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YF-23 Black Widow II

Two YF-23 prototypes were designed and built by the contractor team of Northrop and McDonnell Douglas as part of the demonstration and evaluation phase of the US Air Force's Advanced Tactical Fighter selection program, which concluded in 1990. According to the Air Force, factors in the selection for production of the F-22 were a better designed for maintainability, greater potential for future development, and slightly lower cost. A popular view is that the decision reflected a preference for maneuverability over stealth, and it is universally held that the YF-23 was by far the better looking aircraft.

During the ATF program, one YF-23 was powered by twin Pratt and Whitney YF119 turbofan engines, while two General Electric YF120 turbofan engines were installed in the other prototype. Featuring a diamond-shaped planform, two large, sharply-canted ruddervators, and a serrated aft profile, the high performance aircraft was larger than the F-15 it was designed to replace. The YF-23 employed stealth characteristics and was capable of supersonic cruise
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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

ContractorNorthrop / McDonnell Douglas
MissionCompetitor, along with YF-22, in the ATF competition
Length67 feet, 5 inches (20.6 meters)
Wing span43 feet, 7 inches (13.3 meters)
Height13 feet, 11 inches (4.3 meters)
Maximum takeoff weight64,000 pounds (29,029 kilograms)
Propulsion2 Pratt and Whitney YF119 turbofan engines, or
2 General Electric YF120 turbofan engines
SpeedMach 2
Range865-920 miles (750-800 nautical miles) unrefuelled
-Armament4 AIM-9 Sidewinder - internal bays in engine intake duct sides
4 AIM-120 AMRAAM - internal bays underneath air intakes
Unit CostUnknown
InventoryTwo:  1 on display at Western Museum of Flight, in Hawthorne, California
          1 on display at USAF Museum USAF Test Center Museum at Edwards Air Force Base, California  

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

(文章來自 :先進戰術戰鬥機)

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S.I.A.M 管理者

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1982年美國空軍面對蘇聯戰鬥機的快速發展,以及美國空軍準備使用F-15E與F-16擔任對地攻擊的任務、F-117進入試飛階段,對地攻擊的需求已經不是那麼重要。當年10月,最終定案的計畫正式在最後一次公開會議上提出。ATF的技術要求將以下五個特點集在一架飛機上,即低可偵測性(匿蹤)、高度機動性和敏捷性、不需使用後燃器即可作超音速巡航(而不是只滿足於以往使用後燃器短時間超音速衝刺)、有效載重不低於F—15和具有飛越包括第三世界戰區在內的所有戰區的能力。面對如此先進的設計要求,F-22必須採用一切已有的世界級航空頂尖技術。 與YF-23的競爭試飛後,YF-22被美國空軍選中繼續研發。

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3


。 機長:21.32m 翼展:13.28m 機高:4.29m 最大離陸重:22680kg 發動機:YF-119或YF120型渦輪扇葉噴射(最大推力15876kg)x2

灰魅式 因B-2匿蹤轟炸機成功的諾斯洛普預麥克唐納聯手開發YF-23以爭取ATF的出線。23有一對別緻的菱形主翼,發動機則巧妙地融入機翼/機身混成設計的機體內,機首罩型與SR-71之扁平式下顎相似,機尾兩片以40度角上返角配置的尾翼兼具了垂直和水平兩種功能,論匿蹤效果YF-23顯然勝過YF-22。1990年8月27日進行首次試飛,23在超音速的巡航能力也顯然佔上風,然而經過波斯灣戰爭,美軍體認空戰靈活性還是較重要,因而最終還是YF-22獲得出線。

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