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首支單曲"Call Me When You're Sober",承襲前一張專輯"Fallen"風格,歌曲開始女主唱Amy以接近清唱的方式之後轉為氣勢磅礡的搖滾咆嘯,勢必會再次掀起一波搖滾熱潮。此單曲將於9月25日正式在美發行,而音樂錄影帶將於8月7日於MTV台首播。
繼2003年的"Fallen"專輯後,伊凡塞斯的全新錄音室作品"The Open Door"將在10月2日於歐洲地區搶先發行,10月3日在美國發行。
Call Me When You're sober
Don´t cry to me
If you loved me,you would be here with me
You want me,come find me
Make up your mind
Should have let you fall
And lose it all
So maybe you can remember yourself
Can´t keep believing
We´re only deceving ourselves
And I´m sick of the lie
And you´re too late
Don´t cry to me
If you loved me,you would be here with me
You want me,come find me
Make up your mind
Couldn´t take the blame
Sick with shame
Must be exhausting to lose your own game
Selfishly hated
No wonder you´re jaded
You can´t play the victim this time
And you're too late
So, don´t cry to me
If you loved me, you would be here with me
You want me, come find me
Make up your mind
You never call me when youre sober
You only want it cause its over ,its over
How could I have burned paradise?
How could I?
You were never mine
So don´t cry to me
If you love me, you would be here with me
Don´t lie to me, just get your things
I´ve made up your mind!
[ 本文最後由 kyokorei 於 07-12-3 05:33 AM 編輯 ] |