原灰鷹非邪神神祇 轉換後的艾伯倫神祇或宗教組織
Boccob(LN) => Aureon(LN)
Ehlonna(NG) => Balinor(N)
Fharlanghn(N) => Kol Korran(N)
Heironeous(LG) => Dol Arrah(LG)
Kord(CG) => Dol Dorn(CG)
Obad-Hai(N) => Balinor(N)
Olidammara(CN) => Olladra(NG)
Pelor(NG) => The Sovereign Host(NG)
St. Cuthbert(LN) => Church of the Silver Flame(LG)
Wee Jas(LN) => The Undying Court(NG)
Radiant servents of Pelor變成Radiant servents of the Silver Flame
Blade of Heironeous變成Blade of Dol Arrah
Temple Raiders of Olidammara變成Temple Raiders of the Trvaler