


S.I.A.M 管理者

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HU-25 Falcon

Forty-one HU-25A, medium range surveillance fan jets replaced the HU-16E Albatross and the C-131A Samaritan prop driven aircraft, in the Coast Guard aviation fleet. The Guardian's modern technology and design enhances it's performance as the services first multi-mission jet. It is twice as fast as previous Coast Guard fixed wingaircraft and can get to the scene quickly to perform its role.

The HU-25A can operate from sea level to an altitude of 42,000feet at dash speed, an important capability for the Coast Guard missions of search and rescue, enforcement of laws and treaties, including illegal drug interdiction, marine environmental protection and military readiness.

The airframes were assembled in Little Rock, Arkansas at Falcon Jet Corporation, a subsidiary of Dassault-Brequet Aviation. The acrylic search window, drop hatch for delivery of emergency equipment to vessels, and other fuselage modifications unique to Coast Guard aircraft were made at Grumman Aircraft Corporation in New York. The Garrett turbo fan engines were manufactured in Phoenix, Arizona specifically for the aircraft's long flights. The computer controlled air navigation system was built by Rockwell International, Collins Avionics group in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The Guardian has surveillance system operators (SSO) console including Texas Instruments radar with 160-mile range, manufactured in Dallas, Texas.
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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

Major MissionsSearch and Rescue/Law Enforcement
Environmental Response/Air Interdiction Maximum Gross Weight
32,000 lbs.[/td]
Fuel Capacity10431 lbs.
Empty Weight25,500 lbs
Operating Range2045 NM
Overall Length55 Ft.
Crew2 pilots, 3 crewman
Overall Span22 Ft.
Wing span54 ft
Maximum height18 Ft.
PowerplantsTwo Garrett ATF3-6 turbo-Fan engines rated at 5440 pounds thrust each.
Cruising Speed350-410 knots
Endurance5.75 hours
Number in service41

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3


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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

 MX系列穩定轉塔 由L-3通信公司WESCAM分公司研製,採用通用結構,穩定性好。MX-12轉塔是最小的,重25千克,可裝5個傳感器。MX-15轉塔(美軍稱之為AN/AAQ-35/MX-15)採用了39.4厘米直徑的萬向架,全重45千克,可裝6個傳感器,包括採用第三代銻化銦焦平面陣列的高倍率中波紅外熱像儀和帶有變焦鏡頭的彩色CCD攝像機。它可選裝彩色或黑白CCD攝像機、人眼安全激光測距機和激光指示器,慣性測量裝置可以精確測最目標的地理位景,瞄準線跳動不大干10微弧度。最新型MX—15D裝有激光指示器,採用了大孔徑光學系統,分辨率和瞄準線穩定性較高、識別和辨別距離較遠。轉塔還可以直接把圖像傳輸到該公司的便攜式無線態勢感知和實時決策信息數字接收機上。


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