

Gary Gygax, 'Father of D&D,' Dies at 69

By Lore Sjoberg March 04, 2008 | 1:43:14 PMCategories:
Current Affairs

Gary Gygax, one of the co-creators of the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, died Tuesday morning at his home in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, according to Stephen Chenault, CEO of Troll Lord Games.

Gygax designed the original D&D game with Dave Arneson in 1974, and went on to create the Dangerous Journeys and Lejendary Adventure RPGs, as well as a number of board games. He also wrote several fantasy novels.

"I don't think I've really grokked it yet," said Mike Mearls, the lead developer of the upcoming 4th edition of Dungeons and Dragons. "He was like the cool uncle that every gamer had. He shaped an entire generation of gamers."

Gygax was not directly involved with Dungeons & Dragons after 1985, and his relationship with his former company, TSR Inc., was not friendly at first. The company sued him over his competing game Dangerous Journeys, and in a
2004 interview with GameSpy he stated that he was "pleased to say" that he thought the cost of the suit and settlement drove TSR to sell the rights to the game.
While reportedly unimpressed with the current edition of the Dungeons and Dragons game, he created adventures and settings that could be used with it, which were published by Troll Lord Games.

Gygax went well beyond the role of game developer and became an icon to gamers, appearing as himself in episodes of Futurama and Code Monkeys and participating in discussions on roleplaying-related message boards.

Gygax had been in poor health for some time, according to his wife Gail. Chenault says he will publish more information, including funeral arrangements, on the
Troll Lord message board as it becomes available.

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ogb    發表於 08-3-10 21:15 聲望 + 1 枚
charm54e  剛剛才在別的站看到呢...  發表於 08-3-5 17:40 聲望 + 2 枚
無名教徒  翻譯呀....OTZ  發表於 08-3-5 16:46 聲望 + 1 枚
鈴紘  Q口Q....  發表於 08-3-5 15:03 聲望 + 3 枚
發條人形紅舞鞋  Gary Gygax有69歲了0.0  發表於 08-3-5 13:17 聲望 + 2 枚
soking  。口。!!!  發表於 08-3-5 13:16 聲望 + 3 枚

By Lore Sjoberg March 04, 2008 | 1:43:14 PMCategories: Current Affairs {文章翻譯}



他是"龍與地下城"這個角色扮演遊戲,製作團隊其中的一個人.不幸死在星期二早上,他在美國威斯康辛州日內瓦湖的家中,對Stephen Chenaul這家公司而言,用"遊戲業界的舵手"形容他在適合不過了.

1974年,他跟迪夫艾迪森,眾同創造了龍與地下城;之後他也寫了危險的旅程{Dangerous Journeys}傳奇冒險{Legendary Adventure}最初的D&D系統角色扮演遊戲;戰棋遊戲.也從事奇幻小說的創作.


葛利從1985年後就沒有繼續D&D的後續製作工作;為了D&D版權問題,跟之前的合作公司{TSR Inc.}從剛開始就保持著不友善的關係.

之後,TSR社不能接受葛利同時擁有包括"Dangerous Journeys{危險的旅程}的版權,

的"危險的旅程"遊戲和系統系統雖然擁有合法的權力.但我為了目前的D&D寫了冒險模組和設定集~TSR應該是用的到它的?但是我把出版的權利交給了Troll Lord Games{笑}]

在於為了{美國卡通:乃出個未來}和Code Monkeys{這我就不知道是什麼了}案件出庭中發表相關的證詞;此後,其內容也有分享在RPG相關討論板中.



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ogb    發表於 08-3-10 21:15 聲望 + 1 枚  回覆一般留言
soking  辛苦了!幹得好!  發表於 08-3-6 23:14 聲望 + 3 枚  回覆一般留言
charm54e  辛苦!  發表於 08-3-6 21:34 聲望 + 2 枚  回覆一般留言
無名教徒  歌頌翻譯~  發表於 08-3-6 18:46 聲望 + 1 枚  回覆一般留言
Cirdan  讚美翻譯~  發表於 08-3-6 18:22 聲望 + 3 枚  回覆一般留言
aktmgh  感謝翻譯^Q^  發表於 08-3-6 16:24 聲望 + 2 枚  回覆一般留言
Lorder  辛苦了~  發表於 08-3-6 14:02 聲望 + 4 枚  回覆一般留言
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