
樓主: 克里斯Chris


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CH-60 Sea Hawk
The current Fleet Combat Support Helicopter provides the Navy's Combat Logistics Force (CLF) with an at-sea Vertical Replenishment (VERTREP) capability. It also serves as the primary Search and Rescue (SAR) helicopter for the Amphibious Task Force (ATF), providing essential support to amphibious operations. The primary missions of the CH-60 will include day and night VERTREP, day and night amphibious SAR, vertical onboard delivery, and airhead operations. Secondary missions of the CH-60 will include Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR), Special Warfare Support (SWS), recovery of torpedoes, drones, unmanned aerial vehicles, and unmanned undersea vehicles, noncombatant evacuation operations, aeromedical evacuations, humanitarian assistance, executive transport, and disaster relief. The CSAR/SWS version of the CH-60 will have additional mission equipment installed that will provide the Navy with capabilities for CSAR and SWS in both the active carrier-based Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadrons (HS) and in the Reserve Helicopter Combat Support (Special) (HCS) Squadrons.

Based on the current deployment schedule, the CH-60 will first replace the H-46D helicopters in active Navy Helicopter Combat Support (HC) Squadrons. After the H-46s have been replaced, the CH-60 will replace the HH-60H helicopters in the Reserve HCS squadrons, then the UH-3H and HH-1H helicopters used as Naval Air Station SAR, range support, and executive transport missions. Finally, the CH-60 will replace the HH-60H helicopters in active Navy HS squadrons.
The CH-60 configuration evolved to fill the Navy旧 need for a comprehensive, rugged utility helicopter to replace the helicopters engaged in vertical replenishment (CH-46D, UH-46D and HH-46D), amphibious assault ship search and rescue (HH-46D), strike rescue and special warfare (HH-60H), station search and rescue (HH-1N and UH-3H), utility transport and target recovery (UH-3H), and VIP transport (VH-3A and UH-3H). The CH-60 will also be capable of carrying FLIR and Hellfire missiles, making it an even more versatile platform. The Navy needed a Seahawk variant but could not afford a utility version. Since the Army Black Hawk was much less expensive, the solution was to build a hybrid铘 嘆avalized?Black Hawk that would meet the cost constraints but could be modified to operate in a ship-board environment. This takes advantage of the existing H-60 support infrastructure and reduces the number of different types of aircraft in the inventory. The Navy will save an estimated $20 billion in life-cycle costs over the life of the program.

The CH-60 will be an Army UH-60 Blackhawk utility airframe in combination with Navy SH/HH-60 transmissions and dynamic components. The CH-60 will incorporate new design items that are not in use by either the UH-60 or SH/HH-60 airframe lines. The CH-60 will adapt the Naval H-60 Tail Pylon to the Blackhawk tail cone with a CH-60 unique canted bulkhead at the tail cone, tail pylon interface. This bulkhead will 単arry?the two components by providing a Naval H-60 interface on its aft face to accommodate the Naval H-60旧 fold hinges and quick disconnect mechanism; and a UH-60 interface on its forward face to accommodate the UH-60旧 tail landing gear and tail cone interface. The Blackhawk旧 tail cone flight controls will be rerouted to accommodate the Naval H-60 rapid fold tail pylon. With a large cabin, double cargo doors and external stores support system winglets, the aircraft externally resembles a Black Hawk. Most of its Seahawk features are internal: engines, rotor brake, folding tail pylon, automatic flight control system, rescue hoist and a more durable gearbox. The production version of the aircraft will be equipped with reversible floor-boards on the cabin cargo floor, and one side will be fitted with rollers to handle up to two standard four-foot-square cargo pallets.

The CH-60 will be able to operate day or night, under adverse weather conditions, including flight in light icing. The helicopter will be compatible with all current and future Aircraft Carriers, CLF, and ATF ships to include fitting inside the hangars of all CLF ships without ship alteration. The helicopter will be capable of operating over all designated ship hover areas, both day and night, and be compatible for limited operation aboard both aviation and air capable ships proportionate with a fixed fore-to-aft wheelbase of 29 feet.

Sikorsky has tooled up for CH-60 production, and configuration options and a cockpit common with the SH-60R have being engineered. The first major assemblies of the CH-60 entered production late in 1998; first deliveries occured in late 1999.

Reducing the types of helicopters in the fleet inventory to two airframes may enable the Navy to consolidate its HS and HC (helicopter combat support) squadrons. One possibility now being considered is for a carrier battle group to deploy with SH-60Rs and CH-60s on board the carrier, with other CH-60s detached to the battle group旧 logistics ship.

