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法國陸軍  AMX LECLERC  (雷克勒主力戰車(Leclerc))

Demonstration of a Leclerc tank in Paris, on the 14th of July 2006

General characteristics
Crew 3 (Commander, gunner, driver)
Length 9.87 m (6.88 without gun)
Width 3.60 m
Height 2.50 m
Weight 56 tonnes
Armour and armament
Armour Steel, titanium, NERA
Main armament 120mm tank gun
40 rounds

Secondary armament 12.7mm coaxial M2HB machine gun

1,100 rounds
7.62mm machine gun
3,000 rounds

Power plant 8-cylinder diesel Wärtsilä
1,500 hp (1,100 kW)
Suspension hydropneumatic
Road speed 72 km/h
Power/weight 27 hp/tonne
Range 550 km

At the start of the 1970s, the AMX-30 was ageing and, in 1977, the French Army drafted a requirement for a new main battle tank, called "EPC" (Engin Principal de Combat). Importation of foreign materièl, like the M1 Abrams, the Leopard 2, or the Merkava was studied and rejected; a joint programme with Germany, based upon the Leopard 2, went astray in 1979 and studies for a national project started then.

In contrast with most Western programmes, the stress was put on active, rather than passive protection, to limit the overall mass of the vehicle. Mobility for evading incoming fire and firing control were for particular attention.

Partnership with a foreign State was sought to limit the cost per unit, and this was found when the United Arab Emirates ordered 436 vehicles, adding to the 426 units already planned for the French Army.

In 1986, the project was started under the name of "Leclerc", six prototypes being built swiftly. Mass production started in 1990 with the four-unit first batch, used mainly for comparative tests in foreign countries. The 17 units of batches 2 and 3 were shipped, with improvements in the turret and in the hull armour. These units were diagnosed with problems in the engine and suspension, and were quickly retired.

Batches 4 and 5 were better finished, eliminating the recurrent problems in the powerplant, and are still in service, after having been refitted at the end of the 1990s. The second series started with batch 6, with an added climate control system in the right rear of the turret. Batch 7 introduced a transmission system to the command vehicle, a VAB, giving instantaneous vision of the state of all battle tanks and acquired targets. It also incorporated minor improvements in the visor. Batch 8 was a modernisation of the electronic system, and batch 9 replaced the visor with a SAGEM Iris system with thermal imaging, which allows acquisition of targets at a greater range.

All previous batches will be modernised up to the standards of batch 9 from 2005. In 2004, batch 10 was presented, incorporating new information systems which could share the disposition of enemy and friendly units to all vehicles and new armour. This is the beginning of the 96-unit third series. By 2007, 355 tanks should be operational, 320 of them incorporated in 4 regiments each of 80 Leclerc vehicles




車體尺寸(m)全長6.88(不含砲管) 全寬3.71 全高2.47


發動機/馬力法國陸軍型:SACM V8X-1500柴油機*1/1500 阿拉伯聯合大公國型:MTU MB-883 V-12柴油機*1/1500





武裝主武裝:CN-120-26 120mm 52倍徑滑膛砲*1
次武裝: 12.7mm同軸機槍*17.62mm防空機槍*1(法國陸軍型採用人力操作機槍,阿拉伯聯合大公國型則採用遙控機槍)四聯裝AVCP 80mm防禦拋射系統*2



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ドイツ陸軍 德國陸軍 (高里雅特遙控炸彈車)


Class: RC Tank
Speed: n/a
Armament: 100kg explosives










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ドイツ陸軍 德國陸軍 (Panzer IV ausf. H (四號戰車H型初期型)

Panzer IV Ausf H
Between April 1943 and July 1944, a total of 3774 Panzer IV Ausf Hs were produced. The basic difference between this model and the Ausf G variant was the fitting of the SSG77 transmission. In addition, armour thickness was increased to 80mm (3.14in) from 50mm (1.96in). A host of other minor modifications included external air filters, all-steel rollers, a cupola mount for an antiaircraft machine gun, a new idler, the deletion of side vision ports for the driver and radio operator, and a new cupola with thicker armour.

Main armament consisted of the 75mm KwK40 L/48 gun. The Ausf H and J models were up-gunned with this weapon in 1943-44. It was an excellent all-round gun, which fired a potent high-explosive round and also had a good anti-armour performance. This was especially true at short ranges when using the PzGr40 armour-piercing, composite non-rigid round.

