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M901A3 Improved TOW Vehicle

The M901A3 Improved TOW Vehicle (ITV) is a weapon system using present TOW components, mounted on a modified M113A3. It incorporates the RISE powerpack and improved driver controls. The TOW components are mounted in a launcher platform that is attached to a modified M27 cupola.

An elevating mechanism positions the launcher platform into reload and elevated positions. The system is capable of firing two missiles without reloading and carries ten TOW rounds in the missile rack. Maximum protection is provided the crew during reload.

PM-M113's intention is to block materiel changes (MC) as funding becomes available. Possible changes include:

Auto Stow

This MC will enable the operator to stow the weapon station without prepositioning the head prior to initiating the stow procedure. Under combat situations, this procedure subjects the crew and vehicle to enemy fire and increases the time necessary to take evasive action. This MC will enable it to be stowed automatically at the touch of a switch.
Enhanced Night Sight Collimator

This MC consists of an installation of remote adjustment knobs. Remote collimation reduces the crew's exposure to hostile fire during boresighting and provides quicker and more accurate boresighting when one operator is able to perform adjustments while he is viewing the scene himself.
Night Sight Lens Cover

This MC provides a remotely controlled cover for the night sight. Presently the night sight lens is vulnerable to damage from rocks and other objects. The cover will reduce damage to the lens and reduce set-up time by keeping the lens free of dirt.
Operator Selectable Filter

The purpose of this MC is to provide laser protection to the AN/TAS-4 Night Sight to prevent operator eye injury from damaging laser energy. This change provides a switch mounted in the operators station for control of the filter.
WFOV Laser Protection

The purpose of this MC is to provide laser protection for the Wide Field of View optical devices (M26) to prevent operator eye injury from damaging laser light.

Additional M113 FOV MCs which could be applied to the M901A3 include: Armor enhancements; BCIS; Contact Spall Liner, Driver's Night Viewer; EPLRS; Improved Cold Start; M17 Laser Protection; PLGR Brackets; Swim Mod; VIS; and Water/Ration Heater.
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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

M901 線圖

M901 模型與舊照


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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3




M901採用了M113A2底盤,在車上安裝了埃默森電氣(Emerson Electric)公司研製的地面陶式導彈發射系統,包括M27型轉塔、有裝甲防護的升降式發射架、導彈制導設備和輔助蓄電池組。轉塔內裝有圖像傳遞裝置,把目標圖像傳給炮長。發射架總成包括兩個陶式導彈發射管、陶式導彈晝夜瞄準鏡和裝在兩導彈升降臂頂端的搜索瞄準鏡,該鏡可以發現幾千米遠的坦克目標。車上載有12枚導彈,其中兩枚處於待發位置。發射架向後翻轉後,可從車後部貨艙開口處重新裝彈,乘員裝彈只需40s。發射架俯仰範圍為-30°~+34°,可360°旋轉。車上乘員4名,戰鬥全重13t。





M901/M901A1 可掛載愛國者飛彈

M901A3  可掛載反坦克導彈

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