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M109A6 Paladin Self Propelled Howitzer
  The M109A6 Paladin is the latest advancement in 155mm self-propelled artillery. The system enhances previous versions of the M109 by implementing onboard navigational and automatic fire control systems. Paladin has both a Kevlar-lined chassis and a pressurized crew compartment to guard against ballistic, nuclear, biological, and chemical threats.

The M109A6 is the most technologically advanced cannon in the Army inventory. This weapon has a 4 man crew, and weights approximately 62,000 lbs/32 tons, and has a cruising range of 186 miles, Max speed is 35 MPH, It has a fuel capacity of 133 gals. The Paladin can operate independently, from on the move, it can receive a fire mission, compute firing data, select and take up its firing position, automatically unlock and point its cannon, fire and move out - all with no external technical assistance. Firing the first round from the move in under 60 seconds, a "shoot and scoot" capability protects the crew from counterbattery fire. The M109A6 Paladin is capable of firing up to four rounds per minute to ranges of 30 kilometers. The Paladin features increased survivability characteristics such as day/night operability, NBC protection with climate control and secure voice and digital communications. The crew remains in the vehicle throughout the mission.

The Paladin is designed to accept new technologies increasing firing range, rate of fire, and accuracy. TACOM-ARDEC, in order to maintain the state-of-the-art in artillery technologies, is continuing to develop enhancements adaptable to Paladin, such as a 52 caliber gun, Modular Artillery Charge System (MACS), and a laser ignition system.

The Paladin/FAASV program entails a major product improvement and re-engineering effort - begun in 1979 - to upgrade the U.S. Army's primary self-propelled long-range howitzer, designated the M109 series. Range, lethality, reliability, speed and mobility were all limitations of this 1950's design, as was the lack of onboard navigation/location and nuclear, biological and chemical protection for the crew. The new Paladin closes the technology gap in response to the requirements of the U.S. Army Soldier. These "shoot and scoot" requirements, were translated into engineering requirements and specifications that updated or replaced every subsystem of the vehicle.

[ 本文最後由 jacklf2004 於 07-6-26 10:22 AM 編輯 ]
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By the end of 1999, 824 Paladins will be in the hands of US Army and National Guard Field Artillery units in accordance with a detailed schedule that includes advance Materiel Fielding Team customer familiarization, new equipment training for both officers and enlisted personnel, and all of the associated logistics, spares, manuals, trainers and testing devices for the weapons system.

The Letterkenny Army Depot is a key partner with the Defense Depot Letterkenny, PA (DDLP) in ensuring availability of the 1900 necessary parts to the production line. Letterkenny Army Depot's partnership role is to deprocess old howitzers, salvage reusable chassis and components and integrate all chassis/automotive upgrades into the refurbished Paladin chassis. United Defense Limited Partnership Paladin Production Division, also collocated at Letterkenny Army Depot forms part of the production line, applying its skills in systems and turret integration after receiving the Paladin chassis from Letterkenny. The Defense Contract Management (DCM) partner is the designated Department of Defense in-plant organization to ensure both product quality and fiscal integrity of the defense contractor, United Defense Limited Partnership. Major suppliers include Honeywell (navigation/positioning systems), Detroit Diesel (new low heat rejection engines), United Defense - Ground Systems Division (turret manufacturer), Watervliet Arsenal (cannons and ballistic shielding) and Alliant Tech Systems (Automatic Fire Control System).

Life cycle sustainment support for the M109 FOV is currently provided by multiple government and commercial organizations using many different processes to deliver both services and materials. Duplicative infrastructure and processes are common. Engineering/technical support is performed by multiple contractors and Army commands. Maintenance, overhaul, and repair is achieved through a complicated structure of organic shops that depend on the commercial sector for parts and other government agencies for technical guidance and funding. The production contractor and government supply system acquire and provide parts for initial provisioning, production, modification, repair (field and depot), overhaul, and war reserves. The current support infrastructure limits opportunity for a coordinated effort to achieve cost reduction, implement best business practices, improve weapon system performance, and modernize equipment. Accountability is widely dispersed. By the end of 1999 the US Army TACOM-ARDEC Acquisition Center and the Product Manager for Paladin/FAASV intends to issue a contract for a Fleet Managemer for the M109 Family of Vehicles (FOV). The Fleet Manager (FM) will be the single world class focal point for the M109 FOV life-cycle sustainment support, to include supply, engineering and limited life cycle support functions by having one point of contact and focal point for all M109 FOV life-cycle program management and weapon system support. The Pilot Program critical objective is to validate 20-30% sustainment savings .

