Guests ▼
Guests of Honor ► Anna Tsuchiya
Aya Hirano
Chiaki Ishikawa
Eisaku Inoue
Halko Momoi
Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
Masaru Kitao
Michael Arias
Minori Chihara
Tetsuro Araki
Yuko Goto
In addition to appearing on panels and having autograph sessions, the three voice leads, will also be performing in a live concert on Saturday June 30th 2007 at 4:30 pm at the Long Beach Arena, next to the convention center. They will be performing such hit songs as “Bouken Desho Desho?” and “Hare Hare Yukai.” Winner of Bandai Entertainment Inc. Haruhi Dance contest will be allowed to come up on stage and perform the infamous dance with the voice actresses, live on stage. The concert will be free for Anime Expo® attendees.