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EC-130E Rivet Rider / Commando Solo
EC-130H Rivet Fire / Compass Call EC-130E ABCCC

The EC-130E ABCCC consists of seven aircraft that are used as an Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center. The EC-130E is a modified C-130 "Hercules"; aircraft designed to carry the USC-48 Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center Capsules (ABCCC III). These one-of-a kind aircraft include the addition of external antennae to accommodate the vast number of radios in the capsule, heat exchanger pods for additional air conditioning, an aerial refueling system and special mounted rails for uploading and downloading the USC-48 capsule. The ABCCC has distinctive air conditioner intakes fore of the engines ("Mickey Mouse ears"), two HF radio probes-towards the tips of both wings,

and three mushroom-shaped antennas on the top of the aircraft - and, of course, numerous antennas on the belly. As an Air Combat Command asset, ABCCC (A-B-Triple-C) is an integral part of the Tactical Air Control System. While functioning as a direct extension of ground-based command and control authorities, the primary mission is providing flexibility in the overall control of tactical air resources. In addition, to maintain positive control of air operations, ABCCC can provide communications to higher headquarters, including national command authorities, in both peace and wartime environments. The USC-48 ABCCC III capsule, which fits into the aircraft cargo compartment, measures 40 feet long,

weighs approximately 20,000 pounds and costs $9 million each. The ABCCC provides unified and theater commanders an Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center (ABCCC), with the capability for combat operations during war, contingencies, exercises, and special classified missions. A highly trained force of mission ready crew members and specially equipped EC-130E aircraft to support worldwide combat operations.

Mission roles include airborne extensions of the Air Operations Center (AOC) and Airborne Air Support Operations Center (ASOC) for command and control of Offensive Air Support (OAS) operations; and airborne on-scene command for special operations such as airdrops or evacuations. The ABCCC system is a high-tech

automated airborne command and control facility featuring computer generated color displays, digitally controlled communications, and rapid data retrieval. The platform's 23 fully securable radios, secure teletype, and 15 automatic fully computerized consoles, allow the battlestaff to quickly analyze current combat situations and direct offensive air support towards fast-developing targets. ABCCC, is equipped with its most recent upgrade the Joint Tactical Information Distribution System, allows real-time accountability of airborne tracks to capsule displays through data links with AWACS E-3 "Sentry" aircraft.
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EC-130E Commando Solo / Rivet Rider
The EC-130E Commando Solo (initially known as Volant Solo) is available to commanders for localized targeting of specific avenues of communication. The EC-130E exists in Comfy Levi and Rivet Rider versions. Senior Hunter aircraft flying the SENIOR SCOUT mission support Commando Solo aircraft. This weapon system is the mainstay information operations aircraft for peacekeeping and peacemaking operations and humanitarian efforts which comprise a large percentage of today's military missions. Commando Solo conducts psychological operations and civil affairs broadcast missions in the standard AM, FM, HF, TV, and military communications bands. Missions are flown at the maximum altitudes possible to ensure optimum propagation patterns. The EC-130 flies either day or night scenarios with equal success, and is air refuelable. A typical mission consists of a single-ship orbit which is offset from the desired target audience. The targets may be either military or civilian personnel. Secondary missions include command and control communications countermeasures (C3CM) and limited intelligence gathering.
With the capability to control the electronic spectrum of radio, television, and military communication bands in a focused area, the Commando Solo aircraft can prepare the battlefield through psychological operations and civil affairs broadcasts. These modified C-130Es provide broadcasting capabilities primarily for psychological operations missions; support disaster relief operations; and perform communications jamming in military spectrum and intelligence gathering. One oversized blade antenna is under each wing with a third extending forward from the vertical fin. A retractable wire antenna is released from the modified beavertail, with a second extending from the belly and held vertical by a 500 pound weight.

Capabilities include:
Reception, analysis, and transmission of various electronic signals to exploit electromagnetic spectrum for maximum battlefield advantage
Secondary capabilities include jamming, deception, and manipulation techniques
Unrefueled range 2800 NM
Broadcasts in frequency spectrums including AM/FM radio, short-wave, television, and military command, control and communications channels

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Rivet Rider modification includes:
VHF and UHF Worldwide format color TV
Infrared countermeasures [chaff/flare dispensers plus infrared jammers]
Vertical trailing wire antenna
Fire suppressant foam in fuel tank
Radar warning receiver
Self-contained navigation system
The modification added a pair of underwing pylon mounted 23X6 foot equipment pods, along with X-antennae mounted on both sides of the vertical fin. Six aircraft have been modified to the Rivet Rider configuration by the contractor, Lockheed Martin; Ontario, California.

Commando Solo and Senior Scout operations may be long or short range missions with extended orbit delays planned at the aircraft operating ceiling, and may require one or multiple air refuelings. Some missions may require a combat profile, with a low altitude profile enroute to the mission orbit area. The electronic environment may be hostile, with enemy ability to jam all communications radios and electronic transmission systems; to intercept and use intelligence information transmitted over nonsecure electronic systems and radios; and to pinpoint the position of the aircraft emitting any electronic transmission or signal.

Commando Solo supported the operation JOINT GUARD mission by shutting down anti-SFOR propaganda through radio and TV broadcasts over Bosnia-Herzegovina in support of SFOR operations.

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EC-130 戰術機載指揮和通信型

美國空軍用其來代替 EC-121 電子監視機,背鰭上方和每個外翼下方增加了大型刀形天線,機身兩側有小型刀形天線。機翼下面刀形天線外側和尾翼彈丸形艙中裝有拖曳天線,該天線可長達幾百米。

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由於在阿富汗所進行的「持久自由」行動中,EC-130H 型表現很好,美軍計劃對其改進升級。EC-130H 有力的為地面部隊提供了敵情信息。改進將集中在其電子系統,使作戰能力得到進一步的提高。EC-130H 綽號「羅盤呼叫」,改進工作將從 2002 年夏天開始,最終改進所有的 13 架該型飛機。改進將為 EC-130H 安裝公共的硬件結構,以便在未來的改進中進行軟件更新。計劃加裝特別發射陣電子干擾吊艙,該吊艙在對阿富汗的戰爭中經過了考驗。現在美國空軍正在對特殊發射陣系統進行頻率擴展,以擴大它的頻率覆蓋範圍。另一個改造項目就是安裝信號鏈接裝置 LINK-16。LINK-16 能夠使該飛機與美國空軍的其它飛機進行合作,通過它的鏈接,EC-130H 能夠接收 RC-135「聯合鉚釘」發出的信號,直接與其它間諜飛機取得聯繫。「聯合鉚釘」能為 EC-130H 提供電子干擾的效果評估。

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這個部隊的正式番號,叫做「單飛突擊隊」(Commando Solo)。1991年波斯灣戰爭期間,單飛突擊隊曾勸導並指示伊拉克軍人如何向聯軍投降。1994年海地軍事政變事件中,它執行「民主支援行動」,成功地滲透入海地的各種媒體,改變了人民的心理狀態,控制了難民不要湧入美國,並在最後成功地使海地民選總統亞理斯提得重返海地執掌政權。但單飛突擊隊的功蹟不止於此:1999科索沃戰爭、2001年阿富汗反恐戰爭、2003年伊拉克戰爭,到處可以見到他們成功的心理戰踪跡。

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