為了金元帥,我們要南下踏平跟老美狼狽為奸的南韓!! 讓他們過上幸福生活,跟我們一樣!!
解放!! 解了再放!! 放了在解!! 反正就是解放!! http://blog.yam.com/s1a7m13 |
I am the bone of my sowrd.
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. I have created over a thousand blades. Unknown to Death. Nor known to Life. Have withstood pain to create many weapons. Yet, those hands will never hold anything. So as I pray, unlimited blade works. |
當戰鼓再次響起時! 我...即將再一次地在戰場上縱橫 |
No "road" may exist this world from the first. If many people walk, that place would become a "road".