後. 若擊中, 額外造成 1~8 點傷害並且本身攻擊成為致命攻擊.
Must follow an off-hand attack. If it hits, this attack strikes for +1-8 damage and results in a critical hit.

Dark Apostasy (闇之傳道) - [精英]
在 10~30 秒內, 每當你成功造成致命攻擊, 自動移除對方一個加持. 若以此法每移除一個加持, 則在闇之傳道結束時你失去 15~8 點 MP 值.
For 10-30 seconds, every time you successfully make a critical hit, you remove one Enchantment from your target. If you remove an Enchantment in this way, you lose 15-8 Energy or Dark Apostasy ends.

Locusts' Fury (蝗蟲之怒)
在 10~30 秒內, 你有 20% 機會造成雙重攻擊.
For 10-30 seconds, you have an additional 20% chance to double strike.

Palm Strike (黯然銷魂掌) - [精英] <--- 想不到別的名稱 XD
被擊中之敵人受到 5~53 點影子傷害. 此技能算作隨意技.
Target touched foe is strick for 5-53 shadow damage. This skill counts as an off hand attack.

Seeping Wound (滲透之傷) - [精英]
在 5 ~17 秒內, 若對方已在失血或中毒狀態, 則生命回復力再 -2.
For 5-17 seconds, if target foe is suffering from Bleeding or Poison, that foe suffers Health degeration of -2.

Sharpen Daggers (尖銳匕首)
在 10~30 秒內, 所以你造成的致命傷害也會造成 5~ 13 秒的失血狀態.
For 10-30 seconds, all of your critical hits cause Bleeding for 5-13 seconds..

Unsuspecting Strike (出奇不意)
若擊中, 則額外造成 1~25 點傷害. 若對方生命高於 90%, 則再造成 10~34 點傷害.
If this attack hits, you strike for +1-25 damage. If your target was above 90% Health you deal an additional 10-34 damage.

Dagger Mastery (匕首精通)
Black Mantis Thrust
若擊中, 則額外造成 5~17 點傷害. 若對方已受降咒影響, 則造成跛足狀態.
If this attack hits, you strike for +5-17 damage. If target foe is suffering from a Hex, that foe is Crippled for 3-13 seconds.

Blades of Steel (鋼鐵劍影)
只能使用於 Off-Hand 技之後. 若擊中, 則身上每有一個回復中的匕首技能便造成 1~6 點傷害.
Must follow an off-hand attack. If it hits, this attack strikes for +1-6 damage for each recharging dagger attack.

Death Blossom (死亡之花)
只能使用於 Off-Hand 技之後. 若擊中, 死亡之花將對對方造成 10~22 點額外傷害及其周圍之敵人將受到 10~22 點傷害
Must follow an off-hand attack. If it hits, Death Blossom strikes for +10-22 damage against target foe and all adjacent foes take 10-22 damage.

Desperate Strike (孤注一擲)
若你的生命少於 25~61%, 則於對方身上造成 4~41 點額外傷害.
If you have less than 25-61% Health, you deal +5-41 damage.

Disrupting Stab (混亂刺擊)
若此擊命中, 則干擾對方的動作. 若對方的動作為施法, 則該法術被禁用 3~9 秒.
If this attack hits, it interrupts target foe's action. If that action was a Spell, it is disabled for 3-9 seconds.

Exhausting Failure (氣衰力竭)
只能使用於 Off-Hand 技之後. 對方之動作受到干擾. 若對方之動作為施法, 則受到精氣敗壞影響.
Must follow an off-hand attack. Target foe's action is interrupted. If that action was casting a spell, target foe suffers from exhaustion.

Falling Spider (落蜘蛛)
只能攻擊已被擊倒之敵人. 若擊中, 落蜘蛛額外造成 5~19 點傷害, 及對方中抃 5~17 秒.
Must strike a knocked-down foe. If it hits, Falling Spider strikes for +5-29 damage and target foe is Poisoned for 5-17 seconds.

