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「弗吉尼亞理工大學槍擊事件」- 兇手所使用的兩把槍枝分析。

上圖: 0.22徑(15.9毫米)瓦爾特P22
下圖: 9毫米格洛克G19





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Walther P22
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The P22 is a semi-automatic pistol manufactured by Walther Sportwaffen

Walther P22 Target with the 127mm barrel.
Type Semi-automatic pistol
Place of origin Germany
Production history
Designer Walther
Manufacturer Walther
Variants Target (longer barrel)
Weight 430 g
525 g (Target)

Length 159 mm
Barrel length 87 mm (3.4 in)
127 mm (5.25 in) (Target)


Cartridge .22 LR
Action blowback, recoil operated
Feed system 10 round detachable box magazine
Sights Adjustable Rear White-Dot Open Sights; Front sight available in varying heights.

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Being a .22 caliber handgun with a relatively large size, it features mild recoil when fired, making it well suited for introducing and training newcomers to handguns without introducing any fear from recoil. The P22 is regarded by many firearms enthusiasts as being a modestly priced "plinker" suitable for handgun training, recreational, and other general rimfire use. There are a wide range of accessories, including fiber-optic sights, a laser sight that attaches to a rail under the dust guard area in front of the trigger guard, and a frame-mounted scope attachment. A P22 was one of two weapons carried by Cho Seung-hui in the Virginia Tech Massacre of April 16, 2007

Composition and assembly
On the exterior, it resembles the Walther P99, but it is somewhat smaller (75% of the P99's size) and its action chambers the rimfire .22 LR cartridge. The most noticeable exterior difference is the P22's slide mounted, thumb operated, ambi-dexterous safety and its external hammer. The P22 features a cast polymer grip-frame. Its slide and serial numbered frame receiver inserts are made from MIM (Metal Injection Molding) cast zinc alloy, its barrel consists of a rifled steel insert within a steel barrel sleeve, and its internal lockwork and fire-control parts are a combination of MIM cast steel and steel stampings.

The P22 can be purchased with a 3.4-inch short barrel, or with a 5-inch barrel which includes a barrel mounted weight compensator matching the profile of the slide (pictured to the right). The P22 was originally designed such that the two different length barrel assemblies could be easily interchanged, and "combo" packages including both barrels were offered for sale. Due to California laws, P22 models for sale in that state have been modified so that the original barrel purchased with the gun is permanently installed and cannot be removed without ruining the barrel assembly, or the handgun, or both. In some countries, like Finland, the original 3.4 inch short barrel causes the P22 to be classified as a concealable firearm, making the 5 inch target barrel the only available option for normal recreational shooters.

The P22 is offered in many different color variations of its polymer lower receiver. Black, Olive Drab, White, and Carbon Fiber are options. The slide assembly will either have a blue-black applied finish, or it will be finished with a nickel/stainless look.

The P22 may be fired double action for the first shot from a hammer-down condition, and operates as a single action on all successive shots. The hammer can only be de-cocked by pulling the trigger, as this particular handgun does not have a "decocking" lever.

The P22 operates on the blowback method of semi-automatic operation. Under this approach, the pressure generated by a firing cartridge is contained by a combination of the inertial weight of the slide assembly and the force of the recoil spring. There is no "locking" mechanism. The strength of the recoil spring and the weight of the slide are such that the rearward force of the firing cartridge will not open the action until the projectile has left the barrel and the pressures have dropped to safe levels.

As with many semi-automatic pistols, the P22 is equipped with a magazine disconnect that prevents the trigger from operating on the sear mechanism unless a magazine is actually inserted and locked into the weapon. The magazine disconnect on a P22 works by utilizing a strong spring to apply downward force against the trigger bar, such force being sufficient to overcome the action of the relatively weaker trigger spring which interacts with upward force on the same bar. When a magazine is not locked into the weapon, the downward force of the stronger magazine disconnect spring causes the trigger bar to pass beneath the internal lockwork of the weapon when the trigger is pressed. Once a magazine is fully inserted, however, an actuator surface on the front of the magazine pushes against the magazine safety. This overcomes the magazine safety's strong spring, and thereby serves to allow the trigger bar to spring upward under the force of the less powerful trigger spring. When this occurs, the trigger bar is in a position where it engages the lockwork when the trigger is actuated. An added side effect of the interplay between the strong magazine disconnect spring and the magazine itself is that the magazine will "spring" out of the grip of the weapon very vigorously when released.

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The P22's slide mounted safety, when engaged, performs two functions. First, it serves as a "hammer block" by rotating a portion of the metal surface of the safety into a position that interfere's with the hammer's contact with the firing pin. Second, it acts as a "firing pin lock" by rotating a portion of the safety into a notch on the underside of the firing pin, thereby inhibiting forward movement. The P22 safety does not prevent sear or trigger movement, and (as noted), it does not provide a hammer drop function. If the hammer is cocked when a P22 is been placed on "safe," the hammer will continue to remain cocked and will only fall if the trigger is pressed. If the safety is on, the hammer will strike the safety instead of the firing pin and, therefore, fail to fire. Good safety practices generally counsel against relying on mechanical safeties and such a method of decocking should only be used when the firearm is unloaded and pointed in a safe direction.

