Sea Shadow is a test craft developed under a combined program by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), the Navy, and Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space Company. The Sea Shadow program was begun in the mid-1980s. Its purpose is to explore a variety of new technologies for surface ships, including ship control, structures, automation for reduced manning, seakeeping and signature control. In 1993-1994, the craft was revealed to the public and underwent daylight testing. Since 1994, Sea Shadow has been maintained in a lay-up status and is currently homeported at Naval Station San Diego. In anticipation of conducting future ship research and development testing, the U.S. Navy reactivated the Sea Shadow craft in early 1999. Sea Shadow will support risk reduction for future surface ship platforms such as DD 21, the Navy's 21st Century Land Attack Destroyer. The platform will allow the Navy to explore and test, in a realistic at-sea environment, important DD 21 advanced information and automation technologies that support reduced manning and ship survivability.
美國海影(Sea Shadow)具有非常獨特,並且令人耳目一新的外觀,長期處於絕密狀態。 據說美國設計製造的目的主要是用來實驗信號抑制技術,也就是最大程度減少船體可探測信號特徵,達到最先進的隱形目的。美國設計製造的目的主要是用來實驗信號抑制技術,也就是最大程度減少船體可探測信號特徵,達到最先進的隱形目的。 至於軍事作戰用途,美國海軍計畫用來布放反潛艇魚雷。 美國海軍和洛克希德·馬丁公司(Lockheed Martin )已經把從海影試驗船中獲得的資料和設計資料用於其他艦艇設計和改進方面,例如宙斯盾級導彈驅逐艦。美國海軍和洛克希德·馬丁公司(Lockheed Martin )已經把從海影試驗船中獲得的數據和設計資料用於其他艦艇設計和改進方面,例如宙斯盾級導彈驅逐艦。