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My body had a problem when I was young. I was not as tall as other boys at my age. My mom was concerned (worried) about my health, so she took other people’s advice (suggestion) and took me to a doctor.
I went to a large hospital for some examinations. After the physical check up was completed, I was required to do a blood test for further examination. I was nervous about it because I was afraid of needles. I found out it was not as terrible as I thought when the blood test was done. The examinations were successful.
In spite of having the experience, I am still afraid of the blood checks because of my fear to the needles. 呃...這裡要用 because the needles drive me crazy 我也不反對 囧>
姆....想到一些建議, 剩下的雖然看的出問題不過我不知道要怎麼講ˊ口ˋ
1. 文章裡面不要在形容詞前面+very 因為讀者不知道你到底是多very 囧>
2. Then, so, and, but 目前只想到這四個, 不要用在句子的第一個字 (沒為什麼, 純粹犯規ˊ口ˋ)
3. 不要把動辭直接加ing 就把他當名詞ˊˋ, 多翻翻字典,有些動辭都會有類似的名詞以tion, sion... 之類的字尾.
4. 如果是給老師的作文,這種稍微正式的作文,不要把字縮寫, 例: wasn't, isn't, they're, he's, 就算很憋也要把字給分開 (有些老師比較不拘束這些, 不過如果遇到很討厭的, 噢~ 一個扣一分)
5. 不要太多it在一起: Until it was over,I found it wasn't so terrible.And it was very successful. 因為很容易搞不懂哪個it是在講哪件事, Until it(抽血) was over,I found it(抽血) wasn't so terrible.And it(抽血還是整個過程?) was very successful. 所以建議一次it一次把整個名詞寫出來,不要重疊, 等你寫多了之後自己就可以調整了
大概就這樣ˊˋ 畢竟我最後一句也改的不是很好ˊˋ
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