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Future Attack Submarine

SSN - 未來攻擊潛艇(FASM)計劃

註:FASM,全名為Future Attack Submarine,為英國海軍的潛艇定位計劃 -「未來型攻擊潛水艦」


但在2003年五月,FASM計畫再度重來,計畫更名為 "Maritime Underwater Future Capability"。


The Defense Science Board (DSB) task force on the “Submarine of the Future” in its July 1998 report called for pursuing a vigorous technology development program in preparation for a new and more capable successor to the Virginia class in the 2020s. Dismissing the suggestion for a force mix that includes diesel-electric submarines, the panel “firmly reaffirmed” that the Virginia-class follow-on should be a “large” nuclear ship offering high transit speed, independent logistics, and endurance – as well as the substantial internal volume necessary for unconventional payloads, such as auxiliary vehicles. Suggesting that “weapon-specific interfaces” such as torpedo and Vertical Launch System tubes be avoided, the group postulated “using ‘bomb bay’ techniques or other large aperture openings, coupled with external storage of rapid-response weapons.” In this concept, today’s torpedo room would be supplanted by a free-flooding weapons bay reconfigurable for a variety of weapon and offboard sensor payloads.

The task force recommended that the traditional emphasis on SSN propulsion and quieting be shifted to “connectivity, sensors, weapons, adjuvant vehicles, and interfaces with the water.” And finally, the panel suggested that DoD needs to broaden participation and reallocate taskings in the research, development, acquisition, and performance verification of new SSN designs. Thus, they recommended a “wide open look” at the future submarine by the Navy and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), with substantial industry input to the development of alternatives. Subsequently, DARPA and the Navy have signed a Memorandum of Agreement to study future fast-attack submarine design concepts, with a focus on advanced payloads and sensor systems.

The Navy and industry have concluded that electric drive will be a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for retaining stealth margins (i.e., standoff and counterdetection) into the far future. This assumes potential adversaries will possess sensor and processor technology in the 2015 timeframe, which is similar to that which the US is developing now. Furthermore, electric drive provides the opportunity to use all (rather than only about 15 percent) of the useful reactor power for a wide range of high power, high energy, and high endurance payloads, which the future will bring. Today, some 85 percent of the design reactor power can only be used for propulsion. Other benefits include the flexibility that electric drive brings to naval architecture (eliminate the tyranny of the shaft through external motors), on-the-fly reapportionment of power to deal with casualties, battle damage, or countermeasures (for high-speed incoming weapons), and technology growth potential in related technologies.

[ 本文最後由 jacklf2004 於 07-10-19 08:57 PM 編輯 ]
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Future Attack Submarine 想像圖:

Above: An artists' impression of the Future Attack Submarine (FASM), seen here launching a torpedo.

Above: Another artists' impression of the Future Attack Submarine. It is likely that it will be nuclear powered and armed with land attack missiles.




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Future Attack Submarine (FASM)

The seven Trafalgar Class submarines entered service between 1983 and 1991 and are due to start decommissioning from 2010. Under existing plans laid out by the Strategic Defence Review (SDR), two older Trafalgar class submarines will be replaced by two Astute Class submarines expected to be ordered within the next few years. The remainder of the class will be replaced by the Future Attack Submarine (FASM).

This vessel is still in the very early stages of research and development and a range of designs are being considered. Most are nuclear powered although a few of the options under consideration are conventionally powered. One such option is Air Independent Propulsion (AIP). This combines what is seen as the main advantage of nuclear power- endurance- with the cost effectiveness of a diesel electric submarine. Nevertheless, at this stage nuclear power seams the most likely alternative as the navy has both the experience and infrastructure to operate this kind of vessel. Nuclear power will probably result in a submarine between 5,000 and 8,000 tonnes in displacement.

A number of other design innovations are being considered for the Future Attack Submarine: one of these focuses on the use of fibre optics which could eliminate the need for a traditional periscope and conning tower. Other possibilities include the ability to operate unmanned underwater vehicles and machines in a mine warfare role.

It is likely that the Future Attack Submarine (FASM) will be armed with cruise missiles. However, unlike the Swiftsure, Trafalgar and Astute Classes, which launch these through torpedo tubes, the Future Attack Submarine will probably launch them vertically. It is also likely that the high level of automation onboard will mean the submarine could have a complement as small as 50.

