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F-22 Raptor

The F-22 program is developing the next-generation air superiority fighter for the Air Force to counter emerging worldwide threats. It is designed to penetrate enemy airspace and achieve a first-look, first-kill capability against multiple targets. The F-22 is characterized by a low-observable, highly maneuverable airframe; advanced integrated avionics; and aerodynamic performance allowing supersonic cruise without afterburner.

Stealth: Greatly increases survivability and lethality by denying the enemy critical information required to successfully attack the F-22

Integrated Avionics: Allows F-22 pilots unprecedented awareness of enemy forces through the fusion of on- and off-board information

Supercruise: Enhances weapons effectiveness; allows rapid transit through the battlespace; reduces the enemy’s time to counter attack

The F-22's engine is expected to be the first to provide the ability to fly faster than the speed of sound for an extended period of time without the high fuel consumption characteristic of aircraft that use afterburners to achieve supersonic speeds. It is expected to provide high performance and high fuel efficiency at slower speeds as well.
For its primary air-to-air role, the F-22 will carry six AIM-120C and two AIM-9 missiles. For its air-to-ground role, the F-22 can internally carry two 1,000 pound-class Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM), two AIM-120C, and two AIM-9 missiles. With the Global Positioning System-guided JDAM, the F-22 will have an adverse weather capability to supplement the F-117 (and later the Joint Strike Fighter) for air-to-ground missions after achieving air dominance.

The F-22's combat configuration is "clean", that is, with all armament carried internally and with no external stores. This is an important factor in the F-22's stealth characteristics, and it improves the fighter's aerodynamics by dramatically reducing drag, which, in turn, improves the F-22's range. The F-22 has four under wing hardpoints, each capable of carrying 5,000 pounds. A single pylon design, which features forward and aft sway braces, an aft pivot, electrical connections, and fuel and air connections, is used. Either a 600-gallon fuel tank or two LAU-128/A missile launchers can be attached to the bottom of the pylon, depending on the mission. There are two basic external configurations for the F-22:

Four 600 gallon fuel tanks, no external weapons: This configuration is used when the aircraft is being ferried and extra range is needed. A BRU-47/A rack is used on each pylon to hold the external tanks.

Two 600 gallon fuel tanks, four missiles: This configuration is used after air dominance in a battle area has been secured, and extra loiter time and firepower is required for Combat Air Patrol (CAP). The external fuel tanks, held by a BRU-47/A rack are carried on the inboard stations, while a pylon fitted with two LAU-128/A rail launchers is fitted to each of the outboard stations.

An all-missile external loadout (two missiles on each of the stations) is possible and would not be difficult technically to integrate, but the Air Force has not stated a requirement for this configuration. Prior to its selection as winner of what was then known as the Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) competition, the F-22 team conducted a 54-month demonstration/ validation (dem/val) program. The effort involved the design, construction and flight testing of two YF-22 prototype aircraft. Two prototype engines, the Pratt & Whitney YF119 and General Electric YF120, also were developed and tested during the program. The dem/val program was completed in December 1990. Much of that work was performed at Boeing in Seattle, Lockheed (now known as Lockheed Martin) facilities in Burbank, Calif., and at General Dynamics' Fort Worth, Texas, facilities (now known as Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems). The prototypes were assembled in Lockheed's Palmdale, Calif., facility and made their maiden flight from there. Since that time Lockheed's program management and aircraft assembly operations have moved to Marietta, Ga., for the EMD and production phases.
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The F-22 passed milestone II in 1991. At that time, the Air Force planned to acquire 648 F-22 operational aircraft at a cost of $86.6 billion. After the Bottom Up Review, completed by DOD in September 1993, the planned quantity of F-22s was reduced to 442 at an estimated cost of $71.6 billion.

A $9.55 billion contract for Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) of the F-22 was awarded to the industry team of Boeing and Lockheed Martin in August 1991. Contract changes since then have elevated the contract value to approximately $11 billion. Under terms of the contract, the F-22 team will complete the design of the aircraft, produce production tooling for the program, and build and test nine flightworthy and two ground-test aircraft.

A Joint Estimate Team was chartered in June 1996 to review the F-22 program cost and schedule. JET concluded that the F-22 engineering and manufacturing development program would require additional time and funding to reduce risk before the F-22 enters production. JET estimated that the development cost would increase by about $1.45 billion. Also, JET concluded that F-22 production cost could grow by about $13 billion (from $48 billion to $61 billion) unless offset by various cost avoidance actions. As a result of the JET review the program was restructured, requiring an additional $2.2 billion be added to the EMD budget and 12 months be added to the schedule to ensure the achievement of a producible, affordable design prior to entering production. The program restructure allowed sourcing within F-22 program funds by deleting the three pre-production aircraft and slowing the production ramp. Potential for cost growth in production was contained within current budget estimate through cost reduction initiatives formalized in a government/industry memorandum of agreement. The Defense Acquisition Board principals reviewed the restructured program strategy and on February 11, 1997 the Defense Acquisition Executive issued an Acquisition Defense Memorandum approving the strategy.

The Quadrennial Defense Review Reportwhich was released in mid-May 1997, reduced the F-22 overall production quantity from 438 to 339, slowed the Low Rate Initial Production ramp from 70 to 58, and reduced the maximum production rate from 48 to 36 aircraft per year.

The F-22 EMD program marked a successful first flight on September 7, 1997. The flight test program, which has already begun in Marietta, Georgia, will continue at Edwards AFB, California through the year 2001. Low rate production is scheduled to begin in FY99. The aircraft production rate will gradually increase to 36 aircraft per year in FY 2004, and will continue that rate until all 339 aircraft have been built (projected to be complete in 2013). Initial Operational Capability of one operational squadron is slated for December 2005.

