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M8 Armored Gun System


The FMC XM8 was designed to combine a tank's firepower with a highly mobile, air-droppable vehicle. AGS was intended to be the Army's new combat vehicle, but in the form of a highly deployable, light-weight vehicle, with high fire-power and reconfigurable armor protection. The AGS was intended to replace the M551A1 Sheridan in the 82nd Airborne Division, and was expected to replace TOW-equipped HMMWVs in the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment (Light). A total of 237 systems were planned for procurement. The cancellation of the M8 Armored Gun System left the US Army airborne forces dangerously low on firepower.
The M8 is the result of the Armored Gun System (AGS) concept that originated in the early 1980s to provide light forces with more powerful direct support. In 1980 the Army's 9th Infantry Division was selected as the test unit for the new High Technology Light Division (HTLD). The HTLD was designed to fight in the deserts of Southwest Asia. Critical pieces of equipment needed to realize the division concept were never available. The Army was only able to field prototypes of some key pieces of the high technology equipment. In other cases, such as the Armored Gun System (AGS), it could not even field prototypes. The AGS was never successfully developed. The substitutes did not provide the capabilities envisioned by the original concepts. These failures hamstrung the division's development.

The M8 resembles a conventional tank, but only requires a crew of three through the use of an autoloader. Its main armament is a 105mm Rheinmetall XM35 tank gun. The M-35 cannon is a low-recoil gun that allows the use of previously developed 105mm ammunition. The autoloader holds 21 projectiles with nine more stowed forward near the driver. Fire control is provided by a digital fire control system with microprocessors and a databus similar to that on the M1A2. The gunner's primary sight is a day/night thermal sight and integrated laser range-finder in a stabilized mount.

Its unique features include an autoloader for the main gun, a three-man crew. and the use of modular appliqué bolt-on armor that is not used in a load-bearing application. The armored gun system used titanium appliqué armor. The M8 can be fitted with three levels of protection:

Level I against splinters
Level II against armor piercing small arms and small cannon fire
Level III against cannon up to 30mm
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In its base armor configuration, it can be low-velocity airdropped from a C-130 aircraft. The AGS was the Army's only armored vehicle specifically designed for delivery by air. As such, it is considerably lighter than traditional main battle tanks and, though well armed, it is not intended to fight other tanks alone. The AGS is capable of Low Velocity Air Drop (LVAD Parachute) or more conventional roll-on/roll-off delivery by airlift aircraft. A C-130 can carry one AGS, while the larger C-141, C-17, and C-5A can carry two, three, and five AGSs respectively.

The XM8 began development as the Close Combat Vehicle Light (CCVL) in 1983. After almost a decade of test and development the contract was awarded to FMC Corporation. The crew is protected by an aluminum hull with steel armor modules and power is provided by a Detroit Diesel 6V-921A 550 hp turbo-charged V-6 diesel engine and a General Electric HMPT-500-3EC hydro-mechanical transmission. Additional armament consists of a 7.62 coaxially-mounted machine gun and a .50 caliber M2 antiaircraft machine gun.
In 1980 the Army established a need for a Mobile Protected Gun System (MPGS) to support its light divisions. Although an organizational and operational plan was developed, further actions on the MPGS program were deferred in 1982. A ROC document for the AGS was approved by the Army in 1985, but the AGS could not be sufficiently funded and was terminated in 1987. In 1989 the Commander, XVIII Airborne Corps, stated the need to replace the M551A1 Sheridan, and he endorsed the 1985 AGS ROC as needing only minor revisions to meet his requirements.

The revised AGS ROC was approved by the Army in September 1990, followed shortly thereafter by the DAB approval of its acquisition as a non-developmental item. After a market survey indicated that nothing "off the shelf" would satisfy the ROC, the Army Systems Acquisition Review Council (ASARC) in May 1992 approved a program, beginning with EMD, to develop and produce the AGS. FMC, now part of United Defense Limited Partnership (UDLP), was the winning contractor. A program restructuring in FY94 to reduce program concurrence also decreased the number of LRIP systems and slipped first unit equipped (FUE) by about 2 years.

In 1993 survivability test assessments were initiated the Armored Gun System. Early live fire tests for this program either demonstrated that the initial AGS design meets its requirements or provided data to support design fixes. One design feature that resulted in a 'surprise' outcome was the ammunition compartment feature that failed to contain the reaction of the ammunition when struck by realistic threat weapons.

The AGS is not a tank -- it may look like a tank, but it's not a tank. It's a thin-skinned vehicle with a gun on it. The vehicle was designed to support the infantry from a position where it can fire and be behind dirt with an elevated gun and to fight in areas where its not going to run into tanks. It has more than one role, and it just doesn't kill tanks. It kills other kinds of targets. It has to be able to bust bunkers, shoot into bunkers, go into urban areas and shoot into windows, and have a round that will spray shrapnel -- that will "take out" people who are firing hand-held weapons or machine guns. US forces using enhanced direct-fire weapons such as the Armored Gun System would fare better than forces equipped with current firepower.