Flashing Blades (閃光劍影) - [精英]
在 5~17 秒內, 你有 50% 機會於攻擊中擋格所有攻擊.
For 5-17 seconds, you have a 50% chance to block incoming attacks while attacking.

Fox Fangs (狐狸之牙)
只能使用於 Lead Attack 之後. 狐狸之牙不能被擋格或迴避. 擊中時額外造成 5~17 點傷害.
Must follow a lead attack. Fox Fangs cannot be "blocked" or "evaded" and strikes for +5-17 damage if it hits.

Golden Lotus Strike (金蓮之殺)
若擊中, 造成 1~16 點額外傷害. 若對方身上沒有加持, 則你的 MP 值回復 3~9 點.
If it hits, this attack strikes for +1-16 damage. If it hits a target that has no enchantments, you gain 3-9 Energy.

Golden Phoenix Strike (金鳳凰殺)
只能攻擊有加持的敵人. 若擊中, 金鳳凰殺則造成 10~26 點額外傷害.
Must strike an Enchanted foe. If it hits, Golden Phoenix Strike deals +10-26 damage.

Horns of the Ox (牛之角)
只能使用於 Off-Hand 技之後. 若擊中, 牛之角將造成 5~13 點傷害. 若對方附近並沒盟友, 則被擊倒.
Must follow an off-hand attack. If it hits, Horns of the Ox strikes for +5-13 damage. If struck foe is not adjacent to any allies, that foe is knocked down.

Jagged Strike (撕裂之擊)
若擊中, 則對方失血 3~8 秒.
If Jagged Strike hits, your target suffers from Bleeding for 3-8 seconds.

Jungle Strike (森之殺)
只能用於 Lead Attack 之後. 若擊中, 則造成額外 5~17 點傷害. 若對方已受跛足影響, 則再造成 1~25 點傷害.
Must follow a lead attack. If it hits, this attack strikes for +5-17 damage. If it hits a foe that was Crippled, it does +1-25 damage.

Mantis Sting
若擊中, 則造成 5~17 點額外傷害. 若對方正在逃避, 則對方受跛足影響 3~13 秒.
If Mantis Sting hits, target foe takes +5-17 damage. If this attack strikes a fleeing foe, that foe is Crippled for 3-13 seconds..

Moebius Strike - [精英]
只能用於 Dual Attack 技之後. 若擊中, 造成 5~29 點額外傷害. 若對方生命少於 50%, 則你所有其他技能瞬間回復.
Must follow a Dual Attack. If it hits, Moebius Strike strikes for +5-29 damage. If you strike a foe whose Health is below 50%, all your other attack skills are recharged.

Nine Tail Strike (九尾狐殺)
只能用於 Off-Hand 技之後. 九尾殺技不能被擋格或迴避. 擊中時造成 5~13 點傷害.
Must follow an off-hand attack. Nine Tail Strike cannot be "blocked" or "evaded" and strikes for +5-13 damage if it hits.

Repeating Strike (連續技)
只能用於 Off-Hand 技之後. 若擊中, 則造成 5~17 點額外傷害. 若擊不中, 則下一次回復時間延長 15 秒.
Must follow an off-hand attack. If it hits, this attack strikes for +5-17 damage. If it misses, it takes an additional 15 seconds to recharge.

Temple Strike (聖殿擊殺) - [精英]
只能用於 Lead Attack 之後. 若擊中, 對方行動將受到干擾, 迷亂和眼盲影響 1~7 秒.
Must follow a lead attack. If this attack hits, target foe is interrupted, Dazed and Blinded for 1-7 second(s).

Twisted Fangs (扭曲之牙)
只能用於 Off-Hand 技之後. 若擊中, 扭曲之牙造成 3~9 點額外傷害, 對方同時受到乏血和重傷影響 5~17 秒.
Must follow an off-hand attack. If it hits, Twisting Fangs strikes for +3-9 damage and struck foe suffers from Bleeding and Deep Wound for 5-17 seconds.

