An explosion on the Arleigh Burke-class USS Cole (DDG 67) occurred at about 11:18 AM local time in Yemen [not 12:15 PM as previously reported -- local time in Yemen is seven hours later than Eastern Daylight Time]. USS Cole had completed mooring operations at 9:30 AM local time.
The threat level had been raised to threat condition [THREATCON] Bravo when the Cole pulled into the harbor, and they had armed people up on deck. Refueling operations commenced at approximately 10:30 AM local time and were ongoing at the time of the terrorist attack. Initial reports were that the boat that came up alongside the Cole and exploded was part of the mooring operation.
However, subsequently it appeared that the boat may have been launched from the shore and may have had no connection with the refueling operation. The explosion caused a 20-foot by 40-foot gash in the port (left) side of the ship. The explosion caused Cole to lose power and disabled all onboard communications assets. Seventeen sailors died in the explosion and more than 35 were injured. All the dead have been recovered.
首艘本級艦採用早已退休、但當時仍然健在的美國海軍上將亞里.柏克(Admiral Arleigh Albert Burke)的名字。
亞里.柏克的海軍生涯長達38年,在第二次世界大戰期間以指揮美國驅逐艦隊高速衝殺日本艦隊著名,因而搏得「31節柏克」(31- knot Burke)的名號。他的代表作是發生在1943年11月25日凌晨的聖喬治岬(Cape ST. George)海戰:該役中亞里.柏克(時為上校)率領美國驅逐艦大隊痛擊日本增援布卡島的「東京快車」艦隊,擊沈三艘日軍驅逐艦並擊傷另一艘,自身則沒有損失(為了紀念此一海戰,倒數第三艘提康德羅加級飛彈巡洋艦(CG-71)便命名為聖喬治岬號)。亞里.柏克於1996年與世長辭,享年94歲,在美國海軍中堪稱長壽;而他在晚年有幸親眼目睹以自己名字作為命名的第一艘新銳神盾驅逐艦奔馳於海上,也算是足以告慰了。
基於節省成本,除了在相位陣列雷達上動腦筋外,柏克級的神盾系統經過簡化,全艦只安裝三座照明雷達,而且也不裝置其他的對空搜索雷達。艦上的MK-41垂直發射系統(VLS)共有90枚的載彈量(八聯裝發射器十二組,艦身前部安裝四組,後方八組,前、後各有一組八聯裝發射器中相鄰三管的空間被用來安裝一具再裝填用起重機),與照明雷達數目一樣約為提級的 3/4。此外,同樣為了降低造價,加上美國海軍認為其他的護航艦隻已經搭載了足夠的直昇機,柏克Flight1的艦尾只有直昇機甲板而無機庫。不過,從貝瑞號(USS Barry DDG-52)起的柏克級開始配備RAST輔助降落系統以及直昇機整補設備。