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SSN-688 Los Angeles-class
SSN-688 洛杉磯級核動力攻擊潛艇


The LOS ANGELES class SSN specifically included ASW against Soviet submarines trying to sink the US carrier and ASUW against capital ships in the Soviet surface action group [SAG]. The LOS ANGELES class SSN was designed almost exclusively for Carrier Battlegroup escort; they were fast, quiet, and could launch Mk48 and ADCAP torpedoes, Harpoon Anti-Ship Missiles (no longer carried), and both land attack and anti-ship (no longer carried) Tomahawk cruise missiles. The new submarines showed another step improvement in quieting and an increase in operating speed to allow them to support the CVBG. Escort duties included conducting ASW sweeps hundreds of miles ahead of the CVBG and conducting attacks against the SAG.

Submarines of the LOS ANGELES Class are among the most advanced undersea vessels of their type in the world. While anti-submarine warfare is still their primary mission, the inherent characteristics of the submarine's stealth, mobility and endurance are used to meet the challenges of today's changing global geopolitical climate. Submarines are able to get on station quickly, stay for an extended period of time and carry out a variety of missions including the deployment of special forces, minelaying, and precision strike land attack.

These 360 foot, 6,900-ton ship are well equipped to accomplish these tasks. Faster than her predecessors and possessing highly accurate sensors, weapons control systems and central computer complexes, the LOS ANGELES Class is armed with sophisticated MK-48 Advanced Capability anti-submarine/ship torpedoes, Tomahawk land attack cruise missiles, and mines.
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These submarines were built in three successive variants:

SSNs 688-718 - Original Los Angeles class

SSNs 719-750 - Starting with SSN 719 and beyond the last 31 hulls of the class have 12 vertical launch tubes for the Tomahawk cruise missile, along with an upgraded reactor core.

SSNs 751-773 - The final 23 hulls [SSN 751 and later] referred to as "688I" (for improved), are quieter, incorporate an advanced BSY-1 sonar suite combat system and the ability to lay mines from their torpedo tubes. They are configured for under-ice operations in that their forward diving planes have been moved from the sail structure to the bow and the sail has been strengthened for breaking through ice.

The USS MEMPHIS (SSN 691) has been modified to serve as a test and evaluation platform for advanced submarine systems and equipment, while retaining her combat capability.

The submarines are outfitted with a wide variety of antennas, transmitters and receivers necessary to support accomplishment of their assigned tasks. Interior communication is possible on a wide range of circuits and sound powered phones which do not require electrical power and are reliable in battle situations. Various alarm and indicating circuits enable the Officer of the Deck and the Engineering Officer of the Watch to continuously monitor critical parameters and equipment located throughout the ship.

The nuclear power plant gives these boats the ability to remain deployed and submerged for extended periods of time. To take advantage of this, the ship is outfitted with auxiliary equipment to provide for the needs of the crew. Atmosphere control equipment replenishes oxygen used by the crew, and removes carbon dioxide and other atmosphere contaminants. The ship is equipped with two distilling plants which convert salt water to fresh water for drinking, washing and the propulsion plant. Sustained operation of the complex equipment and machinery on the ship requires the support of repair parts carried on board. The ship carries enough food to feed a crew of over one hundred for as long as 90 days.

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Los Angeles class submarines are divided into two watertight compartments. The forward compartment houses all the living spaces, weapons systems, control centers, and sonar/fire control computers. The after compartment houses the nuclear reactor and the ship's propulsion equipment.

1. Engine Room. The engine room houses all the propulsion machinery, as well as the Ship's Service Turbine Generators that supply the ship's electricity, and the evaporator, which distills water for the propulsion plant and other shipboard use.

2. Control Room/Attack Center. Located in the upper level of the forward compartment is the control room--the heart of the ship. The Officer of the Deck stands his watch here, controlling all activities on board. In control, the ship's location is continually determined and plotted, the course and depth are controlled, and all sonar contacts are tracked. The control room also functions as the attack center, where all of the ship's weapon systems are controlled from.. The sail helps to add stability to the submerged vessel. Additionally it houses all of the periscopes and antennae. In the forward top portion of the sail is the bridge. When the ship is on the surface, the Officer of the Deck will shift his watch to the bridge. Here he has clear view of all the surrounding waters, in addition to getting a breath of fresh air and seeing the welcome sun.

