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好吧這篇是在下以前寫的文章~這裡給大家作為參考~恩這篇的錯誤很多~也不是個很好的文章~不過相信很多人在學校遇到文章就手忙腳亂的不知道該寫什麼好~這篇文章花了在下十分鐘~想要幫忙改的人請~:p~因為在下自己沒改過~(AKA 被丟棄的文章)
Topic: My goal

     English is not one of my stron courses, but I would do anything to achieve my goal.  My goal in English ahs always been a "B" and this year I wish to achieve a strong "A".  To me, English is my second language that I do to help myself learn vocabulary and adapting new stratagies to learn.  I think that reading books and figure out the unknown vocabulary may be quite useful.  To someone, like myself, who came from another country wants to learn English like we are learning our own "A" is what I am trying to achieve and "B" is the least I must get.  80-90% has been my new goal this year.  Grammer may be my weakness in writing but the mark I get is the mark I deserve.  

恩~是的~我再打的時候發現了一大堆的錯誤~所以改的人有加分~另外~在下要告訴大家寫 essay 的時候開頭句子是在summarize 妳的paragraph.
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原文由Katliang 於 07-8-31 16:49 發表
English is not one of my strong courses, but I would do anything to achieve my goal.  My goal in English is always been a "B" and this year I wish to achieve a strong "A".  To me, English is my second language that I do to help myself learn vocabulary and adapting new stratagies to learn.  I think that reading books and figure out the unknown vocabulary may be quite useful.  To someone, like myself, who came from another country wants to learn English like we are learning our own "A" is what I am trying to achieve and "B" is the least I must get.  80-90% has been my new goal this year.  Grammer may be my weakness in writing but the mark I get is the mark I deserve.  

我只找到錯字沒找到grammer error..

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