Following the introduction into service of the Panther, all panzer regiments in a panzer division were to have one detachment of Panthers and one detachment of Panzer IVs. However, because of problems with the Panther, panzer divisions had a second detachment of Panzer IVs. In France in June 1944, for example, most of the 748 Panzer IVs with the nine German panzer divisions were Ausf H models.

Designation: SdKfz 161/2
Type: Medium Tank
Length: 7.02m (23.03ft)
Width: 3.29m (10.79ft)
Height: 2.68m (8.79ft)
Weight: 25,454kg (56,000lb)
Crew: Five
Main Armament: 75mm
Secondary Armament: 1 x 7.92mm
Engine: Maybach HL120TRM
Range: 210km (131 miles)
Speed: 38km/h (23.75mph)
Fording: 1m (3.25ft)
Trench Crossing: 2.2m (7.25ft)
Armour (hull): 80mm (3.14in)
Armour (turret): 50mm (1.96in)


直至1940年,德國就為克虜伯公司的四號坦克及戴姆勒-賓士公司的三號坦克作出一個標準化的計劃。德國政府原本計劃把大部份四號坦克分配給步兵及防禦工事,但因為三號坦克的不足,才令四號坦克得以代替三號坦克的戰鬥任務。此外,還有少量的四號坦克供應給德國的盟友,如保加利亞早期訂購的88輛四號坦克就在1944年用於對抗德國軍隊;芬蘭的四號坦克則投入於芬蘇的繼續戰爭,其餘的四號坦克則供應給匈牙利、羅馬尼亞、西班牙等國。 當德國開發豹式坦克並將之投入於戰事後,很多四號坦克紛紛由前線退下來,並開始被豹式坦克所取代。



乘員 5人(車長、炮手、裝填手、
長度 5.89米
闊度 2.88米
高度 2.68米
重量 23噸
裝甲 80毫米裝甲
主要武器 120毫米KwK40 L/48 火炮
次要武器 7.92毫米機槍×2
發動機 12汽缸梅巴赫HL120 TRM
懸掛系統 鋼板彈簧
平地時速 40千米/小時
馬力/重量 13.0匹/噸
行動距離 300千米


型號 製造年份 簡介 生產數目

四號坦克A型 1937年-1938年 四號坦克最早的型號 35輛
四號坦克B型 1938年及1942年 裝甲加厚,並裝配了更大的發動機 42輛
四號坦克C型 1938年-1939年 改良了少部份的性能 138輛
四號坦克D型 1939年-1940年 側面裝甲加厚 229輛
四號坦克E型 1940年-1941年 側面及正面裝甲加厚 223輛
四號坦克F1型 1941年-1942年 簡化結構 462輛
四號坦克F2型 1942年 裝配75毫米L/43反坦克炮 175輛
四號坦克G型 1942年-1943年 炮塔裝甲加厚,並用於冬季作戰 1,687輛
四號坦克H型 1943年-1944年 加長炮管,採用75毫米L/48火炮,並加厚裝甲 3,774輛
四號坦克J型 1944年-1945年 發動機改為燃油發動機 1,758輛

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B-36 Peacemaker 美國空軍 B-36洲際轟炸機

B-36 Peacemaker
The B-36 was under development in 1941 and first flew on August 8, 1946. The first operational models were delivered to SAC in 1948, but due to early problems the B-36 units were not fully operational until 1951. The B-36 cost $3.6 million each. It had a 3,740-nm combat radius with a 10,000-pound payload, or a 1,757-nm radius with a maximum bomb load of 86,000 pounds. The last B-36 was built in August 1954, for a total production of 388 aircraft. The B-36 force was modernized with the advent of the long range B-52. On 29 June 1955 the first B-52 was delivered to SAC. At that time there were 340 of the B-36s assigned. When the last B-36 was retired in 1959, for a service life of 8 years, there were almost 500 B-52 aircraft in the US bomber fleet The B-36, an intercontinental bomber, was designed during World War II. The airplane made its maiden flight Aug. 8, 1946, and, on June 26, 1948, the Strategic Air Command received its first B-36 for operational use. By the time production ended in August 1954, more than 380 B-36s had been built for the U.S. Air Force.

