他的音樂態度依舊,更完整的全創作、更多樣的新唱腔,十款型態的創作歌曲,訴說開心的、悲傷的、思念的、情愛的、激昂的、低落的、遊戲的、天馬行空的一切一切,這些都是「柯有綸」,透過音符和文字的傳達,帶領所有聽者一同進入有趣又瘋狂的音樂世界,因此沒有巧名封號,沒有花招文案,柯有綸一開口就直線高唱「Welcome To My Word」!
「Welcome To My World」這張全新專輯,是柯有綸首張「全製作監督」專輯。親身參與專輯的所有製作過程,詞、曲創作到編曲、混音製作、專輯企劃、包裝視覺...等,所有小環節都勢必躬親,不管是聽覺或是視覺,柯有綸皆以突破自我為準則,也因此創造出這張完整而強烈的柯有綸個人專輯,大大提高新專輯的完整聆聽和欣賞價值。
柯有綸特別將他最鍾愛的搖滾風格大綻光芒,創作的歌詞更能將他所思所想充分傳達,他堅持「創作當下」就是他的音樂靈感,「紀錄現在」就是他的搖滾精神,透過音樂、影像和態度,為自己和這個世代一起寫下「現在音樂史」,不管是嘻哈、搖滾、RAP、抒情…充分發揮他擅長的混種曲風,再加上最 ing的潮浪流行元素創作出這張專輯,其中有描寫掙脫自我侷限、高聲呼叫讓全世界都聽見的世代之歌「Welcome To My World」;歷經苦戀發現原來你加我什麼都沒有的痛楚哀歌「兩敗俱傷」;因為愛所以瘋狂直率疾呼的愛情宣言「Crazy」;深深思念向父親致敬的「I Miss You」;嘻哈混種潮流中國風的新創作「黃皮膚」…等,無須任何琢磨就能直接感受,每一首都是滿溢柯有綸搖滾精神的青春。同時這次將「現在」元素延伸至整體視覺呈現,在封面包裝和MV上都將有讓人驚艷的視覺印象,請大家拭目以待!柯有綸冀望能用音樂、影像、態度和當下的每位聽者一起寫下屬於自己的現在音樂史!
首波推薦曲「Welcome To My World」
沒有過往沉重的壓力包袱音樂,這首「Welcome To My World」刻意在曲風呈現上去除時下複雜的流行曲式,保留簡單的搖滾元素,鼓聲和電吉他一路直飆加上柯有綸直線呼喊的唱腔,傳達他個人獨有的搖滾樂音,加上擅長的RAP技巧,混種多樣曲風成就這首讓人舒暢爽快的世代之歌。
MV更將場景拉進每個青少年都曾經視為「朝聖天堂」的台北西門町,真實紀錄在當下所發生的街頭閃秀、極限運動、嘻哈搖滾…等畫面,其中更有許多位街頭藝術者都是與柯有綸多年深交的好友,透過這首快節奏的歌曲表達他們現在的生活態度,讓大家透過影像與音樂的結合,更能深刻體會柯有綸的「Welcome To My World」!
作詞:柯有綸/St Wang 作曲:St Wang/Melissa Jaime Reese/Tobias Burch
To all my fans throw your hands up
Put them in the air
Wave them here to here. screaming
Let me hear you say Yeah
Move them side to side. we're gettin' high tonight
And everything's gonna be alright
To all my fans throw your hands up
Put them in the air
Wave them here to here. screaming
Let me hear you say Yeah
Move them side to side. we're gettin' high tonight
And everything's gonna be alright
Ha ha 從來都沒有想過我這個小毛頭可以帶著我的麥克風
去到世界各地 不管是東是西是南還是北
To all my fans throw your hands up
Put them in the air
Wave them here to here. screaming
Let me hear you say Yeah
Move them side to side. we're gettin' high tonight
And everything's gonna be alright
To all my fans throw your hands up
Put them in the air
Wave them here to here. screaming
Let me hear you say Yeah
Move them side to side. we're gettin' high tonight
And everything's gonna be alright
To all my fans throw your hands up
Put them in the air
Wave them here to here. screaming
Let me hear you say Yeah
Move them side to side. we're gettin' high tonight
And everything's gonna be alright
To all my fans throw your hands up
Put them in the air
Wave them here to here. screaming
Let me hear you say Yeah
Move them side to side. we're gettin' high tonight
And everything's gonna be alright
To all my fans throw your hands up
Put them in the air
Wave them here to here. screaming
Let me hear you say Yeah
Move them side to side. we're gettin' high tonight
And everything's gonna be alright
To all my fans throw your hands up
Put them in the air
Wave them here to here. screaming
Let me hear you say Yeah
Move them side to side. we're gettin' high tonight
And everything's gonna be alright
I Miss You I Miss You I Miss You I Miss You
不在哭泣 不在微笑
這首歌 希望你也能夠聽的到