PS: 有一個簡單的做法也可以做到雙路輸出,假如你有一個舊POWER,用新POWER來餵 CPU, Motherboard, Graphic Card(12吃重), 舊POWER 來餵其他週邊(5v 吃重)
---- ----
Use a second PS to power your lights & fans and maybe your HDD’s, FDD’s & OD’s. Allowing your main PS to concentrate on your MoBo, CPU & Video Card(s). As your lights, fans & various drives are electrically isolated from your MoBo, this is safe & simple, allowing you to use as many PS’s as required, to power all of the eye candy imaginable. Turn your Fans & Drives "ON" first & turn them "OFF" last.
----比較難的作法 >_< ----
----我完全看不懂 XD----
主動式功率校正(Active Power Factor Correction)
簡單的說,主動式效率比較好, 主動式>被動式>完全沒有 XD