


專輯名稱:Under The Iron Sea

英國三人樂隊基音(Keane)樂隊第二張專輯 Under the Iron Sea 將在6月12日通過Island公司面向全球發行的,而 Under the Iron Sea 專輯的北美版將在6月20日在Interscope公司發行

在 Under the Iron Sea 之前,Keane樂隊僅在2004年發行了一張專輯 Hopes and Fears 據Nielsen SoundScan統計,這張在全世界多個國家大獲好評的專輯 Hopes and Fears 到目前為止單單是在美國的銷量就已經達到了85萬5千張,專輯中的單曲 Somewhere Only We Know 曾在美國Billboard成人Top 40單曲榜中名列第11位。

現年24歲、組團6年、三人組合的‘基音’於年初英國巡迴演唱會的空檔,前往伯明罕當地大學午餐時間演出,然而,該大學從來沒有聽過‘基音’,也找不到這個活動的任何資料,便把三位元團員“請“出去,主唱Tom Chaplin,鋼琴手Tim Rice-Oxley,以及鼓手Richard Hughes,三個人屏住呼吸、羞紅著臉、打包離開…;一個月後,基音樂團的首支單曲“Somewhere Only We Know/秘密基地“登上英國金榜Top 3,成為2004年各大樂評眼中的‘21世紀披頭四’,新專輯發行列為全球樂壇最重要秘密武器,要請‘基音’撥冗重返該校演出,恐怕是下輩子的事了。來自英國薩西克斯郡Battle小鎮,從小一起長大的基音樂團,在走唱英國小鎮6年,以及於獨立廠牌Fierce Panda (發掘Coldplay、Supergrass)發行兩張單曲之後, 2003年底正式加盟環球音樂,2004年在最具公信力的媒體‘英國國家廣播公司BBC’年度樂評票選活動中,獲選為‘2004年最具潛力團體’,一時之間,基音受到前所未有的注目,新專輯的發行成為2004萬眾矚目的盛事。沒有吉他手,‘基音’以三種基因創造出全新音樂:鋼琴、鼓、以及歌聲。鋼琴編織出旋律、鼓給予骨乾,而歌聲賦予不朽的靈魂。在名混音師Mike Spike Stents (Madonna、U2)的打造下,主唱充滿穿透力的歌聲與絲絲入扣的動人旋律合而為一。首支單曲“Somewhere Only We Know“成功登陸英國金榜、問鼎2004年最佳單曲;第二波單曲“Everybody’s Changing“的歌聲表現直逼樂壇前輩Coldplay、Queen的透明清亮;雖然沒有吉他的出現,“Bend & Break“、“Can’t Stop Now“、“Sunshine“等歌曲,融入貝斯助力,更添英式獨特風味

01. Atlantic
02. Is It Any Wonder?
03. Nothing In My Way
04. Leaving So Soon?
05. A Bad Dream
06. Hamburg Song
07. Put It Behind You ( 加隱藏曲The Iron Sea )
08. Crystal Ball
09. Try Again
10. Broken Toy
11. The Frog Prince

但   為何會少一首呢?
原因很簡單   你聽過之後就能明白
Put It Behind You 和 The Iron Sea 被放在了一起
而The Iron Sea 則是2分鐘的純曲子

[ 本文最後由 服雄 於 07-1-2 09:11 PM 編輯 ]
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總評分:  聲望 + 15   檢視全部評分
~阿Pat~  基音樂團的歌真的很棒!  發表於 06-10-8 16:15 聲望 + 1 枚
kirin  我很贊同  發表於 06-10-7 17:38 聲望 + 1 枚
七日‧貓  感謝你的分享啊~  發表於 06-7-10 04:46 聲望 + 1 枚
Hanneber    發表於 06-6-22 03:08 聲望 + 2 枚
babywu    發表於 06-6-16 18:14 聲望 + 1 枚
趴趴狗  辛苦上傳!!  發表於 06-6-15 14:58 聲望 + 1 枚
酷斯拉    發表於 06-6-13 18:15 聲望 + 2 枚
Cacoon  謝謝你 他們的聲音很讚  發表於 06-6-13 12:56 聲望 + 1 枚
cscpolhgsl  我很贊同  發表於 06-6-12 17:25 聲望 + 1 枚
demily  很喜歡《Somewhere Only We Know》  發表於 06-6-11 16:47 聲望 + 1 枚
q28110883    發表於 06-6-11 15:29 聲望 + 2 枚
dupe  感謝分享唷^^ 基因的很好聽呢  發表於 06-6-11 14:22 聲望 + 1 枚



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真快阿!!大大  他們沒有吉他手這部分讓我覺得很特殊呢
請教一下大大 後面幾首首曲子怎感覺完全不像他們的歌...

