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M1977 Common Bridge Transporter (CBT)


The M1977 Common Bridge Transporter (CBT) is a modified M977 HEMTT Cargo truck equipped with a Load Handling System (LHS). The M1977 CBT was designed to support the Engineer Corps in transporting all bridging assets. The M1977 CBT loads, launches and retrieves the Ribbon Bridge, Improved Ribbon Bridge and Heavy Dry Support Bridge utilizing the Bridge Adapter Pallet, (BAP) and associated bridge erection boats utilizing the Improved Boat Cradle (IBC). The CBT is equipped with a winch to assist in retrieving the deployed equipment.

The XM15 Bridge Adapter Pallet (BAP) is used to adapt the CBT for transport of Combat Engineer bridge equipment as mentioned above. When loaded, the BAP provides the necessary locks, rollers and guides to launch, retrieve and transport the bridge equipment. The BAP consists of the main frame and winch frame assemblies. The BAP is PLS compatible and is transloadable to/from the PLS trailer. The winch frame detaches from the BAP main frame and attaches to the CBT LHS. The winch frame utilizes the truck hydraulic power to winch the bridges during retrieval operations.

The XM14 Improved Boat Cradle (IBC) is used to adapt the CBT for transport of the Combat Engineer Bridge Erection Boat (BEB). When loaded, the IBC provides the necessary locks, rollers and guides to launch, retrieve and transport the BEB. The IBC is PLS compatible, similar to the flatrack in design and is transloadable to/from the PLS Trailer.
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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3


XM1977 Common Bridge Transporter (CBT)
Cab and Remote Control of LHS
2 Speed LHS
20,000 lb. Payload
8x8 Configuration
48 in. Fording Capability
60% Grade
445 hp DDC Engine

XM15 Bridge Adapter Pallet (BAP)
Remote Control (30" range)
2 Speed Winch Control
10-25" Minimum Winch Line Speed
4 Automatic Bay Locks
Dual Front Lock Release From Cab
Transloadable Onto PLS Trailer

XM14 Improved Boat Cradle (IBC)
Controlled From Cab With Joystick
Steel Construction
Minimal Moving Parts
Minimal Maintenance

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

M1977 Common Bridge Transporter (CBT)


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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3



[概述]:重型干溝支援橋系統目前有兩套方案(英國Williams Fairey公司方案和瑞典Kockums公司方案)。目前兩套系統正由美國政府組織試驗,2000財年將從中最終選定一套方案。該系統2000年2季度投產,2002年1季度裝備部隊。


     [構造與技術特點]:重型干溝支援橋為模塊式橋樑,14名或更少的士兵在90分鐘內可架設40米長。一套橋樑器材可架設起1座40米橋或2座20米橋。橋樑可通載96噸級(輪式)/70噸級車輛,允許攜載M1A1坦克的重型裝備運輸車通行。重型干溝支援橋被設計成便於運輸的托盤載荷,可用通用橋樑運輸車(CBT), 托盤化裝載系統掛車或勤務支援部隊裝備的托盤化裝載卡車來運輸。整套橋樑器材由不超過9個的托盤載荷和一輛架橋車組成。


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