The P22 utilizes an additional, passive, safety mechanism to protect against accidental discharges in the event the weapon is dropped. When the action is closed, a small metal button on the underside of the breach block is actuated by an arm surface extending from the sear. In this state (whether or not the hammer is cocked), the firing pin is mechanically blocked and cannot move forward to strike a cartridge rim. When the trigger is pressed, the sear moves downard in such a way as to move from its interaction with the firing pin safety, which in turn springs downward under the force of a captive spring within the breach block. This disengages the firing pin safety, allowing the firing pin to move and the weapon to fire.

Firing pin
The firing pin on a P22 is "inertial." That means when fully depressed by the weapon's hammer in its "down" or at-rest position, the firing pin does not actually reach the cartridge rim. It can only fire the cartridge by way of inertial energy after it has been hit vigorously by the full force of a cocked hammer. For this reason, it is not abnormally dangerous to have the hammer down on a P22 with the safety off (as was the case historically with most single action revolvers and some semi-automatic pistols). A strike to the hammer in such a situation will not fire the P22. Even so, the operating manual for the P22 cautions users to diligently apply the manual safety except when ready to fire the gun. This aspect of the firing pin also adds safety to the manual method of decocking that is required to be used with this firearm, though, as mentioned, it is wise to keep the firearm unloaded and pointed in a safe direction when decocking.

Due to the inertial firing pin, the P22 should not be "dry fired" extensively during aiming practice. Doing so not only risks deformation of the chamber face, but the repeated forward action of the firing pin into and beyond the space normally occupied by the rimfire casing will eventually distort the firing pin spring. If this happens, the firing pin will no longer return vigorously to its default at-rest position at the extreme of its possible rearward travel within the breach block. This could result in less or none of the firing pin's rear surface protruding beyond the rear of the breach block for impact by the hammer.

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格洛克19(Glock 19)是由奧地利格洛克(Glock)公司設計及生產的手槍,是格洛克17的緊湊型版本。發射9毫米魯格彈,標凖彈匣為15發。

Glock 19


類型 手槍
來源地 奧地利


設計者 格斯通·格洛克
製造商 格洛克
製造日期 1990年
相似種類 19C

重量 595 克 / 20.99 安士 (空槍)
長度 174 毫米 / 6.85 寸
槍管長度 102 毫米 / 4.02 寸
寬度 30 毫米 / 1.18 寸
高度 128 毫米 / 5.00 寸 (包括彈匣)


彈藥 9毫米魯格彈
口徑 9 x 19毫米
發射系統 安全機動(Safe Action)
供彈方式 15 / 17 / 19 / 33 發彈匣
瞄準方式 前後準星

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格洛克19在1988年設計,1990年正為瑞典軍隊的制式手槍,被瑞典軍隊命名為Pistol 88B(Pistol 88 是格洛克17的軍隊編號)。

格洛克19經歷了三次修正版本,最新的版本稱為第三代格洛克19(3rd generation Glock 19s)。1999年開始,新推出的格洛克19在套筒下前方設有導軌,以安裝各種戰術配件。

世界上有兩個執法部門裝備了改裝過的格洛克19,美國紐約重案組(NYPD)及以色列保安部隊 Shabak,NYPD的裝有12磅連接器,而Shabak採用的19C裝有延長套筒鎖、延長彈匣釋放鈕,Meprolight夜光準星及3.5磅扣力的扳機。

格洛克19在民間市場很受歡迎,亦被執法部門廣泛採用,大部份探員也樂於裝備格洛克19(握把比格洛克17細小),甚至用於隱藏攜帶。比較原裝的格洛克17,格洛克19的握把比格洛克17短12 毫米 (0.5 寸),便於隱蔽任務,以上兩種型號大部份零件通用(包括彈匣)。


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全自動16彈匣9毫米手槍和0.22徑手槍. 由於全自動手槍連發速度很快.





另外,估計趙承熙至少從兩個月前開始為作案做了準備。他於2月9日在黑堡中心街的JND典當鋪購買了瓦爾特P22手槍。之後耐心等待31天之後,於3月12日在羅阿諾科輕武器店以571美元的價格購買了GLOCK 19手槍和50發子彈。在弗吉尼亞州,禁止30天內連續購買槍支。該店老闆約翰-馬克爾表示:「購買手槍是很平常的事,沒有感到奇怪的理由。」他還稱:「可能在其它槍支商店購買了更多的子彈。」

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1cal=1inch=25.4mm => 0.22cal=0.22inch=0.22*25.4mm=5.58mm


[ 本文最後由 jacklf2004 於 07-5-24 06:26 PM 編輯 ]

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