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總評分:  聲望 + 1   檢視全部評分
傾藍  謝謝提醒 由於有三個載點 ...  發表於 06-6-12 13:41 聲望 + 1 枚  回覆一般留言


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電視上正在主打的「Is It Any Wonder?」很好聽









先聽了「The Frog Prince」這首




[ 本文最後由 kung199 於 06-6-11 11:49 PM 編輯 ]

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總評分:  聲望 + 1   檢視全部評分
傾藍  謝謝提醒 由於有三個載點 ...  發表於 06-6-12 13:42 聲望 + 1 枚  回覆一般留言



[ 本文最後由 Tornapart 於 06-6-12 12:42 AM 編輯 ]

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Under The Iron Sea - Keane 歌詞


I hope all my days
Will be lit by your face
I hope all the years
Will hold tight our promises
I don't wanna be old and sleep alone
An empty house is not a home
I don't wanna be old and feel afraid
I don't wanna be old and sleep alone
An empty house is not a home
I don't wanna be old and feel afraid
And if I need anything at all
I need a place
That's hidden in the deep
Where lonely angels sing you to your sleep
The modern world is broken
I need a place
Where I can make my bed
A lover's lap where I can lay my head
Cos now the room is spinning
The day's beginning

Is It Any Wonder?

I, I always thought that I knew
I'd always have the right to
Be living in the kingdom of the good and true
And so on, but now I think I was wrong
And you were laughing along
And now I look a fool for thinking you were on my side
Is it any wonder I'm tired?
Is it any wonder that I feel uptight?
Is it any wonder I don't know what's right?

Sometimes, it's hard to know where I stand
It's hard to know what I am
Well maybe it's a puzzle I don't understand
Sometimes I get the feeling that I'm
Stranded in the wrong time
Where love is just a lyric in a children抯 rhyme, a soundbite
Is it any wonder I'm tired?
Is it any wonder that I feel uptight?
Is it any wonder I don't know what's right?
Oh these days
After all the misery made
Is it any wonder that I feel afraid?
Is it any wonder that I feel betrayed?
Nothing left inside this old cathedral
Just the sad lonely spires
How do you make it right?
Oh, but you try
Is it any wonder I'm tired?
Is it any wonder that I feel uptight?
Is it any wonder I don't know what's right?
Oh these days
After all the misery made
Is it any wonder that I feel afraid?
Is it any wonder that I feel betrayed?

Nothing In My Way

A turning tide
Lovers at a great divide
why d'you laugh
When I know that you hurt inside?
And why'd you say
It's just another day, nothing in my way
I don't wanna go, I don't wanna stay
So there's nothing left to say?
And why'd you lie
When you wanna die, when you hurt inside
Don't know what you lie for anyway
Now there's nothing left to say

A tell-tale sign
You don't know where to draw the line
And why'd you say
It's just another day, nothing in my way
I don't wanna go, I don't wanna stay
So there's nothing left to say
And why'd you lie
When you wanna die, when you hurt inside
Don't know what you lie for anyway
Now there's nothing left to say

Well for a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time
For a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time
For a lonely soul, it seems to me that you're having such a nice time
You're having such a nice time
For a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time
For a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time
For a lonely soul, it seems to me that you're having such a nice time
You're having such a nice time

Leaving So Soon?

Ah, ah ah, ah ah, ah!
Ah, ah ah, ah ah, ah!
You must think I'm a fool
So prosaic and awkward and all
D'you think you've got me down?
D'you think I've never been out of this town?
Do I seem too eager to please to you now?
You don't know me at all
I can't turn it on, turn off like you now
I'm not like you now

Now that you're here
I bet you're wishing you could disappear
I'm trying to be kind
I get the feeling you're just killing time
You look down on me
Don't you look down on me now
You don't know me at all
A slap in the face
In the face for you now
Just might do now

You're leaving so soon
Never had a chance to bloom
But you were so quick
To change your tune
Don't look back
If I'm a weight around your neck
Cos if you don't need me
I don't need you
Ah, ah ah, ah ah, ah!
Ah, ah ah, ah ah, ah!
Leaving so soon, soon
Leaving, leaving so, soon
You're leaving so soon
Never had a chance to bloom
But you were so quick
To change your tune
Don't look back
If I'm a weight around your neck
Cos if you don't need me
Then I don't need you
Ah, ah ah, ah ah, ah!

A Bad Dream

Why do I have to fly
Over every town up and down the line?
I'll die in the clouds above
And you that I defend, I do not love
I wake up, it's a bad dream
Noone on my side
I was fighting
But I just feel too tired
To be fighting
Guess I'm not the fighting kind

Where will I meet my fate?
Baby I'm a man, I was born to hate
And when will I meet my end?
In a better time you could be my friend
I wake up, it's a bad dream
Noone on my side
I was fighting
But I just feel too tired
To be fighting
Guess I'm not the fighting kind
Wouldn't mind it
If you were by my side
But you're long gone
Yeah you're long gone now

Where do we go?
I don't even know
My strange old face
And I'm thinking about those days
And I'm thinking about those days

I wake up, it's a bad dream
Noone on my side
I was fighting
But I just feel too tired
To be fighting
Guess I'm not the fighting kind
Wouldn't mind it
If you were by my side
But you're long gone
Yeah you're long gone now

