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DSRV ( Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle )




When the USS Thresher went down in the early 1960s with all hands aboard, the Navy took steps to ensure such a tragedy never occur again. Following the recommendations of a special Presidential Deep Submergence Review Group, the Deep Submergence Rescue System was developed in the mid-1960s. The deep submergence rescue vehicles Mystic (DSRV 1) and Avalon (DSRV 2) of the Deep Submergence Unit are the genesis of that program.

The DRSVs were specifically designed to fill the need for an improved means of rescuing the crew of a submarine immobilized on the ocean floor. Mystic and Avalon are the first submersibles that can be transported by land, sea and on or beneath the sea. They can operate independently of surface conditions or under ice for rapid response to an accident anywhere in the world.

The primary mission of the DSRV is to provide a quick reaction, worldwide, all–weather capability to rescue personnel from disabled submarines (DISSUB) at depths of less than 610 meters (2000 feet). The DSRV’s maximum operating depth is approximately 1524 meters (5000 feet). The DSRV can be transported by truck, aircraft, surface ship, or on a mother submarine. The DSRV can dive, locate the disabled submarine [DISSUB], and attach itself to the DISSUB’s rescue seat. After the DSRV is properly attached to the submarine, the DISSUB’s access hatches are opened and submarine personnel can enter directly into the DSRV. The DSRV then detaches itself from the submarine and transfers the rescued personnel to the support ship, which can be a specially modified submarine or a surface ship.
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When notified of an accident, the DSRVs, the crew and their specialized support gear can be loaded on a C-5 galaxy cargo plane at Naval Air Station North Island and flown to the nearest airport. Once it arrives, the DSRV is transported via its special land transport vehicle and taken to the staging port for rendezvous with a specially equipped mother submarine. The mother submarine then piggybacks the DSRV to the accident site to rescue the crew members. It's this versatility and economy that makes the vehicles such excellent rescue assets.

Upon notification that a submarine is submerged and disabled, the DSRV and its support equipment are transported to a port near the submarine, then loaded on a support ship. For the rest of this discussion, the DSRV support ship will be assumed to be a submarine. The mother submarine, with the DSRV mated to the after rescue/escape trunk and supported by four pylons, proceeds to the area of the DISSUB and serves as an underwater base for the DSRV. The mother submarine can launch and recover the DSRV at either the forward or after rescue/escape trunk while submerged.

As the DSRV decends to the DISSUB, it uses sonar to detect the submarine’s AN/BQN–13 submarine distress pingers. The DSRV can detect the afterview of the sail of the smallest U.S. Navy submarine at about 450 meters (500 yards) under good acoustic and reverberation conditions. The DSRV can also establish and maintain voice communications with the submarine using the emergency underwater telephone. After the DSRV has located the submarine’s rescue/escape trunk and has landed on the rescue seat, the water in the DSRV mating skirt is pumped overboard or is vented to tanks on the DSRV. Depending on rescue conditions, such as depth of the submarine, underwater current, and angle of the submarine, the DSRV can use hold–down devices similar to those used by the SRC to ensure a watertight seal with the submarine.

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When instructed by the DSRV, the submarine’s crew drains the upper hatch cavity, which equalizes the pressure between the DSRV and the submarine. The submarine crew then drains the trunk, if necessary. On submarines that have been modified to use the threaded eyebolt, the DSRV crew installs them, if necessary. The DSRV crew installs the hold–down devices and then removes the submarine hatch fairing. Next, the DSRV crew installs a compensating weight onto the hatch or, on SSN 21 class submarines, unscrews a spring retainer screw to make up for the removal of the fairing. On submarines with permanently welded padeyes or staples, the DSRV crew removes the submarine hatch fairing, if necessary. On earlier classes of submarines with 25–inch–diameter upper access hatches, the fairing covers are not removed.

The DSRV crew then installs the hold–down devices, if necessary. The DSRV crew then installs a compensating weight, if necessary, onto the hatch or, on SSN 21 class submarines, unscrews a spring retainer screw to compensate for the removal of the fairing. The DSRV crew signals the submarine’s crew to open the upper access hatch and then the lower access hatch. The pressure in the trunk and the access compartment should be the same before the lower access hatch to the trunk is opened. The fairing plates, if removed, and supplies, as needed, are transferred to the submarine. These supplies can include oxygen, lithium hydroxide canisters, water, food, clothes, medical supplies, etc.