The CH-60 has several advantages over the HH-60H Seahawk as a strike rescue and special warfare helicopter. The Black Hawkstyle tail wheel, positioned further aft, allows for a steeper landing approach to a confined area. The CH-60旧 larger cabin will enable it to carry more troops; its two larger cargo doors will allow more rapid deployment of the rigid inflatable boats for Navy sea-air-land team members (SEALs). The CH-60 also will be more crash-worthy, and will be fitted with better self-sealing fuel tanks capable of withstanding rounds up to 7.62 mm. The external stores support system installed on the CH-60 will allow more fuel and weapons to be carried.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

The Navy hopes that the CH-60 will be able to meet its biggest challenge閇eplacing the gigantic Sikorsky-built MH-53E Sea Dragon minesweeping helicopter. Although the CH-60 is too small to tow the heavy MH-53E minesweeping sleds, lightweight towed systems and laser imaging detection and ranging systems promise to make the CH-60 a capable mine hunter. Because it is a hybrid of the Black Hawk and the Seahawk, the CH-60 presents a quandary for Sikorsky旧 marketing strategy: what does one call the CH-60? A possibility being considered, partly in tribute to the H-46 Sea Knight that the CH-60 will replace, is Knighthawk. The Navy still has not assigned a type/model/series designation to the CH-60; the next letter available in the H-60 series is 争.?If used, the aircraft旧 official designation would be CH-60S.
VRML 3-D Model
VRML by Soji Yamakawa
UH-60 Blackhawk
VRML by Soji Yamakawa

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黑鷹(Black Hawk)


1972年,美國陸軍展開了一項名為「通用戰術運輸機系統」(UTTAS)的計劃,該計劃決定用一種飛機取代UH-1系列直升飛機用於部隊運送、指揮控制、傷員撤離以及偵察。最後決定由西科斯基公司的YUH-60A和波音公司的YUH-61A競爭該計劃的訂單。兩種飛機均於1974年首飛其中波音公司的YUH-61A旋翼為四片複合材料槳葉,使用與YUH-60A相同的發動機,可以搭乘11人。1976年12月,西科斯基公司贏得了合同,開始製造UH-60A,起名為黑鷹(Black Hawk)

最大允許速度361千米/小時,最大平飛速度(海平面)293千米/小時,最大巡航速度(高度1220米,35攝氏度)268千米/小時,垂直爬升率(海 平面、32.2攝氏度)3.55米/秒,實用升限5790米,懸停高度(有地效、35攝氏度)2895米,航程(最大起飛重量、最大內部燃油、30分鐘余 油)600千米,續航時間2小時18分鐘。

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黑鷹配備了兩挺挺M60D 7.62毫米機槍,必要時可進行火力支援。

黑鷹作為突擊運輸直升機在執行低飛作戰任務時,極易遭受地面火力攻擊,故該機在提高生存力方面採取了很多措施。例如,其礬身及旋翼在製造上大量使用各 類防彈材料,駕駛艙和發動機的關鍵部件均設有裝甲:兩台發動機由機身隔開,相距較遠,如有一台被擊中損壞,另一台仍可繼續工作。而黑鷹的抗墜毀措施尤其值得一提,它採用的固定式抗墜毀起落架、機身下部的蜂窩狀填料,以及高效減震座椅等,據說可保證機體在30米高度以8米/秒左右速度作粗猛著地時,最終傳到乘員身上的撞擊動能已被逐級減至人體可承受的水平。同時該機的墜毀傳感器和易斷連接器可以立即切斷電氣系統,防滲漏燃油管路及自封油箱將保證墜機後不至因漏油而失火。




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美國陸軍型號 UH-60A、UH-60C、UH-60L、UH-60M,UH-60Q,AH-60L、EH-60A、MH-60A、MH-60K,MH-60L
  美國空軍型號 UH-60A、HH-60G、MH-60G
  美國海軍型號 MH-60S
  美國海軍陸戰隊型號 VH-60N
  以色列國防軍型號 貓頭鷹(Yanshuf)
  日本自衛隊型號 UH-60J和UH-60JA
  美國海軍型號 SH-60B、MH-60R、SH-60F、HH-60H
  美國海岸警衛隊型號 HH-60J
  日本海上自衛隊型號 SH-60J、SH-60K
  西班牙海軍型號 HS.23
  中國台灣海軍型號 S-70C(M)-1、S-70C(M)-2

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美軍按照用途不同又將黑鷹分成C、E、H、M、S、U、V七大類,這僅僅是黑鷹國內型號,出口到世界其他國家的黑鷹又各有不同的型號。在其國內型號中,UH-60系列是最早服役也是用途最廣的一類,U即通用,這類黑鷹有UH-60A、 UH-60C、UH-60G、UH-60L、UH-60M、UH-60P、UH-60Q、UH-60X八種;CH-60是貨運型黑鷹,專門執行貨運任務, 其中C代表貨物,該型總共出現過CH-60S一種;EH-60是特殊電子戰黑鷹,E即電子戰,共有EH-60A、EH-60B、EH-60C、EH- 60L四種;HH-60是搜索和救援型黑鷹,共有HH-60A、HH-60D、HH-60E、HH-60G、HH-60H、HH-60J六種;MH-60 是多用途黑鷹,主要用於執行特戰,共有MH-60A、MH-60G、MH-60K、MH-60L、MH-60S五種;SH-60是反潛型黑鷹,共有SH- 60B、SH-60F、SH-60R三種;VH-60是政要人員專用運輸機,共有VH-60A、VH-60N三種型號。

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