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In the fiscal 1996 budget the Armored Gun System was slated to enter production. The Army's Armored Gun System was terminated in 1996, and the FY 97 budget abandoned the Armored Gun System program. When the Army submitted its proposed fiscal 1997 budge, Defense Secretary William Perry instructed the service to plan for an additional cut of 20,000 troops to pay for weapons modernization. Rather than accept a cut from 495,000 to 475,000 troops, Army leaders argued they could obtain the necessary modernization funds through acquisition reforms and operating efficiencies. The fiscal 1997 Defense budget request contained no further Army troop cuts, but the Army cut the AGS program in an attempt to save money for other modernization efforts. The decision was made by the Army as part of an assessment of the warfighting value of the armored gun system compared with alternatives and how they could do it spending less funds. The total program cost, including development, was estimated to be $1.3 billion. The Army had planned to procure 26 low-rate initial production vehicles with 1996 funding of $142.8 million. Termination liability was funded from research and development appropriations because the program was under an engineering and manufacturing development contract. The Armored Gun System is an example of a program in which manpower and personnel integration [MANPRINT] considerations were purposely rejected. It is not a coincidence that the Army canceled the program.

The AGS chassis was also intended to serve as the platform for the hypervelocity line-of-sight antitank (LOSAT) missile system, and building the chassis for the LOSAT alone would be rather expensive.

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Weight19.25 tons - Level 1
22.25 tons - Level 2
24.75 tons - Level 3
Length210 inches - Hull 331 inches - overall
Width106 inches
Height100 inches
Speed - Maximum45 mph
Speed - Cross Country30 mph
Engine550 hp diesel
Fueldiesel or JP8
Fuel Capacity150 gal
Cruising Range300 miles @ 2 mpg
Fording Depth40 in
Main GunM35 105mm cannon [30 rounds]
Coaxial machinegun7.62mm [4500 rounds]
Commander's machinegun5.58 mm [210 rounds]

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M8 長寬比例 & 3D模型圖


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  M8在增強防護力上下了不少功夫。它車長(炮向前)7.49米,帶裙板車寬2. 69米,車高2.54米,車輪廓低矮,目標小,可減少被命中的幾率。車首、車尾都設計成多層防護。它的防護裝甲採用普通裝甲鋼、鋁合金板和陶瓷復合材料,能抵御反裝甲火箭筒和23毫米炮彈的打擊。車底採用雙層間隔裝甲結構,能防反坦克地雷。車上還有“三防”裝置、哈隆滅火系統和煙幕彈發射器。車頭有一個防爆燃油箱,必要時可更換成推土鏟,用於構筑發射陣地或清除戰場障礙。

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Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

 在它的動力系統中,有卡明斯VTA-903T型8缸渦輪增壓柴油機最大功率373 千瓦﹔有HMPT-500型液壓機械自動傳動裝置,同“布雷德利”步兵戰車上的一樣,能整體拆卸和方便野外更換﹔有TCM2884型液氣懸挂裝置,將減振與緩沖元件全部裝於平衡肘內,使懸挂裝置在負重輪與車體之間佔據空間最小,又降低了車高。它採用新式輕型履帶。它在水上行駛時要豎起圍帳,靠履帶劃水推進。由於動力系統先進,所以它有良好的機動力。其公路最大速度80公裡/小時,最大行程4 82公裡﹔能涉渡1.22米深水域,越2.57米寬壕溝。M8個頭比M1A1坦克小多了,最大重量也隻19.5噸。1架C-5運輸機可運5輛M8,而且可用降落傘空投到指定地點。它落地后半小時即能投入戰鬥。


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Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3






  1980年,美國陸軍計劃發展一種火力強大的輕型裝甲武器系統,以代替性能已經落後的M551「謝裡登」輕型坦克。其要求是能擊毀蘇聯的T-72主戰坦克,能用C-130運輸機空運,而對其重量並未嚴格限制。1984年,又發展成為「近戰輕型裝甲武器系統」(CLAWS)。其總體要求是:履帶式底盤,M1的火控,M2的機動性,帶自動裝彈機的105毫米火炮,能空運空投,有三防裝置,在重量限制範圍內具有最大的防護能力,等等。1985年又演變成為XM4裝甲火炮系統(AGS-Armored Gun System的縮寫)。參與競標的有三家美國公司和一家外國公司的4種樣車,它們是:卡迪拉克·蓋奇公司的「魟」式輕型坦克,泰裡達因·大陸公司的裝甲火炮系統,FMC公司的輕型近戰車輛(CCVL)以及瑞典赫格隆公司的IKV91-105裝甲戰車。這4家公司的樣車,可以說是「各有各的高招兒」,如泰裡達因·大陸公司的裝甲火炮系統採用了頂置式火炮及動力-傳動裝置前置方案,液力機械式自動變速箱,火炮帶有自動裝彈機。毫無疑問,這在20世紀80年代來說是相當先進的了。不過,競爭的結果,反倒是FMC公司的CCVL勝出。1992年6月,美國陸軍坦克機動車司令部和FMC公司簽訂了為期46個月的研製合同,並定名為XM8裝甲火炮系統。當時甚至制定出出資8億美元採購300輛XM8的雄心勃勃的計劃。



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