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By The Hong Kong Guitar Ensemble

香港結他三重奏 孕育於一九八七年,由香港著名的結他演奏家和結他教育家甘兆棠先生於一九九八年正式成立。香港結他三重奏的成員由甘先生和其學生組成,現今的團員分別是甘嘉謙,甘嘉恩和甘兆棠。甘先生和年青的三重奏團員分別在香港和澳門兩地有豐富的演出經驗。他們掌握大量的演出曲目,由文藝復興和巴羅克時期大師到現今的作曲家作品;以至到爵士音樂、傳統的民謠和流行歌曲等。

甘嘉謙 自幼便參加香港結他合奏團的演出並隨之而成長。他已考取了英國皇家音樂學院八級的結他証書。於1998年和2001年贏取香港校際音樂節結他合奏公開組冠軍; 2002和2007年贏取香港校際音樂節結他合奏公開組亞軍。於 2001 和 2002 年贏取香港校際音樂節結他二重奏亞軍。他於1998和2001年贏取香港校際音樂節結他獨奏初級組冠軍;並於2004年贏取香港校際音樂節結他獨奏高級組亞軍。

甘嘉恩 自幼便參加香港結他合奏團的演出並隨之而成長。她已考取了英國皇家音樂學院八級的結他証書。於1998年和2001年贏取香港校際音樂節結他合奏公開組冠軍; 2002和2007年贏取香港校際音樂節結他合奏公開組亞軍。於 2001 和 2002 年贏取香港校際音樂節結他二重奏亞軍。她亦於2000年贏取香港校際音樂節結他獨奏高級組季軍。

甘兆棠 早歲對音樂無大興趣,中學畢業後始修習古典結他,分別畢業於香港浸會大學 〔主修理論和作曲;樂器則主修大提琴和副修鋼琴〕和香港中文大學的音樂系,並考取英國聖三一音樂學院的古典結他演奏文憑。甘先生經常在香港及澳門兩地演出,並數度與泛亞交響樂團演出韋華第的結他協奏曲。為了讓年輕的音樂家有更多的演出經驗,甘先生分別於 1987 年成立香港結他合奏團、1996 年成立香港青年結他合奏團、1998 年成立香港結他三重奏和香港結他四重奏,並於 2002 年成立香港結他五重奏。自 1993 年於香港文化中心作首次個人演奏會後,甘兆棠先生將大部份時間致力於推廣古典音樂;作為一種無償的奉獻,望能達至「獨樂樂不如眾樂樂」,「終身興趣,樂趣無窮」的階段。甘兆棠先生的學生在香港校際音樂比賽、英國皇家音樂學院和聖三一學院音樂考試中分別取得很好的成績和授予很多獎項。他更舉辦大師班和為多項比賽和結他畢業試作評分,如紅十字會、香港飛機工程有限公司、香港音樂專科學校和香港教育學院等。甘先生日常亦為公益慈善事務和為有需要的人伸出援手,如‘健康快車’、為學生提供‘實習’職位和為深水二十多個家庭的小孩提供幫助等。甘兆棠先生現全職投身於香港結他及寶石中心的音樂和寶石教育等工作,並為香港教育學院體藝學系客席結他導師(主修)和忙於為樂團和器樂合奏作編曲,冀望能為香港的古典結他樂壇多作一分貢獻。

The Hong Kong Guitar Trio was nurtured from 1987 and founded in 1998 by John Kam, one of the leading guitar performers and teachers in Hong Kong.  John formed the Guitar Trio with his students and the Guitar Trio’s current members are Kenneth Kam , Winnie Kam and John Kam.  The experienced Trio has given a multitude of concerts in Hong Kong and in Macau.  The Guitar Trio has mastered a huge repertoire ranging from Renaissance and Baroque masters to contemporary composers; from jazz to traditional folk and even popular music.

Kenneth Kam grows up with the Hong Kong Guitar Ensemble from his childhood. He owned the Grade 8 certificate of the ABRSM in Guitar.  He is the Champion in the Open Class Guitar Ensemble of the Hong Kong School Music Festival (HKSMF) in both 1998 and 2001.  He is also the 1st runner-up in the Open Class Guitar Ensemble of the HKSMF in both 2002 and 2007.  In the Years of 2001 and 2002, he is the 1st runner-up in the Guitar Duet of the HKSMF.  He is the Champion in the Junior Guitar Solo of the HKSMF in both 1998 and 2001; while he is also the 1st runner-up in the Senior Guitar Solo of the HKSMF in 2004.  

Winnie Kam grows up with the Hong Kong Guitar Ensemble from her childhood.  She owned the Grade 8 certificate of the ABRSM in Guitar.  She is the Champion of the Open Class Guitar Ensemble of the Hong Kong School Music Festival (HKSMF) in both 1998 and 2001.  She is also the 1st runner-up of the Open Class Guitar Ensemble of the HKSMF in both 2002 and 2007.   In the Years of 2001 and 2002, she is the 1st runner-up in the Guitar Duet of the HKSMF.  She is also the 2nd runner-up in the Senior Guitar Solo of the HKSMF in 2000.

John Kam started playing guitar after his secondary education. He graduated from the Music Department of The Hong Kong Baptist University (major in Theory and Composition; Instruments: major in Cello and minor in Piano) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong respectively.  He also obtained the LTCL qualification in guitar performance in Trinity College of Music, United Kingdom.
John always gives performance in Hong Kong and Macau relatively.  He has appeared as soloist and played several guitar concertos with Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra.  In order to bring up the young musicians, he formed The Hong Kong Guitar Ensemble in 1987; The Hong Kong Youth Guitar Ensemble in 1996; The Hong Kong Guitar Trio and The Hong Kong Guitar Quartet in 1998.  In 2002, he also formed The Hong Kong Guitar Quintet.  Since 1993, after his first guitar recital in The Hong Kong Cultural Centre, John dedicated most of his time to music, a labour of love and hopes to promote classic music to the general public and comes to ‘Music is for sharing?’; ‘Interest long life and long life interest’.  
John’s students have won numerous awards in The Hong Kong Schools Music Festival competitions; The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music examinations and The Trinity College’s examinations.  He gives masterclass and appears as jury in various competitions and graduated examinations held by The Hong Kong Red Cross; The Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited; The Hong Kong Music Institute and The Hong Kong Institute of Education respectively.  
John is often devoted himself to benefiting charities and people in need of help such as the ‘Lifeline Express’; offers ‘Industry Attachment places’ for the students and give help to the children for more than twenty families in Shamshuipo.  
Recently John is fully engaged in The Hong Kong Guitar and Gem Centre’s Music and Gemmology courses, he also appears as the Guest Guitar Tutor (first instrument) in the Department of Creative Arts and Physical Education of Hong Kong Institute of Education and is arranging pieces for guitar ensembles and guitar chamber music contributing to the Hong Kong community actively.


[ 本文最後由 右尹瀾弓 於 07-8-1 04:37 PM 編輯 ]
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