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AV-8B Harrier
AV-8B 海鷗式垂直起降戰鬥機


The AV-8B V/STOL strike aircraft was designed to replace the AV-8A and the A-4M light attack aircraft. The Marine Corps requirement for a V/STOL light attack force has been well documented since the late 1950's. Combining tactical mobility, responsiveness, reduced operating cost and basing flexibility, both afloat and ashore, V/STOL aircraft are particularly well-suited to the special combat and expeditionary requirements of the Marine Corps. The AV-8BII+ features the APG-65 Radar common to the F/A-18, as well as all previous systems and features common to the AV-8BII. The mission of the VMA STOVL squadron is to attack and destroy surface and air targets, to escort helicopters, and to conduct other such air operations as may be directed. Specific tasks of the

AV-8B HARRIER II include:

Conduct close air support using conventional and specific weapons.Conduct deep air support, to include armed reconnaissance and air interdiction, using conventional and specific weapons.Conduct offensive and defensive antiair warfare.

This includes combat air patrol, armed escort missions, and offensive missions against enemy ground-to-air defenses, all within the capabilities of the aircraft.Be able to operate and deliver ordnance at night and to operate under instrument flight conditions.Be able to deploy for extended operations employing aerial refueling.Be able to deploy to and operate from carriers and other suitable seagoing platforms, advanced bases, expeditionary airfields, and remote tactical landing sites.Operation Desert Storm in 1991 was highlighted by expeditionary air operations performed by the AV-8B.

The Harrier II was the first Marine Corps tactical strike platform to arrive in theater, and subsequently operated from various basing postures. Three squadrons, totaling 60 aircraft, and one six-aircraft detachment operated ashore from an expeditionary airfield, while one squadron of 20 aircraft operated from a sea platform. During the ground war, AV-8Bs were based as close as 35 nautical miles (40.22 miles) from the Kuwait border, making them the most forward deployed tactical strike aircraft in theater. The AV-8B flew 3,380 sorties for a total of 4,083 flight hours while maintaining a mission capable rate in excess of 90%. Average turnaround time during the ground war surge rate flight operations was 23 minutes.

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S.I.A.M 管理者

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Contractor: McDonnell Douglas Aircraft (Airframe Prime), Rolls Royce (Engine Prime)
Power Plant:TAV-8B/AV-8B Day Attack (DA): One Rolls Royce Pegasus F402-RR-406 turbofan engine with approximately 20,280 pounds of thrust AV-8B Night Attack (NA)/AV-8B Radar: One Rolls Royce Pegasus F402-RR-408A turbofan engine with approximately 22,200 pounds of thrust
Accommodations:AV-8B DA/NA/Radar Aircraft: Pilot only TAV-8B Trainer: Two seats
Performance:Maximum airspeed: 550 KCAS Range greater than 142 nautical miles high speed/low altitude combat radius Maximum range: 900 nautical miles
Countermeasures:Not applicable
Armament:One fuselage-mounted 25 mm gun system Standard Air-to-Ground (A/G) load: Six Mk 82, 500 pound bombs Standard Air-to-Air (A/A) load: Four AIM-9L/M Sidewinder missiles Provisions for carrying up to 9,000 pounds of ordnance on seven stations
Mission and Capabilities:The AV-8B single seat Vertical/Short Takeoff and Land (V/STOL) aircraft is the primary close air support/intermediate range intercept/attack mission fixed-wing aircraft for the USMC and the Spanish and Italian navies. The AV-8B can carry and deliver an assortment of conventional stores such as the Mk 83 1,000 pound GP bomb, GBU-12 500 pound LGB, GBU-16 1,000 LGB, CBU-99/100 Cluster Bomb Units, and 2.75" and 5" rockets. The NA configuration includes: night vision goggle-compatible cockpit controls and displays, a wide-field-of-view HUD, a Navigation Forward Looking Infrared (NAVFLIR) system, a Digital Map Unit (DMU), and an Angle Rate Bombing System (ARBS) with laser spot tracker, which provides first pass day or night target strike capability at low altitude/high speed. The Radar aircraft retains all night attack capability but integrates the AN/APG-65 radar system to extend the tracking capabilities of the aircraft for A/G delivery and A/A defense modes. V/STOL capability allows the AV-8B to be deployed with ground units using amphibious shipping and/or forward basing for rapid close air support response.