4. Mess Decks, Berthing, and Wardroom. The middle level of the forward compartment is dedicated to the crew's living spaces. Here is found the mess decks and galley which, when underway, serve four meals a day, one every six hours (allowing for all watchstanders to get a hot meal). Also here are the berthing spaces. Here is the only personal space that a crewman gets--his bed (known as a "rack". These racks are stacked three tall throughout the berthing spaces and have only a curtain to close them off from the rest of the boat. With this as the only private area on board, it is not uncommon to find pictures of family and friends put up on the wall in a rack along with personal cassette and CD players for entertainment. The wardroom> is the officers own room. Here is a big table around which the officers eat, train, and work

5. Torpedo Room. The lower level of the forward compartment is the Torpedo Room. This room stores the ship's weapons which include Mk48 ADCAP torpedoes, Tomahawk cruise missiles, and mines. The torpedo room houses the handling equipment and access to the ship's four torpedo tubes. Weapons are moved from their stowage positions, loaded into the tubes, and readied for launch all in this room by the ship's Torpedomen. The torpedo room also houses controls for the vertical launch tubes which add 12 more Tomahawk cruise missiles to the ship's load.

6. Sonar Sphere. Housed in the very forward end of the submarine is the sonar sphere. This is an array of over 1,000 hydrophones which makes up part of the advanced BQQ-5E sonar suite. Out in front of the ship, positions the sphere as far as possible from the ship's own noise, thereby giving it the best listening conditions.

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SSN 688-class submarines, which will comprise 68% of the attack submarine force in 2015, must be modernized to ensure that they remain effective against increasingly sophisticated undersea adversaries. The use of COTS and open systems architecture (OSA) will enable rapid (annual) updates to both software and hardware, and the use of COTS-based processors means that sonar system computing power can grow at the same rate as commercial technology.

The creation of the Acoustic Rapid COTS Insertion (A-RCI) program was based on a detailed review of the U.S. acoustic advantage compared to foreign nuclear and diesel electric submarines. This program is the centerpiece of the Los Angeles (SSN 688)-class modernization effort. SSN 688 class submarines, which will comprise 68% of the attack submarine force in 2015, must be modernized to ensure that they remain effective when operating against increasingly sophisticated undersea adversaries. The use of COTS and Open Systems Architecture (OSA) will enable rapid (annual) updates to both software and hardware, and the use of COTS-based processors means that sonar system computing power can grow at the same rate as the commercial world.

A-RCI is a four phased transformation of existing sonar systems (AN/BSY-1, AN/BQQ-5, or AN/BQQ-6) to a more capable and flexible COTS/OSA-based system. It also will provide the submarine force with a common sonar system. The process is designed to minimize the impact of fire-control and sonar system upgrades on a ship's operational schedule, and will be accomplished without the need for major shipyard availabilities. Phase I, which commenced in November 1997, will enhance towed-array processing. Phase II will provide additional towed- and hull-array software upgrades. Phase III will upgrade the spherical array, and Phase IV will upgrade the high-frequency sonar system on SSN 688I-class submarines. Each phase will install improved processing and control and display workstations. The current installation plan completes all SSNs through Phase III by FY03.

Between 1998 and 2001 the US will retire 11 Los Angeles class submarines that have an average of 13 years left on their 30-year service lives. SSN-688 class submarines could operate for much longer than 30 years; one of the shipbuilders stated that 10 to 20 years of additional service would not be unreasonable. Past Navy actions indicate that extending a submarine's service life may be feasible. After a 5-year study was completed on the SSN-637 class submarine--the predecessor of the SSN-688 class--the design life was extended from 20 years to 30 years, with a possible extension to 33 years on a case-by-case basis. The 18 SSN-688 class submarines that will be refueled at their mid-life could make good candidates for a service life extension because they could operate for nearly 30 years after the refueling.