Hamburg Song

I don't wanna be adored
Don't wanna be first in line
Or make myself heard
I'd like to bring a little light
To shine a light on your life
To make you feel loved
No, don't wanna be the only one you know
I wanna be the place you call home
I lay myself down
To make it so, but you don't want to know
I give much more
Than I'd ever ask for

Will you see me in the end
Or is it just a waste of time
Trying to be your friend
Just shine, shine, shine
Shine a little light
Shine a light on my life
Warm me up again
Fool, I wonder if you know yourself at all
You know that it could be so simple
I lay myself down
To make it so, but you don't want to know
You take much more
Than I'd ever ask for

Say a word or two to brighten my day
Do you think that you could see your way
To lay yourself down
And make it so, but you don't want to know
You take much more
Than I'd ever ask for


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Under The Iron Sea - Keane 歌詞

Put It Behind You

Times goes by at such a pace
It's funny how it's easy to forget her face
You hide the cracks, the facts will find you
Turn your back and leave the lonely days behind you now
You better it put it behind you now
You better it put it behind you now
Too much to hold on, hold on to
You better it put it behind you now

All the things you took for granted
Hit you like a bullet in the gut
You can't get up
Well are you gonna even try?
Cos if you never even try
Time will pass you by
You better it put it behind you now
You better it put it behind you now
Too much to hold on, hold on to (Hold on, hold on to)
You better it put it behind you now
You better it put it behind you now
Too much to hold on, to hold on to (Hold on, hold on to)
You better do what's best for you

Don't care what she said and (Better put it behind you now, better put it behi
nd you now)
Only in your head (Hold on, hold on to)
Time will help you out (Better put it behind you now, you better put it behind
you now)
Still you don't see her (Hold on, hold on to)

You better it put it behind you now
You better it put it behind you now
Too much to hold on, to hold on to
You better do what's best for you

The Iron Sea

Somewhere beyond the sea
Somewhere waiting for me
My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships that go sailing
Somewhere beyond the sea
He's watching for me
If I could fly like birds on high
Then straight to his arms I'm go sailing
It's far beyond a star, it's near beyond the moon
I know beyond a doubt
My heart will lead me there soon
We'll meet beyond the shore
We'll kiss just as before
Happy we'll be beyond the sea
And never again I抣l go'l sailing
Some sailing

Crystal Ball

Who is the man I see
Where I'm supposed to be?
I lost my heart, I buried it too deep
Under the iron sea
Oh, crystal ball, crystal ball
Save us all, tell me life is beautiful
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Lines ever more unclear
I'm not sure I'm even here
The more I look the more I think that I'm
Starting to disappear
Oh, crystal ball, crystal ball
Save us all, tell me life is beautiful
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Oh, crystal ball, hear my song
I'm fading out, everything I know is wrong
So put me where I belong

Try Again

I fell asleep on a late night train
I missed my stop and I went round again
Why would I want to see you now?
To fix it up, make it up somehow
Baby I'll try again, try again
Baby I die every night, every time

What I was isn't what I am
I'd change back but I don't know if I can
Still I'll try, try again, try again
Baby I die every night, every time

But I was made the way I am
I'm not a stone; I'm just a man
Lay down your arms and I will lay down mine
Rip back the time that we've been wasting
God I wish you could see me now
You'd pick me up and you'd sort me out
Still I'll try, try again, try again
Baby I die every night, every time

Broken Toy

I think you know
Because it's old news
The people you love
Are hard to find
So I think if I
Were in your shoes
I would be kind
I look out for you
Come rain, come shine
What good does it do?
I guess I'm a toy that is broken
I guess we're just older now
I want to stay
Another season
See summer upon
This sorry land
So don't dust off your gun
Without a reason
You understand
I look out for you
Come rain, come shine
What good does it do?
I guess I'm a toy that is broken
I guess we're just older now
Who says the river can't leave its waters?
Who says you walk in a line?
Who says the city can't change its borders?
Who says you're mine?
I look out for you
Come rain, come shine
What good does it do?
I guess I'm a record you're tired of
I guess we're just older now
I guess I'm a toy that is broken
I guess we're just older now

The Frog Prince

An old fairytale told me
The simple heart will be prized again
A toad will be our king
And ugly ogres are heroes
Then you'll shake
Your fist at the sky
"Oh why did I rely
On fashions and small fry?"

All promises broken
Feed your people or lose your throne
And forfeit your whole kingdom
I'd sooner lose it than still live in it alone
You were our golden child
But the gentle and the mild
Inherit the earth, while

Your prince's crown
Cracks and falls down
Your castle hollow and cold
You've wandered so far
From the person you are
Let go brother, let go
Cos now we all know
Soon, someone will put a spell on you
Perfume, treasure, sorcery, every trick they know
You will lie in a deep sleep
That's when
Your prince's crown
Cracks and falls down
Your castle hollow and cold
You've wandered so far
From the person you are
Let go brother, let go
Cos now we all know


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