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D7 Bulldozer
D7G Mine-Clearing/Armor Protection (MCAP) Bulldozer

The D7 is a fully tracked, low speed, medium drawbar pull bulldozer with a ripper or winch. It is used by engineer units. The rebuild program, which brings the vehicles back to their original performance specifications, is expected to extend the service life by 15 years and will yield cost savings over a new acquisition.

The D7G mine-clearing/armor protection (MCAP) Bulldozer was engineered by Caterpillar Diesel for the U.S. Army to fulfill mine and UXO clearing requirements during Desert Storm. It proved effective and is in use in the Balkans today. The D7 MCAP is a D7G bulldozer with steel plate and bullet resistant glass armor additions. The armor was added to a D7G Caterpiller Dozer by cutting plywood templates prior to fabrication of the steel plates. The versatile D7 MCAP is capable of mine/UXO clearing purposes in uneven, light or heavily vegetated terrain. The operator must carefully remove mines and soil with the blade. The dozer chassis and armor is robust and protects the operator from potential blasts. It can work where many other mechanical mine clearing equipment cannot. When working on soft ground, it is advisable to have a second armored dozer as a "pusher" in case of lack of traction. The D7G MCAP cannot neutralize mines or unexploded ordnance. Rather, it exposes such materials during the dozing process. Unexploded Ordnance personnel are necessary for mine and unexploded ordnance neutralization procedures.

The D7 MCAP is dependable, versatile, and effective. It requires minimal maintenance. Many of its parts are available through U.S. military supply systems as well as through Caterpillar旧 worldwide parts network. The D7G Bulldozer is a common item in the U.S. Army, and the D7 MCAP is a relatively simple modification to an existing, engineer "work horse."
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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3


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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

[概述]:D7G推土機由美國 Caterpillar Tractor公司生產,主要用於構築路基,維護搶修道路,以及構築技術兵器掩體等土方量較大的土工作業。該機由 D7G牽引車加上推土鏟刀組成,鏟刀有7S、7U和7A三種,分別適用於短距離、長距離和邊坡推土作業;駕駛室為滾翻防護結構。海灣戰爭發動地面進攻前,美國陸軍坦克和機動車輛司令部與美國卡特匹勒公司簽訂合同, D7G機研製和生產掃雷裝甲防護裝置。帶有防護裝置後,該機可清掃出一條 3.66m寬, 0.30m深的通路。掃雷裝甲防護裝置使 D7G的標準機重增加了 485 7.8kg,其中裝甲重 308 7.2kg,掃雷耙重 177 0.6kg。卡特匹勒公司向陸軍工程兵提供22台帶防護裝置


[其它]:產 品 名 稱:D7G推土機

產品原名稱:D7G Crawler Bulldozer
生 產 廠 商:US/Caterpillar Tractor Company,Defense Products Department
廠 商 地 址:Peoria,Illinois 61629,USA.
備 註:7U型鏟刀:寬3.86米,高1.27米,入土深度0.44米,最大提升高0.60米,質量3.64噸;7A型鏟刀:寬4.27米,高0.97米,入土深度0.43米,最大提升高0.47米,質量3.11噸.

[參考資料]: 1. 《軍用工程機械手冊》,1989年,250頁
2. 《THE MILITARY ENGINEER》,1991,№547年,23頁

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