After these submarines serve for 30 years, they could undergo a 2-year overhaul and serve for one more 10-year operating cycle, for a total service life of 42 years. The cost for the additional overhaul of SSN-688 class submarines would be about $406 million per boat.

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Eight older Los Angeles-class submarines, without a vertical launch system, could be refueled at a cost of $210 million more than it would cost to inactivate them.

FY2000 - SSN 713 Houston
FY2001 - SSN 698 Bremerton
FY2001 - SSN 699 Jacksonville
FY2001 - SSN 714 Norfolk
FY2005 - SSN 716 Salt Lake City
FY2006 - SSN 717 Olympia
FY2007 - SSN 718 Honolulu
FY2008 - SSN 710 Augusta

These submarines can still be used in strike missions, however, by firing Tomahawk land attack missiles through their torpedo tubes.

The existing DOD guidance calls for a force of 50 attack submarines, although some studies have called for raising the number of subs to as many as 72. Existing plans are sufficient to meet the goal of 50 boats, although higher numbers would require modification to these plans. According to Navy secretary Richard Danzig, as of October 1999 the Joint Chiefs of Staff were studying options for increasing the size and capability of the submarine force. The three options under review include by converting older Ohio-class SSBN submarines to so-called SSGNs at a cost of $420 million; refueling and extending by 12 years the service life of perhaps eight Los Angeles-class (SSN 688) subs at a cost per copy of $200 million; or building new Virginia-class (SSN 774) subs at a rate of at least four over the next five years, at a cost of roughly $2 billion per boat. The FY2000 Defense Authorization bill requires the Navy to study converting four of the oldest Tridents to the new SSGN configuration.

The JCS Submarine Force Structure Study, completed in November 1999, concluded that the optimal force structure would be 68 attack submarines by 2015 and 76 by 2025, with the minimum being at least 55 by 2015 and 62 by 2025. The first would be to refuel some Los Angeles-class submarines previously scheduled to be decommissioned.

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BuildersNewport News Shipbuilding Co.
General Dynamics Electric Boat Division.
Power PlantOne S6G reactor
one shaft at 35,000 shp
Improved Performance Machinery Program Phase I [on 688 Improved]
Length360 feet (109.73 meters)
Beam33 feet (10 meters)
Displacement6,927 tons (6210 metric tons) submerged
SpeedOfficial: 20+ knots (23+ miles per hour, 36.8 +kph)
Actual: 30-32 knots maximum submerged speed
Operating Depthofficial: "greater than 800 feet"
Actual: 950 feet [300 meters] test depth
Actual: 1475 feet [450 meters] collapse depth
HullHY-80 Steel
Crew13 Officers, 116 Enlisted Departments

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ArmamentHarpoon and Tomahawk ASM/LAM missiles from VLS tubes
MK-48 torpedoes from four 533-mm torpedo tubes (Seawolf has 8)
Combat SystemsAN/BPS-5 surface search radar
AN/BPS-15 A/16 navigation and fire control radar
TB-16D passive towed sonar arrays
TB-23 passive "thin line" towed array
AN/BQG-5D wide aperture flank array
AN/BQQ-5D/E low frequency spherical sonar array
AN/BQS-15 close range active sonar (for ice detection);
MIDAS Mine and Ice Detection Avoidance System
SADS-TG active detection sonar Type 2 attack periscope (port)
Type 18 search periscope (starboard) AN/BSY-1 (primary computer);
UYK-7; UYK-43; UYK-44 WLR-9 Acoustic Intercept Receiver
Unit Cost$900 million [1990 prices]
Unit Operating Cost
Annual Average
~$21,000,000 [source: [FY1996 VAMOSC]

