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CVA 58 United States

CVA-58 美國號(United States) 航空母艦

原文 :

After several years of planning, on 29 July 1948 President Truman approved construction of a "supercarrier", for which funds had been provided in the Naval Appropriations Act 1949. This first postwar carrier was laid down in April 1949. The flush-deck 65,000-ton CVA 58 United States was designed to launch and recover the large aircraft of 100,000 pounds required to carry early nuclear weapons, which weighed as much as five tons. The ship was to be over 1000 feet long, without an island, and of a radical new design. The construction cost of the new ship was estimated at $190 million, with the additional thirty-nine ships required to complete the accompanying task force estimated to cost $1.265 billion. The United States was also intended to provide tactical air support for air and amphibious forces and to conduct sea control operations. But the general perception was that the United States was primarily intended as a platform for long-range nuclear bombardment.

The Air Force viewed the United States as the embodiment of the Navy's nuclear aspirations as an attempt to challenge what had been an effective Air Force monopoly on strategic nuclear weapons delivery. A majority of the JCS maintained that the super carrier旧 main function would be a duplication of the primary role of the Air Force. In the face of limited budgetary resources, and responding to opposition from the Army and Air Force, Defense Secretary Louis Johnson announced on 23 April 1949 the cancellation of construction of the United States. This prompted the immediate resignation of Navy Secretary John Sullivan.
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續 :

This marked the beginning of a major onslaught on Navy funding. The fiscal constraints placed on the military in the late 1940 were severe, and plans debated in the summer of 1949 for the Fiscal Year 1951 budget called for deep cuts in naval aviation. Operational Essex Class carriers were to be reduced from eight to four, Carrier Air Wings from fourteen to six, operational Saipan Class carriers from ten to eight, Marine Squadrons from twenty three to twelve, Anti Submarine Warfare Squadrons from eight to seven, and Patrol Squadrons from thirty to twenty. While the Navy was struggling to maintain its carrier fleet, the Air Force was pushing for a seventy-group bomber force.

The famous "Revolt of the Admirals" cost Admiral Denfield his position as CNO, but it saved carrier-based naval aviation. The first atomic bombs went to sea on the USS Franklin Roosevelt in 1950. The Navy inability to convey carrier doctrine to policy makers negatively effect America旧 preparedness for subsequent wars and conflicts of a limited nature. It would take the accumulated experience of numerous limited engagements, and more particularly, the Vietnam War, for defense planners to recognize anything approaching the full potential of the carrier.

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Displacement75,900 to 79,300 tons full load
Beam130 feet
Flight Deck Width190 feet
Speed33 knots
Power PlantEight boilers
four geared steam turbines
four shafts
280,000 shaft horsepower
Aircraft12 VA [89,000 lb 2,000-nm radius bombers]
45 XF2H Banshee fighers
Armament8 5-inch/54 guns
6 3-inch/37 guns
Complement3,019 ship's company
2,480 in air wing

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United States CVA 58 Newport News 18 Apr 1949--23 Apr 1949

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United States電腦繪圖 :


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美國號航空母艦(USS United States CVA-58)是美國海軍旗下一艘原本預計要建造、但實際上卻在龍骨安放後就立刻停工而從未真正存在過的航空母艦,也是美國海軍第三艘使用國家名稱來命名的艦隻。原本應該是美國海軍在第二次世界大戰結束後起造的一系列五艘超級航空母艦(Supercarriers,意指總排水量超過75,000噸的超大型航艦)中的一號艦,但卻因為尷尬的用途設計與美國陸海空三軍間的任務與預算排擠問題,而半途叫停。

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1948年7月29日,美國總統哈瑞·杜魯門通過一紙航空母艦建造案,該案預計要建造5艘航空母艦,這除了是美國在二戰之後首次規劃新型航母的建造外,也是有史以來第一次嘗試建造超級航空母艦等級的軍艦。該計畫所需的預算在隔年的《1949年海軍撥款法案》(Naval Appropriations Act of 1949)中獲得通過,並且於1949年4月18日在維吉尼亞州的紐波特紐斯造船廠(Newport News Shipbuilding)的乾塢中,放下龍骨開始建造。


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