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

Contractor: McDonnell Douglas Aircraft (Airframe Prime), Rolls Royce (Engine Prime)
Power Plant:TAV-8B/AV-8B Day Attack (DA): One Rolls Royce Pegasus F402-RR-406 turbofan engine with approximately 20,280 pounds of thrust AV-8B Night Attack (NA)/AV-8B Radar: One Rolls Royce Pegasus F402-RR-408A turbofan engine with approximately 22,200 pounds of thrust
Accommodations:AV-8B DA/NA/Radar Aircraft: Pilot only TAV-8B Trainer: Two seats
Performance:Maximum airspeed: 550 KCAS Range greater than 142 nautical miles high speed/low altitude combat radius Maximum range: 900 nautical miles
Countermeasures:Not applicable
Armament:One fuselage-mounted 25 mm gun system Standard Air-to-Ground (A/G) load: Six Mk 82, 500 pound bombs Standard Air-to-Air (A/A) load: Four AIM-9L/M Sidewinder missiles Provisions for carrying up to 9,000 pounds of ordnance on seven stations
Mission and Capabilities:The AV-8B single seat Vertical/Short Takeoff and Land (V/STOL) aircraft is the primary close air support/intermediate range intercept/attack mission fixed-wing aircraft for the USMC and the Spanish and Italian navies. The AV-8B can carry and deliver an assortment of conventional stores such as the Mk 83 1,000 pound GP bomb, GBU-12 500 pound LGB, GBU-16 1,000 LGB, CBU-99/100 Cluster Bomb Units, and 2.75" and 5" rockets. The NA configuration includes: night vision goggle-compatible cockpit controls and displays, a wide-field-of-view HUD, a Navigation Forward Looking Infrared (NAVFLIR) system, a Digital Map Unit (DMU), and an Angle Rate Bombing System (ARBS) with laser spot tracker, which provides first pass day or night target strike capability at low altitude/high speed. The Radar aircraft retains all night attack capability but integrates the AN/APG-65 radar system to extend the tracking capabilities of the aircraft for A/G delivery and A/A defense modes. V/STOL capability allows the AV-8B to be deployed with ground units using amphibious shipping and/or forward basing for rapid close air support response.
Program Summary:All three variants of the AV-8B are in service with the USMC (deployed in WestPac and the Mediterranean). The Spanish Navy has DA/Radar AV-8Bs. The Italian Navy has Radar AV-8Bs only. The U.S., Italy, and Spain are partners in a collaborative international program. The original DA AV-8B was replaced by the NA variant in 1990, which incorporated the F402-RR-408A engine and expanded night fighting systems such as NAVFLIR, DMU, night vision goggle capability, and wide-field-of-view HUD. In 1993, the Radar AV-8B was fielded with the full night fighting capability and an AN/APG-65 Radar set to improve A/G and A/A tactical effectiveness. In 1994, the U.S. began a remanufacturing process to convert DA AV-8Bs to the Radar configuration (REMAN); deliveries began in 1996. Currently, a NA/Radar AV-8B upgrade program is underway to incorporate an Automatic Target Handoff System (ATHS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) capability into the aircraft. ATHS allows direct digital target/mission data exchange between the pilot and ground units. GPS integration improves navigational and weapons delivery accuracy. The AV-8B has seen service in the Persian Gulf (Desert Storm), Somalia (both U.S. and Italian AV-8Bs), and Bosnia (peacekeeping operations). A total of 51 Radar Aircraft are authorized for procurement by the U.S., Italy, and Spain. The U.S. has a planned procurement/delivery program for 73 REMAN AV-8Bs (FY 1996 - 2002).