Wild Strike (狂擊)
只能用於 Lead Attack 之後. 若擊中, 則造成 5~17 點傷害. 對方同時失去所有態勢.
Must follow a lead attack. If it hits, this attack strikes for +5-17 damage and target foe loses all stances.

Deadly Arts (致命術)
Assassin's Promise (刺客之誓)
在 5~13 秒內, 若目標對方死亡, 你的 MP 值回復 5~17 點, 而你的技能亦全部瞬間回復.
For 5-13 seconds, if target foe dies, you gain 5-17 Energy, and all your skills are recharged. This is an elite skill.

Crippling Dagger (殘肢匕首)
投出殘肢匕首, 若擊中對方則造成 5~41 點土系傷害. 若對方正逃避中則造成跛足狀態 3~13 秒. 此技能只有一半射程.
Send out a Crippling Dagger at target foe. Crippling Dagger strikes for 5-41 earth damage if it hits, and cripples fleeing foes for 3-13 second. This spell has half the normal range.

Dancing Daggers (匕首亂舞)
向對方投出三把匕首. 若擊中則每把匕首將造成 5~17 點土系傷害. 此技能只布一半射程. 此技能算作 Lead Attack.
Send out three Dancing Daggers at target foe. Each striking for 5-17 earth damage if they hit. Dancing Daggers has half the normal range. This skill counts as a lead attack.

Dark Prison (黑闇牢困)
影子行至目標敵人. 1~6 秒內, 對方行走速度降低 33%.
Shadow Step to target foe. For 1-6 second(s), that foe moves 33% slower.

Enduring Toxin (毒之延續)
3 秒內, 對方受到生命回復 -1~3 的影響. 若對方於毒之延續將要結束時走動, 則此技能延續 3 秒.
For 3 seconds, target foe suffers -1-3 Health degeneration. If that foe is moving when Enduring Toxin would end, Enduring Toxin is rened for another 3 seconds.

Entangling Asp
只能用於 Lead Attack 之後. 對方被擊倒及受中毒影響 5~17 秒.
Entangling Asp must follow a lead attack. Target foe is knocked down and becomes Poisoned for 5-17 seconds.
Expose Defenses (弱點暴露)
在 3~9 秒內, 目標敵人不可擋格或迴避你的攻擊.
For 3-9 seconds, target foe cannot "block" or "evade" your attacks.

Expunge Enchantments
所有你的非攻擊性技能禁用 10~6 秒. 每禁用一個技能, 從對方身上移除一個結界.
All your non-attack skills are disabled for 10-6 seconds. For each skill disabled in this way, target touched foe loses one Enchantment.
Impale (刺穿)
在 10~30 秒內, 下一次目標對方受到 Dual Attack 技攻擊時, 將額外受到 10~58 點土系傷害.
For 10-30 seconds, next time target foe is hit by a dual attack, that foe is struck for 10-58 earth damage.

Iron Palm (鐵掌)
被碰觸之對方受到 5~41 點傷害. 鐵掌可視為 Lead Attack.
Target touched foe suffers 5-41 damage. Iron fist may be used as a lead attack.

Mantis Touch
只能用於 Lead Attack 之後. 對方受跛足影響 3~17 秒.
Must follow a lead attack. Target foe becomes Crippled for 3-17 seconds.

Mark of Death (死亡之印)
在 4~9 秒內, 對方受到治療的效果降低 20%.
For 4-9 seconds, target foe gains 20% less benefit from healing.

Mark of Instability (不穩之印)
在 10~30 秒內, 若你對目標敵人用 Dual Attack 造成傷害, 則對方會被擊倒
For 10-30 seconds, the next time you hit target foe with a dual attack skill, that foe is knocked down.