The F-15 fleet is experiencing problems with avionics parts obsolescence, and the average age of the fleet will be more than 30 years when the last F-22 is delivered in 2013. But the current inventory of F-15s can be economically maintained in a structurally sound condition until 2015 or later. None of the 918 F-15s that were in the inventory in July 1992 will begin to exceed their expected economic service lives until 2014.

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FunctionAir superiority fighter
ContractorsLockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems: F-22 program management, the integrated forebody (nose section) and forward fuselage (including the cockpit and inlets), leading edges of the wings, the fins and stabilators, flaps, ailerons, landing gear and final assembly of the aircraft. Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems: Center fuselage, stores management, integrated navigation and electronic warfare systems (INEWS), the communications, navigation, and identification (CNI) system, and the weapon support system. Boeing: wings, aft fuselage (including the structures necessary for engine and nozzle installation), radar system development and testing, avionics integration, the training system, and flight-test development and management. Pratt & Whitney: F119-PW-100 engines that power the Raptor.
Major Subcontractors (partial list): Northrop Grumman, Texas Instruments, Kidde-Graviner Ltd., Allied-Signal Aerospace, Hughes Radar Systems, Harris, Fairchild Defense, GEC Avionics, Lockheed Sanders, Kaiser Electronics, Digital Equipment Corp., Rosemount Aerospace, Curtiss-Wright Flight Systems, Dowty Decoto, EDO Corp., Lear Astronics Corp., Parker-Hannifin Corp., Simmonds Precision, Sterer Engineering, TRW, XAR, Motorola, Hamilton Standard, Sanders/GE Joint Venture, Menasco Aerospace.
Propulsiontwo Pratt & Whitney F119-PW-100 engines
Thrust35,000 lbst
Length62.08 feet, 18.90 meters
Height16.67 feet, 5.08 meters
Wingspan44.5 feet, 13.56 meters
Wing Area840 square feet
Horizontal Tailspan29 feet, 8.84 meters
Maximum Takeoff Weight
SpeedMach 1.8 (supercruise: Mach 1.5)
ArmamentTwo AIM-9 Sidewinders six AIM-120C Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) one 20mm Gatling gun two 1,000-pound Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM)
First flight: September 7, 1997
Date Deployeddeliveries beginning in 2002
operational by 2004

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Unit Costs                             DOD's Projected Unit                 Prices Before and After Restructuring                                    Production                            --------------------------                              Low-rate     Full-rate                            ------------  ------------                            Units   Unit  Units   UnitEstimates                           cost          cost  --------------------------  ----  ------  ----  ------  Before restructuring          76  $142.6   362  $102.8Restructured without          70  $200.3   368  $128.2 initiativesRestructured with             70  $200.8   368  $ 92.4 initiatives------------------------------------------------------SOURCE: GAO June 1997
VRML 3-D Model
F-22 Raptor
VRML by Soji Yamakawa

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(文章來自 :21世紀的主戰機種)

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F-22猛禽(F-22 Raptor),是由美國洛克希德·馬丁公司、波音和通用動力公司公司聯合設計的新一代重型匿蹤戰鬥機。也是專家們所指的目前唯一面世的「第四代戰鬥機」。它將成為21世紀的主戰機種。主要任務為取得和保持戰區制空權,將是F-15的後繼型號。

F/A-22是美國於21世紀初期的主力重型戰鬥機,它是目前最昂貴的戰鬥機。它配備了主動相控陣雷達、AIM-9X近程空對空導彈、AIM-120C中程空對空飛彈、向量推力引擎、先進整合航電與人機介面等。在設計上具備超音速巡航(不需要使用後燃器維持)、超視距作戰、高機動性、對雷達與紅外線匿蹤(隱身)等特性。據估計其作戰能力為現役F-15的2到4倍。將會在較長的一段時間裏成為世界重型戰鬥機的霸主。研發F/A-22的的技術也同時應用到了下一代F-35「閃電II」(Lightning II) 身上。

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機員數 1
生產商 洛克希德·馬丁、波音和通用動力
造價 約2.569億美元/架
翼展 13.56米
機身 18.92米
高 5.00米
機翼面積 78.80平方米
空重 14,385公斤
最大起飛重 27,216公斤
發動機 2 x 普惠公司F119-PW-100渦輪風扇發動機
推力 2x 155-178千牛頓
最大使用過載 9 G
最高速度 保密(估計約在2馬赫)
超音速巡航 1.58 馬赫
海平面最高飛行速度 1480 公里/小時 1.21 馬赫
飛送航程 3200公里
實用升限 18,000公尺
雷達 AN/APG-77
機槍 1x M61A1/A2 20mm 火神砲
炸彈 GBU-10, GBU-12, GBU-16, CBU-59, Mk-80s
飛彈 對空:AIM-9, AIM-120
對地:AGM-62, AGM-65, JDAM

火箭 NA

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本計劃原稱作先進戰術戰鬥機(Advanced Tactical Fighter,ATF)



1982年美國空軍面對蘇聯戰鬥機的快速發展,以及美國空軍準備使用F-15E與F-16擔任對地攻擊的任務、F-117進入試飛階段,對地攻擊的需求已經不是那麼重要。當年10月,最終定案的計畫正式在最後一次公開會議上提出。ATF的技術要求將以下五個特點集在一架飛機上,即低可偵測性(匿蹤)、高度機動性和敏捷性、不需使用後燃器即可作超音速巡航(而不是只滿足於以往使用後燃器短時間超音速衝刺)、有效載重不低於F—15和具有飛越包括第三世界戰區在內的所有戰區的能力。面對如此先進的設計要求,F-22必須採用一切已有的世界級航空頂尖技術。 與YF-23的競爭試飛後,YF-22被美國空軍選中繼續研發。







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