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Los Angeles SSN 688 Newport NewsPearl Harbor08 Jan 197113 Nov 1976
Baton Rouge SSN-689Newport News[url=http://fas.org/man/dod-101/fac/port/norfolk.htm]Norfolk[/url]08 Jan 197125 Jun 197713 Jan 1995
Philadelphia SSN 690 Electric BoatGroton 08 Jan 197125 Jun 1977
Memphis SSN 691 Newport NewsGroton04 Feb 197117 Dec 1977
Omaha SSN-692Electric BoatPearl Harbor31 Jan 197111 Mar 197805 Oct 1995
Cincinnati SSN-693Newport NewsNorfolk04 Feb 197110 Jun 197829 Jul 1996
GrotonSSN-694Electric BoatGroton31 Jan 197108 Jul 197807 Nov 1997
Birmingham SSN-695Newport NewsPearl Harbor24 Jan 197216 Dec 197822 Dec 1997
New York City SSN-696Electric BoatPearl Harbor24 Jan 197203 Mar 197930 Apr 1997
Indianapolis SSN 697 Electric BoatPearl Harbor 24 Jan 197205 Jan 1980 17 Feb 1998
Bremerton SSN 698 Electric BoatPearl Harbor 24 Jan 197228 Mar 1981 ~2001
Jacksonville SSN 699 Electric BoatNorfolk 24 Jan 197216 May 1981 ~2001
Dallas SSN 700 Electric BoatGroton 31 Jan 197326 Jun 1981
La Jolla SSN 701 Electric BoatSan Diego10 Dec 197330 Sep 1981

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Phoenix SSN-702Electric BoatNorfolk31 Oct 197312 Dec 198129 Jul 1998
Boston SSN 703 Electric BoatGroton 10 Dec 197330 Jan 1982 18 Jan 1999
Baltimore SSN 704 Electric Boat31 Oct 197324 Jul 198210 Jul 1998
City Of Corpus Christi SSN 705 Electric BoatGroton 31 Oct 197308 Jan 1983
Albuquerque SSN 706 Electric BoatGroton 31 Oct 197321 May 1983
Portsmouth SSN 707 Electric BoatSan Diego 10 Dec 197301 Oct 1983
Minneapolis-St. Paul SSN 708 Electric BoatNorfolk 31 Oct 197310 Mar 1984
Hyman G. Rickover SSN 709 Electric BoatNorfolk 10 Dec 197321 Jul 1984
Augusta SSN 710 Electric BoatGroton 31 Oct 197319 Jan 1985 ~2008
San Francisco SSN 711 Newport NewsPearl Harbor 01 Aug 197521 Apr 1984
Atlanta SSN 712 Newport NewsNorfolk 01 Aug 197506 Mar 1982 22 Jan 1999

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Houston SSN 713 Newport NewsSan Diego 01 Aug 197525 Sep 1982 ~2000
Norfolk SSN 714 Newport NewsNorfolk 20 Feb 197621 May 1983 ~2001
Buffalo SSN 715 Newport NewsPearl Harbor 23 Feb 197605 Nov 1983
Salt Lake City SSN 716 Newport NewsSan Diego 15 Sep 197712 May 1984 ~2005
Olympia SSN 717 Newport NewsPearl Harbor 15 Sep 197717 Nov 1984 ~2006
Honolulu SSN 718 Newport NewsPearl Harbor 15 Sep 197706 Jul 1985 ~2007
Providence SSN 719 Electric BoatGroton 16 Apr 197727 Jul 1985
Pittsburgh SSN 720 Electric BoatGroton 16 Apr 197723 Nov 1985
Chicago SSN 721 Newport NewsPearl Harbor 13 Aug 198127 Oct 1986
Key West SSN 722 Newport NewsPearl Harbor 13 Aug 198112 Sep 1987
Oklahoma City SSN 723 Newport NewsNorfolk 13 Aug 198109 Jul 1988
Louisville SSN 724 Electric BoatPearl Harbor 11 Feb 198108 Nov 1986
Helena SSN 725 Electric BoatPearl Harbor 19 Apr 198211 Jul 1987
Newport NewsSSN 750 Newport NewsNorfolk 19 Apr 198203 Jun 1989

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