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

External Dimensions:
Wing Span9.25 m
Length overall (flying attitude)
AV-8B 5.58 m
TAV-8B 15.32 m
GR. Mks 5/7 14.36 m
T. Mk 10 15.79 m
Height overall3.55 m
Tailplane span4.24 m
Outrigger wheel track5.18 m
Wings, excl LERX, gross21.37 m2
LERX (total): Pegasus 11-210.81 m2
Pegasus 11-611.24 m2
100 percent1.39 m2
Ailerons (total)1.15 m2
Trailing-edge flaps (total)2.88 m2
Ventral fixed strakes (total)0.51 m2
Ventral retractable fence (LIDs)0.24 m2
Ventral airbrake0.42 m2
Fin2.47 m2
Rudder, excl tab0.49 m2
Tailplane4.51 m2
Weights and Loadings (Single-Seaters, Except Where Indicated)
Operating weight empty (including pilot and used fuel)
AV-8B 6,336 kg
GR. Mk 7 7,050 kg
TAV-8B 6,451kg
Maximum fuel
Internal only 3,519 kg
Internal and external 7,180 kg
Maximum external stores
Pegasus 11-61 6,003 kg
Pegasus 11-21/Mk 105* 4,899 kg
Maximum useful load (include fuel, stores, weapons, ammunition and water injection for engine)
Vertical takeoff Approximately 3,062, kg
STO More than 7,710 kg
Basic flight design gross weight for 7g operation10,410 kg
Maximum T-O weight
435 meters STO 14,061 kg
AV-8B/Pegasus 11-61 9,342 kg
GR. Mk 7 8,700 kg
S/L VTO, 32蚓 8,142 kg
Design maximum landing weight11,340 kg
Maximum vertical landing weight 9,043 kg 205 kg less in TAV-8B
Maximum mach number in level flight
At S/L 875 knots
At altitude 0.98
STOL takeoff run at maximum takeoff weight:
ISA 435 m
At 32?c 518 m
Operational radius with external loads shown:
Short takeoff (366 m, 12 Mk 82 Snakeye Bombs, internal fuel, 1 hour loiter) 90 nautical miles
Hi-lo-hi, short take off (366 m, seven Mk 82 Snakeye Bombs, two 300 US gallon external fuel tanks no loiter 594 nautical miles
Deck launch intercept mission, two AIM-9 missiles and two external fuel tanks 627 nautical miles
Unrefueled ferry range
Tanks dropped 1,965 nautical miles
Tanks retained 1,638 nautical miles
Combat air patrol endurance at 100 nautical miles from base.3 hr.
"G" force limits+8/-3

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

VRML 3-D Model
AV8B Harrier
VRML by Soji Yamakawa






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AV-8B 海鷗(Harrier)式垂直起降戰鬥機









美國海軍現役的「黃蜂」級兩棲攻擊艦, 總長257.3 米、寬32.8米, 吃水8 米, 排水量40,532噸, 動力裝置功率140,000 馬力, 航速22節。該艦塢寬15.24 米, 與「托馬斯頓」級一樣, 可搭載3 艘氣墊登陸艇( 表1)。該級艦正式裝備了AV-8B 垂直/ 短距起降飛機、SH-60B反潛直升機等。根據不同使命, 可進行各種不同組合。艙面甲板可以搭載42架CH-46 直升機。當該艦用作登陸艦時, 可搭載各種直升機30架和AV-8B 式飛機 6~8 架。而作為制海艦時, 可以搭載20架AV-8B 飛機和 4~6架SH-60B式反潛直升機。

AV-8B 首次參加實戰是「沙漠風暴」行動,參戰的 AV-8B 有 86 架,其中 VMA-311、VMA-513、VMA-231 和 VMA-542 四個中隊的 60 架首先部署在距離科威特邊境 183 千米的沙特阿吉斯海軍基地的機場,2 月 18 日以後部分進駐距科威特邊境 68 千米的塔那斯基夫前線機場。

VMA-223 和 VMA-331 中隊則分別佈置在「塔拉瓦」號(LHA-1)和「拿騷」號(LHA-4)兩棲攻擊艦上。整個海灣戰爭中 86 架 AV-8B 累計出動 3,342 架次、4,317 飛行小時,投射了 2,700 噸以上的彈藥(包括少量 GBU-12 激光制導炸彈和 AGM-65E 近距激光制導空地導彈),損失數量為 5 架(VMA-542 中隊損失 2 架,VMA-311、VMA-231、VMA-331 中隊個損失 1 架,全部是被防空火力擊落)。













固定武器為一門載彈300發的GAU-12U 25mm五管加特林機關炮,安裝在機腹兩個GAU-12/U吊艙內,常用彈種為PGU-32半穿甲高爆彈藥

該吊艙採用保形設計,同時合理的遮蔽了噴口和進氣口,避免了噴氣導入進氣口中。該機炮吊艙系由美國原通用電氣公司、現洛克希德-馬丁軍械系統公司(Lockheed Martin Armament Systems)研製,用於對空對地攻擊。1980年在加州中國湖海軍武器中心進行試射,AV-8B以飛行速度926.6千米/小時,俯衝角5°,瞄準斜距610~1220米,共發射14000發炮彈,摧毀了美軍M47和蘇制T-62主戰坦克目標。


