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McDonnell Douglas and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have developed a tailless research aircraft that could dramatically change the design of future stealthy fighters. Named the X-36, the vehicle has no vertical or horizontal tails and uses new split ailerons to provide yaw (left and right) and pitch (up and down) directional control. This innovative design promises to reduce weight, drag and radar signature and increase range, maneuverability and survivability of future fighter aircraft. The 28-percent scale prototype was designed, developed and produced in just 28 months for only $17 million. The X-36 began a six-month flight test program in the summer of 1996.

McDonnell Douglas and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) embarked on a joint project in 1994 to develop a prototype fighter aircraft designed for stealth and agility. The result -- after only 28 months -- was a subscale tailless aircraft called the X-36. The 28 percent scale, remotely piloted X-36 has no vertical or horizontal tails, yet it is expected to be more maneuverable and agile than today's fighters. In addition, the tailless design reduces the weight, drag and radar cross section typically associated with traditional fighter aircraft.

In a series of flight tests, the low-cost X-36 research vehicle demonstrated the feasibility of using new flight control technologies in place of vertical and horizontal tails to improve the maneuverability and survivability of future fighter aircraft. During flight, the X-36 used new split ailerons and a thrust-vectoring nozzle for directional control. The Ailerons not only split to provide yaw (right-left) control, but also raise and lower asymmetrically to provide roll control. The X-36 vehicle also incorporated an advanced, single-channel digital fly-by-wire control system developed with commercially available components.

Fully fueled, the X-36 prototype weighed 1,300 pounds. It is 19 feet long and measures 11 feet at its widest point. It is 3 feet high and is powered by a Williams Research F112 engine that provides about 700 pounds of thrust. Using a video camera in the nose of the vehicle, a pilot controls the flight of the X-36 from a virtual cockpit -- complete with head-up display (HUD) -- in a ground-based station. This pilot-in-the-loop approach eliminates the need for expensive and complex autonomous flight control systems.

McDonnell Douglas has been working under contract to NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., since 1989 to develop the technical breakthroughs required to achieve tailless agile flight. Based on the positive results of extensive wind tunnel tests, McDonnell Douglas in 1993 proposed building a subscale tailless research aircraft. In 1994 McDonnell Douglas and NASA began joint funding of the development of this aircraft, now designated the X-36. Under the roughly 50/50 cost-share arrangement, NASA Ames is responsible for continued development of the critical technologies, and McDonnell Douglas for fabricating the aircraft.

McDonnell Douglas built the X-36 with a combination of advanced, lowcost design and manufacturing techniques pioneered by the company's Phantom Works research-and-development operation.
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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

Among these techniques are:

advanced software development tools for rapid avionics prototyping;
low-cost tooling molds;
composite skins cured at low termperatures without the use of autoclaves, and;
high speed machining of unitized assemblies.
Two identical subscale research vehicles were produced by the team for use in the flight test program. Including design and production of the two aircraft and flight testing, the total cost of the X-36 program was only $17 million. A total of 25 flights, conducted by McDonnell Douglas, took place during a six-month flight test program designed to prove the aircraft's superior agility. Initial tests focused on the low-speed, high angle-of-attack performance of the X-36.

マクダネル・ダグラス社によって研究の進められているX-36は、次世代のステルス戦闘機の開発を目的としたものです。ただ予算などの点から実機ではなく、実機の28%の大きさのスケールモデルを使用する形で研究が行われています。この全長5.5mほどのスケールモデルは地上からリモートコントロールされます。 1997年に初飛行しています。

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S.I.A.M 管理者

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S.I.A.M 管理者

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  由 NASA 和波音公司(原麥道公司)聯合研製的 X-36 是一種遙控無尾技術驗證機,它在試驗中獲取的的數據將能極大的提升未來戰鬥機空戰操控性和生存能力。X-36 將用來研究戰鬥機隱身設計與飛行敏捷性的配合,及其對其它性能的影響。

  X-36 機長 5.55 米,翼展 3.175 米,機高 0.95 米,空重 494 千克,最大起飛重量 576 千克,最大速度為 450 公里/小時。X-36 採用翼身融合設計鴨式佈局構型,沒有大多數傳統飛機上的垂直尾翼和水平尾翼結構。其結構主要採用鋁合金與石墨復合材料蒙皮,機翼前緣與後院都具有 40 度的後掠角。由於是無尾設計,X-36 的雷達反射面積有了大幅度的減小,但卻給飛機的飛行敏捷性和高昇力特徵產生不利的影響。因而 X-36 採用了分裂式副翼和推力矢量裝置進行方向操縱,另外還使用了一種非常先進的單通道數字飛行控制系統來使飛機飛行時保持穩定。X-36 採用一台威廉姆斯國際 F112 渦扇發動機,其最大推力為 320 千克。


  為了節省資金以及獲得更可靠的飛行數據,X-36 沒有採用異常昂貴複雜的自動飛行控制系統,而是採用遙控的方式。X-36 機鼻處安裝有一台微型攝影機和一個微型話筒,這樣飛行控制人員在地面虛擬座艙中通過它們所獲取的飛行信息對 X-36 進行遙控飛行。首架 X-36 於 1997 年 5 月 17 日成功首飛,隨後的試驗主要驗證了其在低速/大迎角和高速/小迎角狀態下的飛行敏捷性,結果顯示 X-36 飛行十分穩定而且操控性和機動性也十分出色。X-36 採用常規滑跑起飛和著陸方式,緊急情況下可採用傘降回收。

X-36 三視圖




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Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3







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