
樓主: 克里斯Chris


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Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

Main: 200 rounds (dual feed)
Coax: 460 rounds
Optional: 2 SPIKE missiles (or other), smoke grenades launchers

Combat weight: 1400kg
Including weapons and ammo.

Power Supply
24 VDC

Traverse: Electrically controlled, Nx360
Elevation: Electrically controlled Range: -20 to +60

Optics & Fire Control
Day sight: Color / CCD camera with x10 continuous zoom
Line of Sight stabilization
Night Sight: Cooled FLIR
Display: Multi-functional, color LCD monitor

Height Above Deck
Folded position: 545 mm (ammo chute detached)
Extended position: 1010 mm

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Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

Rafael Armament Development Authority of Israel has extensive experience in the upgrade of a wide range of armoured fighting vehicles. At the show it is exhibiting an upgraded FV432 series armoured personnel carrier (APC). While the BAE Systems Land Systems Warrior infantry fighting vehicle has replaced the FV432 used by the British Army in the troop carrying role, large numbers of FV432 series remain in service for specialised roles such as ambulance, command post, mortar carrier and support vehicle.

It was expected that the out of service date of the FV432 of the British Army would be about 2014, but this has now been extended to beyond 2020, by which time this vehicle will be more than 50 years old.

The British Army is already expected to put an initial batch of up to 500 FV432s through an automotive upgrade and it is understood that a number of survivability enhancements are being considered.

The FV432 being shown by Rafael has been upgraded in two key areas – armour and firepower. Survivability has been improved by the installation of the latest-generation insensitive reactive armour package on the front and sides. This provides protection against a variety of anti-tank weapons fitted with a high explosive anti-tank warhead, including the widely deployed RPG-7 rocket propelled grenade launcher.

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

In addition, the new insensitive reactive armour package provides protection against kinetic energy attack, high-speed artillery and roadside bomb fragments.

For improved firepower, the FV432 is provided with the latest-generation Rafael Remote Controlled Weapon Station 30 (RCWS 30) armed with a stabilised US ATK Gun Systems Company 30mm MK 44 cannon. A 7.62mm MG is mounted co-axial, and installed on the left side is a two-round Spike LR missile launcher to engage tanks and other targets at long range.

Development of the RCWS 30 is complete and it has recently been successfully tested in Europe installed on a number of chassis, including a Polish BMP-1 IFV and a Patria Vehicles Armoured Modular Vehicle (AMV). Lat
er, RCWS 30 will be tested in the Czech Republic installed on the Austrian Steyr-Daimler-Puch Pandur II (8x8) and again on the AMV.

RCWS 30 is the latest in a long line of overhead weapon stations developed by the Rafael Armament Development authority for the home and export markets. These are typically armed with 7.62mm or 12.7mm MG, although versions armed with a 25mm cannon have been produced in large numbers for the export market.

The Czech Republic has selected Rafael Armament Development Authority of Israel to equip its future fleet of Pandur II 8 x 8 armoured personnel carriers (APC) with a complete combat fighting suite. The contract, amounting to some EUR120 million (USD143.5 million) if all options are exercised, will be completed between 2007 and 2012.

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

The decision follows the Czech government selection of the Steyr Consortium (Steyr-Daimler-Puch, part of General Dynamics European Land Combat Systems) on 25 January to supply up to 234 8 x 8 Pandur II APCs to the Army of the Czech Republic (ACR). It is expected that a contract, potentially worth up to USD1.02 billion, will be placed in April or May this year for the supply of some 199 Pandur 8 x 8 APCs and variants for delivery between 2007 and 2010. The contract has an option for an additional 35 vehicles, bringing the total up to 234 units, including variants. In all, there will be 18 variants, all of which will be amphibious.

The fighting suite to be supplied by Rafael comprises the Samson family of stabilised Remote Controlled Weapon Stations (RCWSs), including the Samson RCWS-30 and the Mini-Samson RCWS, and also
unspecified add-on armour for the Pandur II.

The Samson RCWS-30 includes an ATK MK-44 Bushmaster 30 mm automatic cannon, a two-round Rafael Spike multipurpose missile launcher (with Spike LR missiles to be supplied by EuroSpike GmbH) and a
co-axial 7.62 mm general-purpose machine gun. The Mini-Samson RCWS family has a modular, plug-and-play configuration that enables it to accommodate a variety of weapons and weapon combinations. This includes as its main weapon, the 12.7 mm M2HB, 7.62 mm, and GAU-17 six-barrel 7.62 mm machine guns and the Mk 19 40 mm grenade launcher. Secondary weapons, including the two-round Spike LR multipurpose missile launcher, are mounted to the right of the main armament.

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

The Czech order provides for 92 RCWS-30 systems, 78 of which will be equipped with the Spike LR, while a further 47 vehicles will be equipped with the Mini-Samson 7.62/12.7 mm RCWS.

RCWS-30 was fully integrated into the vehicle and tested by the Czech Ministry of Defence in the Czech Republic as far back as last October, following which it was trialled at test ranges in Austria. According to Rafael: "The RCWS-30 was successfully tested and proved its qualities during the tests carried out by the ACR on both the Steyr Pandur II and Patria Armoured Modular Vehicle. The programme included: testing the integration of the RCWS-30 on the vehicles; crossing open water areas; test drives on paved and off-road surfaces; and loading and unloading from a C-130 Hercules aircraft."

The Remote Controlled Weapon Station – RCWS 30mm, completed a series of successful field tests in Finland. These tests were carried out on actual fighting platform in Finland on the Patria AMV and covered different combat scenarios at a variety of ranges.

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3


20毫米以上武器採用遙控武器台, 應該是出於經濟考慮, 不需要安裝炮塔了. 遙控武器台價格肯定比炮塔便宜.

但如果是安裝12.7毫米或7.62毫米機槍的遙控武器台, 那是從保護考慮了. 發射手沒有遙控武器能力, 只能暴露在車外射擊, 被擊中可能性大增.

遙控武器台缺點是射角受限制, 沒有人為操作那麼靈活. 優點除了人員保護之外, 遙控武器台還可以作為目標搜索類偵察設備使用, 提高了車輛作戰感知能力.

以色列長釘(SPIKE)是紅外制導的便攜式反坦克導彈, 與標槍同級別的.FV432是英國裝甲運兵車, 與美國M113差不多.


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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3







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Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3




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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3





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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3






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