In 1958-59, the B-36 was replaced by the more modern B-52. During the years it was in service, the airplane was one of America's major deterrents to aggression by a potential enemy. The fact that the B-36 was never used in combat was indicative of its value in "keeping the peace."

Span: 230 feet  
Length: 162 feet, 1 inches  
Height: 46 feet, 9 inches  
Weight: 410,000 pounds loaded  
Armament: Sixteen M24 20mm cannon in eight nose, tail and fuselage turrets,
86,000 pounds of conventional or nuclear bombs  
Engine: Six Pratt & Whitney B 4360s of 3,800 horsepower and
four General Electric J47s of 5,200 pounds thrust each  
Maximum speed: 435 mph  
Cruising speed:  230 mph  
Range: 10,000 miles  
Service ceiling: 45,700 feet  
Cost: $3,701,000  

B-36轟炸機是在二戰中期設計並製造的,當時美國擔心英國一旦被德國納粹攻陷,美國就必須直接從美國海岸執行遠程作戰任務,因此設計出名副其實的洲際轟炸機——B-36。B-36轟炸機可以攜帶1萬枚炸彈,航程可達1萬多英里。而在當時,還沒有任何一架飛機的航程接近1萬英里。  1941年10月,美國空軍將統一飛機集團(康維集團的前身)所設計的35號型飛機作為最有發展前景的候選方案。1941年11月,統一飛機集團獲得了設計兩架XB-36實驗飛機的合同。第一架XB-36在1944年5月交付美國空軍使用,但由於當時盟軍在歐洲戰場的被動局面已完全得到扭轉,因此該計劃也就失去了發展動力。直到1946年8月XB-36才實現其處女飛。

  XB-36轟炸機的翼展為230英尺。機身長163英尺,高度超過46英尺,總重為265,000磅,由Pratt & Whitney公司研製的6部R-4360-25發動機提供動力,每台發動機可產生3,000馬力。飛機在35,000英尺的飛行高度時的最大航速為每小時346英里,巡航速度為每小時216英里。XB-36當時是世界上最重最大的飛機,同時也是第一種大批量生產的大型飛機,首批生產了100架。美國空軍計劃裝備385架。第一架B-36A轟炸機於1947年試飛。美國戰略空軍第7轟炸隊1948年6月裝備了第一架B-36A,用於訓練任務。幾乎就在美國空軍成為一個獨立軍種後一年,第一架B-36B於1948年試飛。


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ドイツ陸軍 德國海軍 (沙恩霍斯特號(Scharnhorst))

The ship was built at Wilhelmshaven, Germany, launched on October 3, 1936, and commissioned on January 7, 1939. The first commander was Otto Ciliax (until September 23, 1939). After initial service, she was modified in mid-1939, with a new mainmast located further aft and her straight bow replaced by an "Atlantic bow" to improve her seaworthiness. However, her relatively low freeboard ensured that she was always "wet" when at heavy seas. The gunnery report after the engagement with HMS Renown reports serious flooding in the "A" turret that severely reduced its effectiveness. Her armour was equal to that of a battleship and if it hadn't been for her relatively small-calibre guns she would have been classified as a battleship by the British. The German navy always classified Scharnhorst and Gneisenau as Schlachtschiffe (battleships). These two ships, considered handsome and fast (with a top speed of 31.5 knots), were invariably mentioned at the same time, often fondly being referred to as "the ugly sisters" because they prowled together and wrought havoc on British shipping.

Scharnhorst's nine 28 cm (11 inch; in fact 283 mm - 11.1 inch), main guns, though possessing long range and quite good armor-penetration power because of their high muzzle velocity, were no match for the 380 mm (15 inch) guns of most of the battleships of her day, particularly with the flooding and technical problems that were experienced. The choice of armament was a result of their hasty commissioning.

If a later proposal to upgrade the main armament to six 15 inch (380 mm) guns in three twin turrets had been implemented, Scharnhorst would have been a very formidable opponent, faster than any British capital ship and nearly as well armored. But due to priorities and constraints imposed by World War II and later the war situation, she retained her 11 inch guns throughout her career. Both Scharnhorst and her sister were designed for an extended range to allow for commerce raiding.

