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Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle AMEV

The AMEV overcomes the casualty treatment shortcomings of the M113 Armored Personnel Carrier in the medical evacuation role by providing room for the medical attendant to monitor patient condition en-route, access stored medical equipment, and improved medical capabilities. Improvements in medical capabilities include an on-board oxygen production unit, a medical suction system, improved litter configuration, and provisions for a medical mentoring system. The AMEV will have the communications and situational awareness capabilities, compatible with the force it supports, which will be necessary to survive and provide support on the 21st Century battlefield.

An armored medical evacuation vehicle will correct known deficiencies in the currently used M113A2/A3 armored personnel carrier: inadequate casualty evacuation and treatment capacity; poor patient and attendant ride stabilization; limited patient in-transit support by medical aidmen; inadequate space for supplies, equipment, and personnel; and not being able to keep up with the units it supports on the battlefield.

The Army's Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations approved the Mission Need Statement for Medical Evacuation for Combat Casualty Care in December 1995. The AMEV ORD was approved by TRADOC on 18 October 96. This provided clearance for exploration of options and long range programming of funds for procurement. Options included wheeled armored vehicles, improved versions of the M113 family, a modified Bradley Fighting Vehicle and the Future Infantry Vehicle. An AMEV prototype participated in an Army Warfighting Experiment in 1997 to further define final configuration and specifications.
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Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

M113A4 Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle AMEV


The M113A4 Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle represents the means to treat and evacuate combat casualties from Armor and Mechanized Infantry battalions on the 21st Century battlefield, while providing a standard of care similar to that in other modern medical evacuation vehicles and aircraft.

The M113 AMEV is equipped with the RISE power package consisting of the Detroit Diesel 400 hp 6V53TA engine coupled with the Allison X200-4A transmission, providing the power and reserve necessary to maintain pace with front line units. Complementing the M577A4 Armored Treatment Vehicle and sharing many common components, the M113A4 Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle supports the required mission profile including:
accommodations for four litter or eight ambulatory patients
movable attendant's seat
an over pressure NBC air filtration system
patient support systems
engine noise reduction
Geneva Convention markings.

The high-mobility stretch chassis provides excellent cross-country capability and ride characteristics particularly important in this unique mission. In addition, the AMEV provides improved lighting and storage, digital communication interfaces and MSE link-up capability as well as three-net communication capability.

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

M2A0 Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle AMEV

Recapitalization of M2A0 Bradley chassis is the most realistic, cost effective, and economical manner of replacing the aging M113 fleet. The M2A0 platform is modified by removing the turret, raising the roof, moving fuel tanks to the exterior, installing Bradley M2A2 armor protection and transmission TEC upgrade. The vehicle is further modified to meet medical requirements by incorporating 1) an oxygen distribution system, 2) litters for up to four personnel, 3) seating for up to eight ambulatory patients, 4) medical lighting, and 5) stowage for medical equipment.

The total Army requirement is 1,491 vehicles for all Force Packages. The FY02-07 unfunded requirement of $303.7M reflects the TRADOC sponsored Armored Systems Modernization Report recommendation to field AMEVs to 6 active divisions; 1 active ACR; Army Pre-positioned Stock (APS) 3,4,5; two enhanced Separate Brigades; and the training base (675 vehicles). An additional $4.4M is needed for the logistics tail in FY08 to complete fielding. The remaining 816 vehicles are estimated at $721.4 Million in the FY08-13 EPP.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

M113醫療救護車 & 內部裝設


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是1998年6月29日由美國食品與醫藥管理局批准的。LSTAT系統是北約組織的以擔架為基礎的小型救護裝置,具有在傷員後撤期間恢復傷員呼吸、維持傷員生命的能力,以便進行野外外科手術和醫療支援。諾斯羅普·格魯曼公司,在Walter Reed陸軍研究所和國防高級研究計劃局的幫助下,發展了LSTAT概念。陸軍享有LSTAT的專利權。陸軍、空軍和海軍陸戰隊正同諾斯羅普·格魯曼公司一道,進行該系統的作戰試驗和評價,並制訂三軍聯合使用計劃。








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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

裝甲醫療救護車(AMEV)  現已被M2A0取代。



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