Submarine personnel are brought aboard the DSRV. Up to 1905 kilograms (4200 pounds) of variable ballast water can be transferred to the submarine to make up for the submarine personnel brought on board the DSRV. After the ballast and supplies are transferred, the submarine crew is directed to close the upper access hatch and the hatch cavity drain valve, the trunk flood valve, and the trunk drain valve.

One of the DSRVs is kept in rescue-ready status at all times, ready to respond to an emergency. Since their initial construction more than 25 years ago, both vehicles have undergone extensive upgrades and are widely recognized as the most sophisticated submersibles in the world. They stand ready every day of the year to support the submarine rescue needs for both the U. S. Navy and its allies world wide.

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The DSRV outer hull is approximately 15 meters (50 feet) long, 2.4 meters (8 feet) in diameter, and is constructed of formed fiberglass (see Figure 594–3–1). The DSRV weighs approximately 36 metric tons (80,000 pounds). Inside the fiberglass outer hull are three interconnected spheres that form the pressure hull. Each sphere is 2.3 meters (7–1/2 feet) in diameter and is constructed of high tensile strength steel. The spheres are connected by hatches that allow personnel to move within the DSRV. The forward sphere contains the vehicle’s sophisticated control and navigation equipment and is manned by an operator and a co–operator. The center and after spheres accommodate up to 24 passengers and two DSRV crewman.

Under the DSRV’s center sphere is a hemispherical skirt and shock mitigation system that allows the DSRV to mate with the rescue seat on the submarine’s rescue/escape trunk). The skirt allows a watertight seal to be made between the DSRV and the submarine. After a seal is made, the submarine’s upper access hatch can be opened and swung up into the skirt cavity.

Propulsion and control of the DSRV is provided by a conventional, battery–powered, stern propeller in a movable shroud; and four ducted thrusters, two forward and two aft. The system permits the DSRV to maneuver and hover in underwater currents. The DSRV can attach to a submarine inclined to angles up to 45 degrees from vertical in either the fore and aft or athwartships direction, with an internal pressure of up to 3–1/2 atmospheres, and exposed to a current of up to 2 knots.

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Power Plant
Speedknots ( mph)

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Mystic DSRV 1
Avalon DSRV 2

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DSRV構造分析圖 與 圖集:

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深潛器是一種能在深海進行水下作業的潛水設備,分民用和軍用兩類, 具有軍民通用性質,一般不攜載武器,噸位在20~80 噸左右,個別達300~ 400 噸,潛水深度一般為2000~5000 米左右,個別達11000 米。

深潛器分為 有人深潛器、無人深潛器和遙控深潛器等多種類型,其主要任務有三類:

一 類是用於海洋調查,採集水下標本,進行水下攝影,開展潛水醫學和生理學 研究,進行水聲學研究;


最後一類是執行軍事偵察、掃雷、佈雷等任務,試驗和回收魚雷、水雷、深 彈等水中兵器,營救失事潛艇的艇員,觀察武器的水下發射情況,進行水下噪音測量等。

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自古以來,人類就運用各種方式進行潛水活動,1855 年,德國人建造了一個系留式鋼球,人坐在裡面可以潛入75 米深的海底去撈取沉船上的財寶。

本世紀30 年代初,美國製造了世界上第一個用於海洋研究的繫纜式潛水球「比布」號,它是一個圓形鋼球,直徑1.45 米,周圍開有3 個觀察窗。1934年8 月,「比布」號潛入923 米深的海底,創造了當時深潛的最高記錄。

後 來,又建造了第二個鋼球「深球」號,結果於1950 年潛入1372 米深的海底, 刷新了深潛記錄。40 年代末期,瑞士的奧·皮卡德研製成功世界上第一艘不用繫纜連接的深潛器 FNRSⅡ號,其最大下潛深度可達5200 米。

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1961 年1 月23 日,奧·皮卡德用他研製的一艘長18.2 米、直徑2.18 米、壁厚12 厘米、 由2 人乘坐的「的裡雅斯特」號進行了長達8 小時33 分鐘的深海探險,成功 地潛入了11000 米深的馬裡亞納海溝,這是人類有史以來第一次潛入世界最深的海溝。在

那裡,海水壓力高達1100 公斤/厘米2,相當於陸地上一個大 氣壓的1100 倍。

60 年代以後,「的裡雅斯特」號被美國海軍租用,並相繼研製成功兩種 改進型,之後,美國海軍便自行建造了第一艘「阿爾文」號深潛器,它排水 量300 噸,潛深2000 米,可乘坐3 人。1969 年,又相繼建成「海龜」號和 「海崖」號深潛器,潛深分別為2200 米和7000 米。

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