General characteristics
Displacement: 31,552 tonnes (standard) 38,900 tonnes (full load)
Length: 235.4 m (772.3 ft) overall
229.8 m (753.9 ft) waterline
Beam: 30 m (98.4 ft)
Draft: 9.93 m (32.5 ft) at 37,500 long tons (38,100 tonnes)
Armament: 9 × 283 mm (11.1 inch)
12 × 150 mm (5.9 inch)
14 × 105 mm (4.1 inch)
16 × 37 mm
10 × 20 mm (later 38)
6 × 533 mm (21 inch) torpedo tubes
Aircraft: 3 Arado Ar196A-3, 1 catapult
Propulsion: 3 Brown-Boveri geared turbines;
3 three-bladed propellers, 4.8 m (15.75 ft) diameter;
161,164 shp (120.18 MW) = 33 kt
Range: 10,100 nm at 19 kt (18,700 km at 35 km/h)
Complement: 1,968 (60 officers, 1909 enlisted







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イギリス陸軍 バレンタイン  (英國陸軍 Valentine步兵坦克)








戰鬥全重 16000kg
乘員 3人
車長 5.41m
車寬 2.63m
車高 2.27m
最大速度 公路/越野:24/15 km/h
最大行程 145km
火力裝備 一門40mm火炮;7.92mm機槍x1
彈藥 40mm:60發;7.92mm:3150發
裝甲 30-65mm


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ドイツ陸軍 德國陸軍 (Panzer IV ausf. F1 (四號戰車F1型)



Designation: SdKfz 161/2
Type: Medium Tank
Length: 7.02m (23.03ft)
Width: 3.29m (10.79ft)
Height: 2.68m (8.79ft)
Weight: 25,454kg (56,000lb)
Crew: Five
Main Armament: 75mm
Secondary Armament: 1 x 7.92mm
Engine: Maybach HL120TRM
Range: 210km (131 miles)
Speed: 38km/h (23.75mph)
Fording: 1m (3.25ft)
Trench Crossing: 2.2m (7.25ft)
Armour (hull): 80mm (3.14in)
Armour (turret): 50mm (1.96in)


直至1940年,德國就為克虜伯公司的四號坦克及戴姆勒-賓士公司的三號坦克作出一個標準化的計劃。德國政府原本計劃把大部份四號坦克分配給步兵及防禦工事,但因為三號坦克的不足,才令四號坦克得以代替三號坦克的戰鬥任務。此外,還有少量的四號坦克供應給德國的盟友,如保加利亞早期訂購的88輛四號坦克就在1944年用於對抗德國軍隊;芬蘭的四號坦克則投入於芬蘇的繼續戰爭,其餘的四號坦克則供應給匈牙利、羅馬尼亞、西班牙等國。 當德國開發豹式坦克並將之投入於戰事後,很多四號坦克紛紛由前線退下來,並開始被豹式坦克所取代。



乘員 5人(車長、炮手、裝填手、
長度 5.89米
闊度 2.88米
高度 2.68米
重量 23噸
裝甲 80毫米裝甲
主要武器 120毫米KwK40 L/48 火炮
次要武器 7.92毫米機槍×2
發動機 12汽缸梅巴赫HL120 TRM
懸掛系統 鋼板彈簧
平地時速 40千米/小時
馬力/重量 13.0匹/噸
行動距離 300千米


型號 製造年份 簡介 生產數目

四號坦克A型 1937年-1938年 四號坦克最早的型號 35輛
四號坦克B型 1938年及1942年 裝甲加厚,並裝配了更大的發動機 42輛
四號坦克C型 1938年-1939年 改良了少部份的性能 138輛
四號坦克D型 1939年-1940年 側面裝甲加厚 229輛
四號坦克E型 1940年-1941年 側面及正面裝甲加厚 223輛
四號坦克F1型 1941年-1942年 簡化結構 462輛
四號坦克F2型 1942年 裝配75毫米L/43反坦克炮 175輛
四號坦克G型 1942年-1943年 炮塔裝甲加厚,並用於冬季作戰 1,687輛
四號坦克H型 1943年-1944年 加長炮管,採用75毫米L/48火炮,並加厚裝甲 3,774輛
四號坦克J型 1944年-1945年 發動機改為燃油發動機 1,758輛

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

原文由zeco 於 07-2-14 10:15 PM 發表
真是利害 可以查到這麼多詳細的資料



合作?  當然沒問題,zeco若需要甚麼,我都會幫忙到底的,


以上。                                                                                                  jacklf2004

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喔喔 真是太好了


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