Scorpion Wire (蠍之捆綁)
在 8~18 秒內, 若你和目標敵人相距 100', 則你被自戶傳送至對方身旁而對方同時被擊倒. 此技能只有一半射程.
For 8-18 seconds, the next time you and target foe are more than 100' apart, you teleport to that foe and that foe is knocked down. This spell has half the normal range.

Shameful Fear (慚愧懼意)
在 10 秒內, 對方行動速度提昇 10%. 每一秒, 若對方在行走, 則受到 5~17 點傷害.
For 10 seconds, target foe moves 10% faster than normal. For each second, if that foe is moving, that foe takes 5-17 damage.

Shroud of Silence (寂靜之遮) - [精英]
所有你的法術禁用 15 秒. 在 3~9 秒內, 目標被碰觸之敵人無法施法.
All of your spells are disabled for 15 seconds. For 3-9 seconds, target touched foe cannot cast spells.

Signet of Shadows (影子記印)
對方受到 5~29 點影子傷害. 若對方已受到眼盲影響, 則再受到 15~51 點傷害.
Target foe takes 5-29 shadow damage. If your target was Blinded, that foe suffers an additional 15-51 shadow damage.

Siphon Speed (速度吸取)
在 5~13 秒內, 目標敵人速度下降 15%, 而你的速度上升 15%
For 5-13 seconds, target foe moves 15% slower and you move 15% faster.

Siphon Strength (力量吸取) - [精英]
在 5~10 秒內, 對方所造成的傷害下降 15 點, 而你於對方身上造成的傷害有 33%額外機會成為致命攻擊.
For 5-10 seconds, target foe deals -15 damage with attacks and all of your attacks against that foe have an additional 33% chance of being a critical hit.

Way of the Empty Palm  (空手入白刃) - [精英]
在 5~17 秒內, 所有你的 Off-Hand 和 Dual Attacks 技能不需 MP 便可使用.
For 5-17 seconds, off-hand and dual attacks cost no Energy.

Shadow Arts (影子術)
Begulling Haze - [精英]
若被碰觸之敵人正在施放法術或正受到精氣敗壞的影響, 則將受到干擾和受迷亂影響 5~10 秒.
If target touched foe is casting a spell or suffers from exhaustion, that foe is interrupted and becomes Dazed for 5-10 seconds.

Blinding Powder (盲目之粉)
只能用於 Off-Hand 技之後. 對方受眼盲影響 3~13 秒.
Must follow an off-hand attack. Target foe becomes Blinded for 3-13 seconds.

目標敵人和其周圍之敵人受到跛足影響 5~13 秒. 此技能只有一半射程.
Target foe and all foes adjacent to your target are Crippled for 5-13 seconds. Caltrops has half the normal range.

Death's Charge (死亡衝刺)
影子行至目標敵人. 若對方生命值高於你, 則你的生命值回復 40~112 點.
Shadow Step to target foe. If that foe has more Health than you, you are healed for 40-112.

Heart of Shadow (影之心) - [精英]
在 60 秒內, 下一次你受到傷害時, 你的生命值回復 15~63 點, 而且自動影子行至附近隨機一個位置
For 60 seconds, the next time you take damage you are healed for 15-63 Health and Shadow Step to a random nearby location.

Mirrored Stance (態勢之鏡)
在 10~30 秒內, 對方進入態勢時, 則你亦自動進入該態勢.
For 10-30 seconds, whenever target foe enters a Stance, you enter the same Stance.

Return (回歸)
所有身邊的敵人受跛足影響 3~7 秒. 自動傳送至目標盟友.
All adjacent foes are Crippled for 3-7 seconds. Teleport to target ally.

Shadow Form (影子勢) - [精英]
在 5~17 秒內, 所有惡意法術對你無效, 而所有攻擊將不能擊中你. 當影子勢完結時, 生命值下降至 5~41 點.
For 5-17 seconds, all hostile spells that target you fail and all attacks against you miss. When Shadow Form ends, lose all but 5-41 health.

