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M60A1 Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge (M60A1 AVLB)

The Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge was designed to launch and retrieve a class 60 bridge. The main body is either based on the M60 or the M48 tank assembly. Used during combat, an AVLB is a folding portable bridge that is transported on the top of a tank chassis. The AVLB vehicle carries a crew of two. It is powered by a 750 HP Diesel Engine. The bridge and vehicle total weight is 58 tons. Unfunded improvements are available in the areas of bridge, suspension, hydraulics, final drives, electrical, and water rations heater. These improvements will allow the AVLB to keep up with current Abrams Assault Force. The Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge (AVLB) only supports Abrams tank units using a caution crossing at reduced gap length (15 meters) and at a reduced crossing speed. The M60A1 Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge entered the Marine Corps inventory in the late 1980s. Current plan has the AVLB in use through 2015 and beyond. The WOLVERINE will replace the AVLB in the Engineer combat vehicle inventory.

The M60A1 AVLB is an armored vehicle used for launching and retrieving a 60-foot scissors-type bridge. The AVLB consists of three major sections: the launcher, the hull, and the bridge. The launcher is mounted as an integral part of the chassis. The bridge, when emplaced, is capable of supporting tracked and wheeled vehicles with a military load bearing capacity up to Class 60. The bridge can be retrieved from either end. The roadway width of the AVLB is 12 feet, 6 inches. Bridge emplacement can be accomplished in 2 to 5 minutes, and retrieval can be accomplished in 10 minutes under armor protection. When unfolded, it can span up to 60 feet while supporting 70 tons of equipment. The AVLB spans a 15m gap for Military Load Class (MLC) 70, and spans an 18m gap for MLC 60.
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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

Primary function:Armored vehicle used for launching and retrieving a 60-foot scissors-type bridge.
Manufacturer: General Dynamics Land Systems Division
Contractor:Anniston Army Depot (ANAD)
M60A1 Tank Chassis:
Power plant: 12 cylinder diesel engine AVOS-1790-20
Power train: CD-850-6A 2 speed forward, 1 reverse
Weight, combat loaded:56.6 tons (51.33 metric tons)
Ground clearance: 18 inches (.4572 meters)
Length: 31 feet (9.44 meters)
Width: 12 feet (3.66 meters)
Maximum speed (governed):30 miles/hour (48.3 kilometers)
Cross country speed: 8-12 miles/hour (12.88-19.32 km)
Trench crossing: 8.5 feet (2.59 meters)
Range: 290 miles (464 kilometers)
Fuel capacity: 375 gallons (14.19 hectoliters)
Crew:2 enlisted
Introduction date: February 1987
Unit Replacement Cost: $749,000
Marine Corps Inventory:55 bridges, 37 launchers
Length, extended: 63 feet (19.19 meters)
Length, folded: 32 feet (9.75 meters)
Bridge span: 60 feet (18.28 meters)
Width, overall: 13.1 feet (3.99 meters)
Width, roadway:12.5 feet (3.81 meters)
Width, treadway: 5.75 feet (1.75 meters)
Height, unfolded: 3.1 feet (.94 meters)
Weight: 14.65 tons (13.28 metric tons)

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

M60架橋示意圖 & 圖集

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渡河橋樑器材-M60A1 裝甲架橋車

[概述]:M60架橋車是由 M48衝擊橋發展來的,1959年 M48坦克底盤生產,從1963年起改用 M60主戰坦克底盤作為架橋車的底盤,橋跨基本沒變。和 M48相比, M60衝擊橋將汽油發動機換成柴油機,改善了機動性,加強了裝甲防,增加了「三防」和潛渡設備。現仍裝備美軍使用。該橋的橋跨為鋁合金的剪刀式折疊結構,橋跨展開撤收均由液壓操縱,架橋車具有M60 坦克的機動性和防護性能。

[裝備狀況]:1963年裝備到美陸軍裝甲師、機械化師工兵營(橋6,車4)/重型師工兵營(4套)旅工兵連(3套)/裝甲騎兵團工兵連(車3,橋2)/裝甲旅、機械化旅(3 套)。還裝備原西德、新加坡、以色列、巴基斯坦等國軍隊。

[其它]:產 品 名 稱:M60架橋車

產品原名稱:M60 Armoured Vehicle Launched Bridge

研 制 單 位:U.S.Army Engineer Research and Developncemt Labortories (now the Belvoir Research Development and Engineering center)

單 位 地 址:Fort Belvoir, Virginla


生 產 廠 商:US/Southwest Mobile Systems Corporation

廠 商 地 址:200 Sydney street St Louis, Missouri 62140,USA

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3



履帶式 54 噸


單跨橋 18.288 米


型式/材料 剪刀式/鋁合金

全長 19.202 米

全寬 4.002 米

車行道寬度(未加寬) 3.81 米


作業方式 翻轉式/鋁合金

額定架設時間 3 分

最短架設時間 2 分

額定撤收時間 10 分

用起重機撤收時間 60 分

作業人數(最多) 3名

作業人數(最少) 2名


折疊尺寸(長×寬) 9.6×4.002 米

展開尺寸(長×寬) 19.202×4.002 米


車轍板寬度 1.65 米

兩車轍板間淨距(中央) 0.7 米

兩車轍板間淨距(端部) 0.99 米


型號 M60

名稱 M60主戰坦克

車體長度 6.95 米

車體寬度 3.63 米

車體高度 3.26 米

乘員 3名


載橋總重量 55.205 噸

空載重量 41.73 噸

載橋尺寸(長×寬×高) 11.28×4.002×3.9 米

空載尺寸(長×寬×高) 8.648×3.64×3.04 米

車底距地高 0.36 米

履帶中心距 2.921 米

履帶接地長 4.235 米

履帶寬 0.711 米

單位壓力 90.2 千帕


類別 柴油

油箱總容積 1420 升


公路最大行駛速度(滿載) 48.28 千米每小時

無準備涉水深 1.219 米

最大爬坡度 31 度

越障高 0.914 米

越壕寬 2.59 米


型號 AVDS-1790-2A

類型 柴油發動機

最大功率 559.3 千瓦

最大功率時轉速 2400 轉每分

單位功率 10.13 千瓦每噸

[參考資料]: 1. 《外軍舟橋器材》,1979年,85頁

2. 《J'S-ML》,1990~91年,122頁

3. 《外軍工程兵概況》,1989年,17頁

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