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中文翻譯:巴哈姆特的alyssa (就是我啦)
■ Each Hatchling's Statistics

Currently Top Hatchling Items
Left: Torturer, sword, one-handed, 13 attack, 26 magic attack, slow attack speed, uses 2 magic shots, uses 2 spirit shots, 100 weight
左:拷問之劍,單手,攻擊力13,魔攻26,揮動慢,耗2魔靈彈,2靈魂彈,重100 PS:售價909889
Right: Hatchling Steel Coat, upper-part, light armor, 36 defense rating, 160 weight
右:幼龍鋼鐵上衣,上身,輕裝甲,防禦36,重160 PS:售價909889

Twilight Hatchling, before wearing equipment, and after.

Star Hatchling, before wearing equipment, and after.

Wind Hatchling, before wearing equipment, and after.
■ Hatchling Type's Type
Hatchling Type Specifics
種類 屬性 特性
Twilight Hatchling Diet Feed recovery rate is the fastest
Wind Hatchling Attack Attack is the highest/Defense is medium, can use power strike skill
Star Hatchling Defense Defense is the highest/Attack is medium, can use hate skill
Since the Twilight Hatchling is the type that eats little food, its attack and defense are the lowest. The Wind Hatchling's attack is the strongest and it also has the power strike skill. The Star Hatchling's defense is the strongest and its attack is lower than the Wind's. It also has the hate skill.
■ Each Hatchling's Hunger Gauge Specifics
Hatchling Decrease in 10 seconds Recovery with 1 food
Twilight Hatchling 1.47% 90%+ (expected to be 100%)
Wind Hatchling 0.32% 12.05%
Star Hatchling 0.64% 6.76%
The gauge for the twilight hatchling, when compared with the other hatchlings', decreases faster by 4 times, but because with just one piece of food, the gauge is fully recovered, it costs the lowest to feed and has the fastest food recovery rate. Currently, if expenses are not a problem, then it has no attack or defense merits. Raising it is difficult but later on, the evolved wyvern will eat less and cost less.
■ Each Hatchling's Attack
The amount of damage a hatchling did against a 130 defense player.
對防禦 130 的玩家攻擊的統計
Buffs used were might, focus, death whisper, berserker spirit.
The average of 10 hits made by each.
Hatchling Weapon Unequipped Weapon Equipped Weapon+Buffs Average Hit
Wind Hatchling 21 33 39 31
風之幼龍 21;33 ;39 ;31
Star Hatchling 8 20 26 18
星之幼龍 8;20;26;18
Twilight Hatchling 0 12 15 9
黃昏幼龍 0;12;15;9
For attacks, the wind hatchling had the highest attack power. One can see that the wind's attack with a weapon equipped is even stronger than the star's attack with a weapon equipped and with buffs on. Because the wind hatchling kills monsters the fastest, if the hatchling does not die, the wind hatchling is the fastest to raise.
■ Each Hatchling's Defense
The amount of damage a player of attack 43 inflicts on the hatchlings.
一個攻擊力 43的玩家給予幼龍的傷害
The average of 10 hits on each.
Hatchling Armor Equipped Armor+Shield Average Hit
Star Hatchling 12 8 10
星之幼龍 12 8 10
Wind Hatchling 32 28 30
風之幼龍 32 28 30
Twilight Hatchling 52 48 50
黃昏幼龍 52 48 50
For defense, the star hatchling had the highest defense. The amount of damage the star hatchling received when only wearing armor was by far lower than the amount of damage a wind hatchling received when armor was worn and shield was cast. Since its defense is so high, later on, after it evolves into a fast steed, in large-scale battles, a key point is it can last for a longer time. If the plan is to raise it to be a mount in battles, then raising the star hatchling is more profitable.
For reference, level 35 hatchlings were used for the test results
■ Each Hatchling's Overall Assessment
The twilight hatchlings main points are the low amount of feed it requires and its high constitution (has high HP). But its attack and defense are its huge problems. This is expected this is the hardest hatchling to raise.
The star hatchling's defense is high, so it is expected that its chance of dying is the lowest and is the safest to raise.
The wind hatchling's attack is high and the amount of time it takes to kill monsters is the shortest. It is expected to be the easiest hatchling to raise.
The most popular hatchling seems to be the wind hatchling. Currently each hatchling's price [market price] is about 100~150,000 adena, but the popular and well-liked wind hatchling has been seen to be traded for 200,000. The truth is because the wind hatchling is the easiest to raise, it is thought to be the preferred choice for players.
比較受歡迎的幼龍似乎是風之幼龍:目前龍食的商店價大約是100~150000亞丁幣,但是最常見的風之幼龍的玩家價是200000亞丁幣。是因為風之幼龍比較好培育,是玩家間的最先選擇 |