

Lunar Silver Star Story - Wind's Nocturne

Wishing on a dream that seems far off.
Hoping it will come today.
Into the starlit night,
foolish dreamers turn their gaze.
Waiting on a shooting star...
But, what if that star is not to come.
Will their dreams fade to nothing?
When the horizon darkens most,
we all need to believe there is hope.
Is an angel watching closely over me?
Can there be a guiding light I've yet to see.
I know my heart should guide me but
There's a hole within my soul.
What will fill this emptiness inside of me?
Am I to be satisfied without knowing?
I wish then for a chance to see
Now all I need, desperately...
...is my star to come...

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Lunar Silver Star Story - Wind's Nocturne   {銀色月亮的星星故事-風的夜想曲}

Wishing on a dream that seems far off.似乎在遠處的一個夢想中希望..
Hoping it will come today. 希望他今天會到來..
Into the starlit night, 渡過星光照耀的夜晚..
foolish dreamers turn their gaze.癡癡的注視著夢想..
Waiting on a shooting star... 等待著在那一顆流星上..
But, what if that star is not to come.但是..如果那顆流星將不會到來..該怎麼辦..
Will their dreams fade to nothing?他們的夢想將會退色消失嗎?
When the horizon darkens most,當天際跟地平線慢慢變暗時..
we all need to believe there is hope. 我們需要相信希望是存在的..
Is an angel watching closely over me?會有一個天使在我身旁眷顧著我嗎?
Can there be a guiding light I've yet to see.我可以很快的看見有一道引導我的光芒..
I know my heart should guide me but我知道我的心會引導著我..
There's a hole within my soul. 但是我的靈魂深處卻有個缺口..
What will fill this emptiness inside of me? 將有什麼能填滿我的空虛..
Am I to be satisfied without knowing?我並不知道我滿足嗎?
I wish then for a chance to see 我希望看的見我需要的全部..
Now all I need, desperately... 我會拼命的抓住希望..
...is my star to come...直到我的那顆星到來..



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