彈殼留在吊艙內,既可使飛機橫向重心位置變化不大、保持飛機射擊時的穩定性,又可使彈殼不損傷飛機。傳動裝置為機炮射擊和供彈系統提供動力。機炮既可使用美國M790標準彈藥系列,包括訓練彈、爆炸燃燒彈、穿甲燃燒彈、脫殼穿甲彈等,還可使用25mm口徑歐洲標準彈藥系列。燃氣偏傳器使機炮射擊時產生的火藥氣體向吊艙下方排出,不致損傷機體和影響發動機工作。該炮改型為JSF F-35戰鬥機採用。

AV-8B配有前視光學計算機瞄準系統(LCOSS:lead computing optical sight system)。最新武器為「硫磺石」(brimstone)空對地反坦克導彈 




典型的武器外掛包括2或4枚AIM-9L「響尾蛇」、「魔術」或AGM-65E「幼畜」導彈;多達16顆的226.75千克普通炸彈;12束集束炸彈;10顆「寶石路」激光導引炸彈;8顆燃燒彈;10個火箭發射吊艙;6個箔條或紅外曳光彈吊艙;或(除了機身下邊炮艙外)2個翼下機炮吊艙。所有形式都符合ML Aviation BRU-36/A炸彈投放裝置標準。機身下中心線掛架可帶AN/ALQ-164防禦性電子干擾吊艙。2003年海軍陸戰隊開始為AV-8B裝備MK83型JDAM聯合直接攻擊彈藥。


英國海軍航母使用「鷂」式攻擊機,意大利、西班牙海軍的航母上則使用AV-8B攻擊機作為主力。由於AV-8B在電子設備、對地攻擊等方面比「鷂」有改進,英國又以AV-8B為原型研製了「鷂」GR MK5,於是美國買了別人發明的東西,但卻又從中賺了不少錢。近期台灣也正在和波音公司緊密磋商,希望購買40到110架AV-8B,以提高台空軍在戰時機場被毀情況下的作戰能力。






2006年10月,最近在美海軍航空作戰中心武器分部(NAWCWD)位於加利福尼亞州中國湖試驗場進行的一次試驗中,美海軍陸戰隊目前主要的艦載戰鬥機——AV-8B"鷂"Ⅱ(Harrier Ⅱ)戰鬥機成功投擲了"寶石路"Ⅱ雙模激光制導炸彈(DMLGB)。美國洛克希德·馬丁公司是"寶石路"Ⅱ DMLGB的惟一供應商。該炸彈在原"寶石路"Ⅱ半主動激光尋的制導的基礎上,增加了基於GPS/INS(全球定位系統/慣性導航系統)的坐標導航制導方式,提高了彈藥的使用靈活性、適應能力、制導精度和攻擊飛機的出動效率。在這次試驗中,AV-8B在2萬英尺(6096米)高度投擲了一枚DMLGB,該炸彈離機後先利用GPS/INS導引方式飛向預先編程的目標坐標點,在導引頭捕獲激光束能量後轉入半主動激光尋的,並成功地在指標要求的精度範圍內直接命中。需指出的是,預先編程的目標坐標點和激光照射光斑之間的距離超過0.5英里(805米)。

該試驗完整地展示了該炸彈的復合導引能力,並滿足了所有的預先期望和軍方有關指標。這次試驗是洛·馬公司為美海軍和美海軍陸戰隊執行"寶石路"Ⅱ DMLGB設計確認與認證程序的工作內容之一。此前,洛·馬公司已在今年1月至7月與美海軍共同完成了該炸彈的演示驗證程序,在此期間由F/A-18飛機投擲了12枚該炸彈,演示了該炸彈在各種制導方式下的性能。接下來,洛·馬公司和軍方將利用AV-8B繼續進行一系列"寶石路"Ⅱ DMLGB的投擲試驗,以確認該彈的各種設計指標。按美海軍授予的一份總金額2.6億美元的合同,洛·馬公司將從2007年開始交付生產型DMLGB套件,用於改進現有的"寶石路"Ⅱ。

[ 本文最後由 jacklf2004 於 07-10-7 04:28 PM 編輯 ]

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