01 - Eternity ~ Memory of Lightwaves
02 - Besaid
03 - Yuna's Ballad
========================================================== 這張CD看起來很浪費金錢。專輯是選取FFX-2裡面的其中幾首主題曲 專輯裡有三首不同特色的音樂。這張CD裡的三首音樂為什麼可以賣到$10-$15?(好像是美金)
花費$15 更能得到整體雙重CD OST? 價格的確是太高了, 但告訴各位為什麼這張CD也許值得購買。 大多歌曲在X-2 OST 非常多音樂。 但是, 在OST 的最好聽的是這三首。(如果沒包含千言萬語跟真實情感) CD裡的音樂更特別的是 當休息未達到, 另一個音樂又出現。 最重要是, 這張專輯裡的音樂跟原始的遊戲配樂版本不一樣。 由不同樂器組成(鋼琴、吉他, 低音樂器) 去與標準背景音樂一起, 變成另一種特色。 原始音樂的"Besaid" 和"Yuna 的民謠" 最佳的部分抽樣為主點, 因此能聽到的音樂感覺更加優質並且可以和OST 版本比較。 這張CD位元太高(在加3 或4 首音樂會更好), 如果對音樂很挑剔的, 這張專輯您千萬不能錯過的遊戲配樂。
=============================================================== 原文: Okay, at first glance, this little disc looks like an absolute waste of money. As a "Theme Song Single", you're looking at three instrumental tracks, standing on their own. Why spend $10-$15 on this three-track, ten minute disc, when you can spend $15 more and get the whole double-disc OST? While I cannot argue that the price is simply too high, I will tell you why this disc might be worth a purchase. First of all, many people agree that most of the songs on the X-2 OST are terrible. I disagree with the majority opinion, but that doesn't change the majority very much at all. However, almost everyone can agree that among the "good" tracks of the OST, these three are it. They are amazing tracks: when the rest fall short, these songs shine. However, the most important reason of all is that these tracks aren't demo tracks, nor are they the same as the Original Soundtrack versions. These are the closest things to fully arranged tracks you can find for FFX-2. There are live instruments (piano, guitar, bass) going along with the standard background music, and it's all very refreshing. I searched these tracks long and hard to find the best sections of "Besaid" and "Yuna's Ballad" to sample for the site, so you can get a feel for how much higher quality these tracks are compared to the OST versions. Again, the pricetag seems a bit too high for such a small amount of music (3 or 4 more tracks would've been nice), but if you're serious about your collection, this is a soundtrack you don't want to miss. ================================================================== 專輯只有三首真的蠻特別的@@" 不過"久遠~光與波的記憶"真的很好聽
跟OST裡面的感覺有差~ 是另一種感覺 裡面不止只有原音~還有包含著鋼琴@_@" 大家無聊來聽聽看吧!!
[ 本文最後由 佐萊.尤菲 於 07-4-5 09:48 PM 編輯 ] |