Shadow Refuge (影子閃避)
在 4 秒內, 你有 50% 機會迴避攻擊. 當影子閃避完結時, 你的生命值回復 30~102 點.
For 4 seconds, you have a 50% chance to "evade" attacks. When Shadow Refuge ends, you are healed for 30-102.

Shadow Shroudd - [精英]
在 3~8 秒內, 目標敵人不能成為結界施展的對象.
For 3-8 seconds, target foe cannot be the target of Enchantments.

Shadow Step (影子步法)
在 5~17 秒內, 你的速度上升 25%. 當影子步法結束時, 你自動被傳送至起步地點.
For 5-17 seconds you move 25% faster than normal. When Shadow Step ends, you return to the location where you activated Shadow Step.

Shadowy Burden (影子壓迫)
在 4~9 秒內, 對方速度下降 25%. 若對方身上沒有結界, 則對你的攻擊防禦下降 20 點.
For 4-9 seconds, target foe moves 25% slower and while target foe has no other Hexes, that foe has 20 less armor against your attacks.

Shroud of Distress (苦之罩)
在 30 秒內, 若你的生命值少於 50%, 則有 15~63% 迴避攻擊.
For 30 seconds, if you are below 50% Health, you have a 15-63% chance to evade attacks.

Unseen Fury (無形怒氣)
在 10~30 秒內, 你的攻擊不能被受眼盲影響之敵人擋格或迴避.
For 10-30 seconds, you cannot be blocked, or evaded by Blinded foes.

Viper's Defense (毒蛇守禦)
在 30 秒內, 下一次你受到攻擊時, 自動傳送至附近隨機一個位置. 攻擊你之敵人受到中毒影響 5~17 秒.
For 30 seconds, the next time you are struck, teleport to a random location nearby. The foe who struck you is poisoned for 5-17 seconds.

Way of Perfection (完美之道)
在 10~30 秒內, 當你成功造成致命攻擊時, 你的生命值回復 10~30 點.
For 10-30 seconds, whenever you successfully make a critical hit you gain 10-30 health.

Way of the Fox (狐狸之道)
在 10~30 秒內, 你下一次的攻擊不會失敗.
For 10-30 seconds, your next attack cannot miss.

Way of the Lotus (蓮花之道)
在 10~30 秒內, 下一次你向對方使用 Dual Attack 技能時, 你的 MP 值回復 5~13 點.
For 10-30 seconds, the next time you hit target foe with a dual attack skill, you gain 5-13 Energy.

Other Skills (其他技能)
Aura of Displacement - [精英]
當你使用此技能時, 影子行至目標敵人. 當你停止維持此技能時, 則傳送至起步點上.
When you cast Aura of Displacement, Shadow Step to target foe. When you stop maintaining Aura of Displacement, you return to your original location.

Dash (衝刺)
在 3 秒內你的速度上升 50%.
For 3 seconds, you run 50% faster.

當你維持此技能於目標盟友身上時, 沒事發生. 當你停止維持此技能時, 影子行至目標盟友的位置上.
While you maintain Recall on target ally, nothing happens. When Recall ends, you Shadow Step to that ally's location.
Signet of Malice
目標敵人身上每有一個不良狀態, 便自動從你身上移除一個狀態
For each condition suffered by target foe, you lose one condition.

Spirit Walk (靈體步法)
Shadow Step to target spirit.

以上~ XD
技能的中文譯名全是本人和朋友自己改的 XD
大家看看就好, 別認真 XDD

問: 有些技能中~ 有提到會「影子行至某某」~ 那影子行是什麼?
答: 現在猜測是兩種情況. 1. 以 Shadow Step 影子步法的效果 (速度+25%) 來移去目標; 2. 瞬間轉移~

資料來源: www.gwonline.net
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聽說暑假之前會改 不知道是不是芭樂呢....(漂遠ing

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