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自設計開始,機敏級即被要求能充分融入達成“Maritime Contribution to Joint Operations (MCJO)”,這包括替特遣艦隊護航、為兩棲登陸艦隊提供近接支援、擔任SSBN隨身護衛、以及和己方艦隊聯手或單獨執行反艦/反潛任務等,以成為皇家海軍在21世紀初執行國策主張時的得力助手。

機敏級SSN的主承包商為BAE Systems Marine (VSEL)股份有限 公司旗下,位於Barrow-in-Furness, England的造船廠,首號艦“機敏號”的鋼板切割工作於1999年11月開始展開,然而由於租借加拿大海軍的四艘擁護者級SS之重新啟封工作,整個造艦計畫因而遭到順延,第一件船殼組件直到2001年1月31日才正式宣告完工;就目前的造艦進度評估,首號艦將於2004年下水,2005年6月進行海測,並於2006年年底正式加入皇家海軍服役。

二號艦“狙擊號”(HMS Ambush)預定於2002年底動工興建,預定2007年成軍;三號艦“狡詐號”(HMS Artful)則打算於2003年動工,預定2009年成軍;至於第二批次型的四至六號艦量產計畫也於2002年年底得到確認。

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1987年的時候,VSEL公司便受皇家海軍所託,設計一款作為特拉法加級SSN後繼者的全新SSN︰SSN-20 “W class”;其為一款總重6000噸級,使用與當時正預定建造,配備十六枚Trident D-5 SLBM的“前鋒級”SSBN同型之新型壓水式核子反應爐,並配備有飛彈垂直發射器的全新設計SSN,並打算於1990年接受訂購量產;然而由於“前鋒級”SSBN 計畫的優先度較高,以及諸多預算排擠因素的影響下,最後該計畫終究未能成真,而迅捷級與特拉法加級的役期也因而被迫由原來的20~25年大幅延長至30年左右。

到了1991年八月, VSEL提出另一套新型SSN造艦方案來取代所費不貲的W級SSN計畫,新計畫主張以現有的特拉法加級SSN為基礎,在外型設計上做出最小幅度的改良,同時搭配最時下先進尖端的潛艦用動力/電子/武器系統裝備之後作為下代SSN主力;該新艦計畫最初預定於1994年接受首批訂單,並於2001年開始陸續成軍服役。


到了今年(2003)五月,FASM計畫被全盤推倒重來,計畫更名為 "Maritime Underwater Future Capability",至於其量產成軍計畫則被大幅推遲至2020~2030年間展開,.  因此為了維護十艘SSN建制,第三批次的機敏級量產計畫也就勢在必行了﹔雖然尚無正式官方確認,但根據USNI Proceedings (March 2001 edition)報導︰在2001年年底的時候,英國國防部已經決定了至少三艘的第三批次型機敏級SSN量產計畫。

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大體而言,機敏級SSN可視為特拉法加級SSN的放大改良版︰外型設計與船體性能表現與特拉法加級SSN相類似,但配備有最尖端先進的電子設備與武器系統,以及和新型SSBN─前鋒級相同的Rolls Royce PWR2壓水式反應爐;其生產建造方式採用全新的模組化建構方式藉以大幅降低造價與建造時間,其整體結構將由九件壓力殼組件,11件主要裝備模組以及30餘件次要系統模組所構成。BAE Systems Marine期望︰利用嶄新的建造方式,能減少機敏級SSN 25% 的設計工時以及30%的造艦工時,具體而言,當年水下重量5208噸的特拉法加級SSN從開工至正式成軍服役約需八年光陰,如今水下重量高達7200噸級的機敏級SSN則只需六年便可。


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機敏級SSN採用Rolls-Royce出品的 PWR2壓水式反應爐+H核心套件設計,使其在整個服役生涯過程中均無須進行昂貴、費時且危險性高的核燃料再填裝作業;一如其前輩特拉法加級SSN,其亦採用了靜音性能極佳的水噴射推進系統,但是最大輸出功率則是特拉法加級SSN(15000匹馬力)的1.8倍以上:27500匹馬力。


截至目前為止,機敏級SSN整體性能表現的詳細數字尚未公佈明朗化,但是根據BAE企業集團的宣稱,和其前輩特拉法加級SSN 相較,其有著如下的優點與改進:
1. 最頂尖的全面整合式潛艦用作戰系統。
2. 1.5倍的火力攜行量。
3. 兩具劃時代的COM 10電子光學潛望鏡(無須穿透壓力殼)。
4. 所有的控制面均採用外部制動設計,以減少對壓力殼的穿透,並簡化艦尾控制設計的複雜度。
5. 數位化潛艦用控制與資訊處理系統。
6. 全面升級汰換特拉法加級SSN 上已經落伍的系統裝備,以增進效能並節省耗費。
7. 減少噪音輻射10~20分貝。

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機敏級的作戰系統,可說是科技上的一大躍進,其源自於為迅捷級和特拉法加級SSN終極改良階段所開發設計的戰術武器系統 (TWS)﹔其基本組成包括:

1. Astute 戰鬥處理系統:具有開放式電腦運算與資料呈現功能。
2. 2076型整合式聲納系統(包含艦艏、攔截、側舷與拖曳式聲納陣列)。
3. the Outfit UAP(4) 電子支援/偵搜裝備。
4. the FDDI-based 戰術武器系統資料鏈。



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