Actually this game is really easy~
I am gonna write a sentence first
the next person is going to write another
sentence to make connection with my sentence
and its going to be a story~Get it?
Well Chinese explaination is故事接龍英文版~
Remember NO bad words!!
So lets get started~
Me first~Once upon a time there was a girl who has ten fingers each hand
Correction:Once upon a time there was a girl who have ten fingers on each hand? vocab isn't good....
She walked to the ten toe man,her heart beats so fast,her face became red
More than one verb appear in one sentence without any conjunction.
Finally,she made her mind to say hello to this one she loved at her first sight.
More than one verb appear in one sentence without any conjunction.
Finally,she made her mind to say hello to this one she loved at her first sig ...
Girl:"Excuse me...,ma....may i ......know....your name?"