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You know, after having ipods, imacs, itunes.... it's kinda hard for me not to get an iphone.  It's kinda like a collector's instinct.  Just wondering if anyone else is having the same reactions when they are collecting things. :p  However the sad thing is there is no iphones in CANADA!!!!! =[  ~ so now i have to go to US to get it.  BUT!!! The good thing is that i can get it over the winter break, when i go to LA XDDDDDD~ wooohooooo~
Hot guys~~~~~~~ >////////////////< ~(ok over reacting just a bit~(flies off~
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what?!!  you are now in Canada?!  that' nice!!  I thought you are in Taiwan
or somewhere...   where do you live??  is it vancouver?

you know what, you are lucky to get those i stuff, right now i dont even have the extra money for an ipod...........   good for you!!!  just remember to buy one for
me, thanks!!!!
and be careful in US, lots of gangs and terrorists down there....

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lol..... it's called a part-time job~ anyways i used to live in Surrey, BC. but now im in Toronto, Ontario.  And no~~~~~ I ain't buying other ppl ipods~ XDDDD

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100% agree!!

But i'm slightly different w/ you..
I'm totally attracted w/ "S" brand, i've got SE W910i, SONY VAIO & SONY T200(haha)

Just can't stop searching for their new products XD

Tell me how's it goes after you bought iphone, i'm also interest in that

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iphone will have to wait for a bit... I think I'll get it this april or something.  However I think now I'm aiming for that apple notebook XD~ iphone will just have to wait la~ XD

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