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[quote=黃柏樹]其實沒影響(默 =3=/

=3=/  請愛用越求基地(炸
(謎:跟著錯字啊!! 來人啊!!拖出去!![/quote]
但是,如果當時月球形成的機率有20%.那顆月球至少會有直徑 8000 公里的大小.  

5000/1000=5在平方 就是25(建設上限)  


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=3=/ 去爬文回來了(死
Moons, phalanxes and jumpgates FAQ

As it seems that every day there are least 4 or 5 Help & Questions threads relating to moons, I thought I'd write a brief FAQ on moons, to try and answer most of the questions in an FAQ thread. Enjoy

1. What is a moon and how do I get one?

A moon is something you can get orbiting your planet. You can't colonise a moon, the ONLY way to get a moon is to have a battle at your planet. For every 100,000 units of debris, you get a 1% chance of getting a moon, with a maximum chance of 20%. This isn't cumulative, the chance is given at the end of the battle, from the debris created from that battle only. A moon is automatically yours if one forms. If a moon forms, you will get a message at the end of the combat report reading:

The enormous amounts of drifting metal and crystal particles attract each other and slowly form a lunar satellite in the orbit of the planet.

The moon is now yours, it can be built on immediately.

2. How do moon fields work?

A moon starts with 1 field. Every lunar base you build gives another 3 fields (although this is effectively 2 fields, as you will need 1 field for the NEXT lunar base). The maximum number of fields is (moonsize/1000)² (rounded down), ie the size of the moon in thousands of kilometers, squared.

3. What can I build on a moon?

Moons can have robotics factories (help building the really big buildings later), shipyards (especially useful for defence, as IBMs cant be fired at a moon), metal/crystal/deut storage (currently TOTALLY useless on a moon), lunar bases, used to give moon fields as explained above, and the two buildings that can only be built on moons: sensor phalanxes, and jumpgates.

4. What is a sensor phalanx and how does it work?

A sensor phalanx allows you to scan any planet within range (range is [(level of the phalanx)² - 1] solar systems). When you scan a planet, you get a readout in a popup of all fleets going to and coming from that planet, similar to the overview screen of that player, giving the exact arrival times, and the fleet composition. The advantage of this, is a player can scan your planet, see your fleet on a mission, and time his fleet to arrive 2 seconds after at your planet, this meaning he will destroy it for sure. This is why it's vital to avoid being in phalanx range. Every scan with a sensor phalanx costs 5,000 deuterium.

5. How do I evade a sensor phalanx?

Currently, the ONLY missions a phalanx can't see are ones going between two unscannable objects. The only things that can't be scanned are debris fields and moons, so the ONLY safe fleetsave is one going either from a moon to a DF, or from a moon to another moon. This is why people always move their fleets to their moons - they're safer there, as you CANT be phalanxed. There is no way of telling if someone's scanning you, you recieve no message.

6. What do jumpgates do?

Jumpgates are hugely expensive buildings that can be built on moons. You need at least TWO jumpgates (and therefore TWO moons) for them to function. You can then send a fleet of as many ships as you like (but not resources, only ships) between the two jumpgates once per once every 60 minutes, TOTALLY free. Jumpgate travel is instantaneous. You can only send fleets between two jumpgates that YOU own.

7. So why are moons so amazing then?

Well, a moon will allow you to crash other players fleets, even if they fleetsave, be almost impossible to crash yourself (provided you fleetsave well), and gives you somewhere to store your resources - as there are no mines on a moon, you can go over the storage limit with no problems, so you can stick all your spare resources there so your homeworld's mines can build happily.

8. Is it true you can destroy a moon?

Yes, moons CAN be destoryed, but only by deathstars, and it's risky and difficult. The chance of the deathstar(s) killing the moon is:

(100 - squareroot(moonsize)) * s(quareroot(number of deathstars)).

However, at the same time, the chance that the deathstar(s) and all accompanying ships are destroyed is:


If a moon is destroyed, all fleets going to the moon will go to the planet instead. If a moon is destroyed, you can get a new one at the same planet. There USED to be a bug preventing this, but it is now fixed, so if a moon is lost you can get another.

9. How is the size of a moon determined?

The moon size is totally random. However, if the moon was created from a 20% chance, the moon will ALWAYS be at least 8000km, making it almost invulnerable to deathstars.

10. Can I get more than one moon, and would it be useful?

Of course, but not around the same planet. Two moons, especially in different galaxies, would be great - you can have phalanxes on both, giving you two large scanning areas, and jumpgates between them - it takes recyclers around 10 hours and 1.5k deut each to travel 2 galaxies at 100% speed, so free instantaneous travel quickly pays for itself.

11. When a moon is created, what happens to the debris?

When a moon is made, the debris that created remains in the debris field for harvesting. I'm not entirely sure how that's supposed to work, but hey, it's only a game... *shrugs*

12. When I mouse over a moon on the galaxy page, what do those numbers mean?

S:xxxx is the size of the moon in kilometers, and the T:xx is the minimum temperature of the moon (not useful for anything currently).

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想辦法拉攏ID盟的那位仁兄.......好像很難= ="

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[quote=屌no]樓上大大教訓的是T T

sf331兄...我把你當作我盟友= =~我發現時快笑死了..


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=3=/ 近來發現... 來探訪在下都是名次前列100 (死
一隊 外來的 艦隊從星球java [1:29:4] 被監測到靠近你的星球[1:*:*]
這傢伙就有點遠了 =3=\ ...又冒出一個
一隊 外來的 艦隊從星球月球 [1:4:12] 被監測到靠近你的星球[1:*:*]. 反間諜活動機率: 0 %
傻眼 =口="  排名10  XDXDXD


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早上發兩個訊息~!讓我火大到飆車去了= =+

早上30分車程花11分= =


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今天回家看到的訊息...= =

12-05 04:02:08
一隊 外來的 艦隊從星球T [4:***:**] 被監測到靠近你的星球xxx [4:***:**]. 反間諜活動機率: 0 %
12-05 03:49:15
戰鬥報告 [4:***:**] (V:12000,A:0)
12-05 03:48:44
戰鬥報告 [4:***:**] (V:12000,A:0)
12-05 03:48:21
戰鬥報告 [4:***:**] (V:16000,A:0)
12-05 03:48:03
戰鬥報告 [4:***:**] (V:295000,A:12000)
12-05 01:40:39
一隊 外來的 艦隊從星球T [4:***:**] 被監測到靠近你的星球k3370 [4:***:**]. 反間諜活動機率: 0 %
12-05 01:37:29
一隊 外來的 艦隊從星球T [4:***:**] 被監測到靠近你的星球k3370 [4:***:**]. 反間諜活動機率: 0 %


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結果....今早   鎖   =  =

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