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M109 裝備分析圖(反白)
M109 圖集


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       M109A6帕拉丁式自走砲是延續M109系列性能提升而來,外型上與之前的M109系列相似,僅有砲塔等部分略為不同。車體全長為九點六八公尺,車寬三點一五公尺,高三點六二公尺,戰鬥重量二八八四九公斤,車上編制乘組員包括車長、駕駛、射手和裝填手共四名。動力系統採用8V-71T LHR型渦輪增壓液冷八缸柴油發動機,輸出四百四十匹馬力,並搭配XTG- 411- 4A型變速箱,油箱容量為五百零四公升。最大路速每小時六十四點四公里,最大行程三百四十四公里,未配合任何渡河裝備的涉水深度為一點零五公尺,爬坡度達百分之六十,越障高度零點五三公尺,越壕寬度一點八三公尺。



      此外,全車裝有核生化防護裝備(NBC),並配備先進的AFCS XXI自動化火砲射控系統,包括彈道射控電腦和導航系統,使其具備砲管自動指向能力。而模組化定位定向系統可自動導航、定位、賦與火砲射向、射角,且具有連線射擊指揮儀的功能,如同「自動射控系統」的心臟,使M109A6自走砲的作戰效能更加提升。

      經過改良後的M109A6帕拉丁自走砲能夠發射M203╱M203 A1型裝藥,最大射程可達三萬公尺,加上其他優良的作戰能力,火力強大,已成為美國陸軍現役的主力自走砲。


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  目前全世界服役的各型自走砲,大致仍可分為俄製及英、美等製兩大系統,其中由美國聯合防衛公司(United Defense)生產的M109系列一百五十五公厘自走砲,便是自由世界國家普遍使用的自走砲車之一,除了美國陸軍以外,許多北約組織成員國,甚至是我國陸軍都擁有不少數量。




  美國及以色列的第一輛原型車,同時於一九八八年三月三十日,在BMY公司的約克廠區(York)正式出廠,隨後原型車在美國亞伯丁(Aberdeen)及猶馬(Yuma)測試場進行了廣泛的測試。從一九八八年九月至一九八九年二月,美軍的原型車進行了一連串的技術測試,而一九八九年五月起,則移到希爾堡(Fort Sill)實施作戰測試。

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一九九○年九月五日,美國陸軍正式決定生產M109系列的最新改良型,M109A6 型帕拉丁式(Paladin)自走砲,同時簽訂第一批的初期少量生產合約(LRIP),生產數量為四十四輛。一九九二年四月,第一輛M109A6型自走砲正式出廠。

  隨後美國再簽下兩筆各六十輛的初期少量生產合約,使採購總數累積到一百六十四輛。而整個LRIP生產階段已於一九九四年十一月完成。不過之後的M109A6型生產合約,BMY公司則面臨FMC公司地面系統部門(GroundSystems)及通用動力公司(GD)陸地系統部門(Land Systems)的競爭。一九九三年四月九日,FMC公司地面系統部門勝出,贏得第一筆價值三千零五十萬美元的製造合約,將六十輛舊型M109砲車改良提升至M109A6型標準。

  而至一九九八年十月止,則共生產了六百三十輛,隨後又再追加八十三輛M109A6型,使合約總金額增加到三億七千六百萬美元。一九九七年四月,美國陸軍再向BMY與FMC 合併後的聯合防衛公司,採購三十七輛M109A6型砲車,同年十一月又增購第二批三十六輛。


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